Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 664 The pig demon is looking for a Buddhist scripture seeker

"Zhutou, come out. The Buddhist scripture seeker is at Gaolaozhuang. Lao Sun has also been enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva and has become the disciple of this Buddhist scripture seeker. Protect him when he goes west to obtain scriptures. Since you have also been enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, If you haven't come out to meet the pilgrims, how long will you wait?"

Sun Wukong said loudly to the cave.

After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong became a little angry when he saw that there was no movement in the cave.

"Hmph, you pighead, Lao Sun has told you the truth, but you still don't listen. Maybe you think Lao Sun can't lie to you? Okay, in this case, Lao Sun doesn't bother to pay attention to you. That's all. Lao Sun will leave now. , keep the Buddhist pilgrims going west, and stay here by yourself, waiting for the Buddhist pilgrims to leave, and see how you explain!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he was about to leave.

After Sun Wukong had just taken a few steps, there was a sound of footsteps outside the cave.

"Bima Wen, no, that monkey, wait!"

The pig demon looked at Sun Wukong outside and shouted.

A sneer appeared on Sun Wukong's lips, and he looked back at the pig demon and asked.

"You have something to do with Lao Sun?"

The pig demon looked at Sun Wukong and asked: "You said you would keep this Buddhist pilgrim going west. The old pig asked you, is it true or not? Where is this Buddhist monk and what is his origin!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said: "If you want to know, go and you will understand. This Buddhist scripture collector is Tang Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor's younger brother of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Zhutou, Guanyin Bodhisattva asked you to protect the Buddhist scripture collector." , now the Buddhist pilgrim is right in front of you, and if you don’t seize the opportunity, you will have no place to cry after the Buddhist monk leaves!"

Sun Wukong's words made the pig demon hesitate. He looked at Sun Wukong and didn't know whether to believe him or not.

If you don't believe it and let him go, if there is someone to learn from it, then you will have completely missed it!

The final result can be imagined, and it will definitely make Guanyin Bodhisattva dissatisfied. He was originally demoted to the lower realm, and now he has finally found a good job, how can he miss it.

In addition, there is another important reason why he was demoted to the lower realm this time, and that is the secret explanation from the Emperor of Heaven.

But what if after following Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong deceived him, and finally captured himself and gave him to Gao Laozhuang, he would be dead.

Sun Wukong did not urge him, but left directly.

When the pig demon saw it, he couldn't help but have an idea. This time he followed Sun Wukong. If there was really a disciple here, that would be the best. If not, then it would be easy to say. He ran away, and Sun Wukong couldn't catch up. Own.

Sun Wukong couldn't help but sneer when he heard the footsteps behind him. This pig demon is still a little determined to give up, that's fine, that is, let you meet the real Buddhist monk.

Sun Wukong soon returned directly to Gao Lao Mansion. When he entered, he saw Tang Sanzang and Gao Lao Man chatting and laughing happily.

Sun Wukong is a little speechless. One is that he has a monster son-in-law at home, and the other is his apprentice who has gone to slay demons. Can you please give me some snacks? At least you two should be a little worried now, okay?

Why are you still so happy, and you still have the nerve to talk and laugh?

What a big heart!

Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel annoyed. He was the only one who kept running around, but they were sitting back and enjoying the success.

"The little master is back! Oh, but the pig demon has been surrendered! Your master has told us all about your abilities. I didn't expect that the little master is so powerful. He must have been captured!"

Old Man Gao saw Sun Wukong coming back and hurried over and asked.

Sun Wukong glanced at Tang Sanzang and couldn't help but sneered, he was so capable.

Sun Wukong raised his hand and pointed to the sky above the gate of Gaolaozhuang.

"Wukong, what does this mean?"

Tang Sanzang asked with some confusion.

"The pig demon is there, see for yourselves!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, everyone hurriedly looked up and saw that it was true! A huge pig head has been exposed and is looking at everyone.

This alarmed the entire Gao Laozhuang, and everyone was hiding, for fear that the pig demon would take care of them.

At this moment, the pig demon was looking at Gao Laozhuang, and he immediately saw Tang Sanzang, because he was the only one who looked most like a Buddhist scholar.

Wearing a cassock and holding a Buddhist bead!

It's just that it's not yet easy to make a conclusion about this pig demon, so we are waiting and watching.

When Tang Sanzang looked at the pig demon, his expression changed, this, this is too ugly!

Is it so ugly that I have no friends?

"Wukong, my master didn't ask you to capture this pig monster. Why did you actually lure him here now? He is so scary like this! Capture him quickly and go! Have a good life, my master. Fear!"

Tang Sanzang said hurriedly.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong shook his head and said: "Master, you are wrong. This pig demon cannot be captured. There is still a fate between him and you that has not been opened. Go and meet him!"

When Sun Wukong said this, Tang Sanzang was so frightened that his legs weakened. Why? I want to go see the pig demon by myself, have I made a mistake?

I am afraid! Didn't he eat me in one bite after I went there?

"Master, you don't know that this pig demon is the lower realm of Marshal Tianpeng of Heaven. It's just that he was reincarnated in the wrong way. He was cast into a pig's nest and became what he is now. A few days ago, Guanyin Bodhisattva enlightened him and made him also To become your disciple and protect you as you go west to obtain Buddhist scriptures, you said, can you not see him? It’s impossible, go ahead and meet him!”

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang's eyes widened, what?

Is this pig demon protecting itself?

Become your own disciple?

"Wukong, don't joke, this is about Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Tang Sanzang thought Sun Wukong was lying to him and said hurriedly.

Sun Wukong curled his lips and said: "It is precisely because it concerns the Bodhisattva that I don't care about lying. Master, yes, he is your disciple. He was enlightened by the Bodhisattva. There can be no lies. He is here now just to Looking for you, you take him in, and now Old Man Gao’s disaster is over!”

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, a group of people looked at Tang Sanzang.

Now Tang Sanzang was in a bit of a dilemma. He had no choice but to go, otherwise he would show that he was too incompetent and timid.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and walked over step by step. He originally thought that Sun Wukong would accompany him, but when he looked back, Sun Wukong himself was already sitting on the chair, with his legs crossed and looking at him, with no intention of accompanying him. .

Tang Sanzang couldn't hold on anymore, but he couldn't solve the problem now, so he had no choice but to walk over.

The pig demon saw Tang Sanzang coming and flew down directly.

At this time Tang Sanzang almost sat down on the ground.

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