Liu Ming looked at the fat black man and laughed, and said: "Haha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Your Majesty, you are right. It was indeed the Tang Dynasty monk who asked me to come. He has lost his cassock now and is no longer leaving. , Lai was in my Zen monastery. Last time I set fire to burn him, but the monk was so powerful that he actually hid and caused my monastery to be destroyed. It was really hateful, so in desperation, I had no choice but to come. Your Majesty, please hide here!"

After Liu Ming's words, the fat man's expression softened a little.

Then he invited the old monk Liu Ming to transform into and the young monk Sun Wukong beside him to enter the innermost part of his cave. Liu Ming glanced at it and did not find the cassock. It seemed that the fat black man had hidden the cassock. .

"Elder, please!"

Fatty Hei pointed at the wine glass in front of Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming couldn't help but frown, he was now a monk! How to be able to eat wine!

This fat black man is probably testing himself!

Liu Ming waved his hand and said: "Haha, Your Majesty, the old monk is a Buddhist practitioner. How can he drink this wine? Your Majesty is joking!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the fat black man laughed loudly, looked at Liu Ming and said, "I have forgotten this, that's all. Apart from avoiding this monk, do you have anything else to do here this time?"

Liu Ming nodded.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing I have come to do this time. Although this cassock has become the king's possession, I have no intention of giving this Monk of the Tang Dynasty a chance to go back. It's just that I have never seen this cassock old monk. This time I came here and asked the king to let me take a good look, which can be regarded as settling a worry! From now on, this thing will belong to the king!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at the fat black man. As long as he took out the cassock, Sun Wukong would naturally snatch it away. As for the cave, Liu Ming could not be trapped, so he took Sun Wukong and left.

If it weren't for Hongjun's purpose and he was not allowed to intervene in the calamity of the journey to the west, he could not change the calamity. It is estimated that Liu Ming would have slapped the black bear spirit to death by now. Where did so many things come from.

"Haha, you old monk, you are trying to snatch this cassock from me. Humph, you obviously got this thing from the Tang Dynasty monk. You actually said you didn't see it. You want to deceive me. My king! Old monk, you can live for such a long time, but now you lie to me about the practice spells that my king gave you?"

After the fat man finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming with wide eyes.

When Liu Ming heard this, he was a little speechless. This fat black man was not a fool!

He is actually quite smart and can think of so many things.

The key now is not to anger him, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Now I just think that I can simply trick the cassock out and just take it away, and I don't want to conflict with him.

"Okay, elder, we have been in a relationship for so many years, how could you lie to me? You must want to take this cassock away so that you can go back and have business with the monk of the Tang Dynasty, right? Humph, come back the day after tomorrow for the King’s birthday, and I’ll let you have a good look at it then, that’s okay, right?”

After the fat man finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming and already had the intention of seeing off his guests.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but frown. This fat black man was a bit tricky and difficult to deal with!

But now he didn't want to anger him, so he agreed.

The fat black man was polite and sent him outside the Batu Caves.

A cold light flashed in Liu Ming's eyes, and he nodded to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong was walking in front, while Liu Ming and the fat black man were behind. As soon as they got out of the cave, the fat black man stopped and wanted to go back.

"Your Majesty, we have already sent them away. Why don't you go to my Guanyin Temple as a guest?"

Liu Ming said suddenly.

Fatty Hei laughed loudly, holding the weapon in his hand, and he pointed the gun directly at Liu Ming.

"Haha, Bi Mawen, you finally couldn't bear it anymore! Haha, I have discovered you a long time ago!"

The fat black man scolded Liu Ming.

When Liu Ming heard this, he looked at him funny.

"How did you find me?"

Liu Ming asked curiously. Logically speaking, he didn't reveal any flaws!

"Hmph, that old monk knew me from my Majesty, and he often drank and had fun with me. Now you actually don't drink. This is not who Bima Wen is, and only you, Bima Wen, can come up with such a method! It’s also because you didn’t act recklessly in the cave, otherwise you would have become an unjust ghost in the hands of this king!”

After the fat black man finished speaking, Liu Ming was a little dumbfounded, wasn't he? This old monk was a disciple of Buddhism, but he still drank alcohol. It turned out that he had exposed a flaw here!

Liu Ming directly changed his true form and came out.

"Haha, you are very smart, but you still guessed wrong. I am not the person you are looking for!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the fat man was stunned for a moment. Suddenly he felt cold all over. When he looked back, he saw that the little monk just turned into Sun Wukong in an instant, and the golden cudgel in his hand was knocked down.

"I blinded your dog eyes, your grandpa will do it again!"

Sun Wukong hit the fat man's head with a stick.

The fat black man hurriedly waved his weapon to stop him.

But Sun Wukong went all out this time and vowed not to give up until he beat this black bear spirit to death.

The two fought for several rounds, and the black bear spirit was a little tired, so he headed directly towards the entrance of the cave, trying to escape.

But he was bounced back directly, and he looked at Liu Ming in horror.

Liu Ming just moved his body slightly, completely setting up a barrier to the entrance of the cave.

This black bear spirit can no longer go back.

Behind the scenes, Sun Wukong was still looking for him desperately.

"Get out of my way, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Looking at the black bear spirit yelling at him, Liu Ming sneered.

"You're not polite to me? Haha, you can try it!"

Originally, Liu Ming couldn't take action easily because he promised Hongjun, but if someone takes action against him, he can't control it!

You have to fight back, or fight back hard.

The black bear spirit glanced at Liu Ming, but in desperation he still went towards Sun Wukong, because he felt that Sun Wukong was easier to deal with in comparison!

The two fought for several rounds, while Liu Ming watched from the sidelines.

But even this puts a lot of pressure on the black bear spirit!

With a strong man nearby, he had to be on guard, but he didn't know that Liu Ming couldn't take action at will.

So I was a little distracted. After this, Sun Wukong gradually took the initiative.

The black bear spirit can no longer defeat Sun Wukong.

If he were to fight now, he wouldn't be able to fight, and he couldn't run back. He was about to cry without tears!

If I had known earlier, he wouldn't have come out to see them off!

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