Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 67: The deadly disciple of Interpretation

After Nuwa whispered, she returned directly to her palace.

The wild land!

Liu Ming and Sun Wukong arrived again.

"Master, where are we going this time!"

Sun Wukong asked.

After Nuwa's Pure Heart Stone was injected into Sun Wukong's body, he felt very awkward and always wanted to find it, but he couldn't find it!

The key is that I didn't even see what it was that entered my body.

"Let's go to the Immortal Volcano this time! Hey, there's no other way. We can only ask Yuan Feng for some of the remaining spiritual treasures. I guess the Feng Clan has saved as much as the Dragon Clan over the years, but it shouldn't be bad at all!"

Liu Ming looked at Nanfang and said with some embarrassment.

After all, it's always a bit embarrassing to ask a woman for something.

The two masters and apprentices turned into streams of light and headed south.

In the wild valley nearly a thousand miles away from Lingjiu Mountain.

There are deep troughs everywhere.

There wasn't even a soul around.

Down in the valley, two groups of people were confronting each other.

One party is Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing and Randeng Taoist.

Standing opposite is Taoist Duobao, the Holy Mother of Wudang.

The reason is very simple, that is, Guangchengzi and the others searched around Lingjiu Mountain and found no good practitioners. They took the opportunity to discuss the Tao with Guangchengzi and Ran Deng for hundreds of years.

Both of them had gained something, and they were about to leave with satisfaction when they met Taoist Duobao.

Duobao's purpose here is also very simple. His destination is Lingjiu Mountain.

For the sake of Ran Deng Taoist.

Because he heard others talking about Ran Deng, he felt that Ran Deng was a good candidate to recruit.

Those who hurried slowly fell behind Guangchengzi.

Still a hundred years behind!

How could the arrogant Duobao endure this?

"Guangchengzi, how dare you steal my people!"

Taoist Duobao looked at Guang Chengzi fiercely.

The Ran Deng Taoist on the side became a little embarrassed.

This side is the Yuxu Palace of Yuanshi Tianzun.

On the other side is the Biyou Palace of Tongtian Cult Leader.

The disciples of the two great saints are competing for themselves.

"Duobao, don't be so shameless!"

Chi Jingzhi scolded directly,

But this sound made Duobao find a place to vent his anger.

Killed directly towards the red sperm.

And Chi Jing was not someone to be trifled with, so he took action directly.

The yin-yang mirror in his hand was thrown into the air, and a burst of intense light suddenly shot down.

When Duobao saw it, he directly took out his magic weapon, the Sky-piercing Sword, and headed towards the Yin-Yang Mirror.

The Yin Yang Mirror was Chi Jing's magic weapon. Seeing how powerful the Sky Piercer was, he took it back.

As a result, Duobao's gesture changed and the sword flew directly towards Chi Jingzhi.


Chi Jingzhi didn't notice and was hit by the Sky-piercing knife.

There is a slight crack in the Bagua Purple Immortal Clothes!

This made Chi Jing suddenly furious.

"Hey Duobao, are you planning to kill me? I still remember you and I come from the same family, and show mercy at all times. Now it seems that I am merciful!"

Chi Jingzhi said and stretched out his hand, and a magic weapon flashing with murderous intent appeared.

It is the water and fire front of the red sperm!

As soon as Chi Jing took action, Duobao's sky-piercing knife was knocked away.

Duobao was not in a hurry, he took out a sword in his hand and struck Chi Jingjing directly.

Then Duobao threw out all his magic weapons.

Heaven and Earth Cage, Purple Gold Hammer, Demon-Conquering Pestle...

The red sperm held the water and fire blade and kept resisting. Now the Zishu Immortal Clothes no longer had a gap, but had holes.

It's enough to show how many attacks the red sperm has resisted!

Seeing Chi Jingzi in such a mess, Guangchengzi on the side couldn't sit still.

With a flash of his hand, Fan Tianyin flew directly into the air.

Fan Tianyin smashed directly towards Duobao with great power.

But Duobao was fighting so hard with Chi Jing that he didn't pay attention at all!

"Elder brother, be careful!"

The Madonna Wudang behind her shouted directly, and a bright red spiritual power shot out from her hand.

But where is Fan Tianyin's opponent?

At this moment, Duobao also heard the reminder and hurriedly used his magic weapon to resist Fan Tianyin.

"Fellow Randeng, why don't you take action? Haha, now you and my three brothers and sisters might as well just kill his Duobao!"

At this moment, Chi Jing was already a little exhausted from being tortured by Duobao's magic weapon.

But there was a red-eyed rage in his exhaustion.

When Ran Deng heard this, he knew he couldn't escape this time.

Since you have already agreed to Yuanshi Tianzun, you naturally have to reveal your identity at such a juncture.

Ran Deng, who wanted to understand, raised his hand, and the glazed lamp directly released countless rays of light towards Duobao.

"Brother, let's go quickly, we can't defeat them now, go back and find the others!"

Our Lady of Wudang said hurriedly.

But how could Duobao care about so much now? He pushed Wudang Madonna away and threw out all the magic weapons in his hand one by one.

Duobao has no other abilities except that he has many magic weapons!

These magic weapons include offensive and defensive ones!

One person actually blocked Guangchengzi and three others.

But the drawback soon emerged. There are many magic weapons, and naturally there is more spiritual power to supply the magic weapons.

It didn't take long for Duobao to be unable to hold on any longer.

And Wudang Holy Mother can't help, because the main attack of Ran Deng Taoist's glazed lamp is to deal with her.


Duobao screamed in pain, and his arm was hit by Fan Tianyin.

If his magic weapon hadn't blocked him, he would have been hit in the head right now.

"Okay! Guangchengzi, just wait. When I go back and report to Master, if I don't destroy your Yuxu Palace, I will be your grandson!"

After Duobao finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Can't beat it!

"Senior Brother, what are we waiting for? Kill him and it will be over. Otherwise, Senior Uncle Tongtian is famous for protecting his enemies, and he may cause trouble for us!"

Chi Jing said coldly.

Guangchengzi had no intention of killing Duobao.

After all, there is still some affection!

But now after Duobao finished speaking, he added what Chi Jingzhi had just said.

Guangchengzi has made up his mind.

The leader of Tongtian is not only protecting his shortcomings, he is simply unreasonable.

"Fan Tianyin, kill!"

"Shuihuo Feng, come out!"

Looking at Guangchengzi and Chi Jingjing, Randen Taoist was helpless.

"The glazed lamp, turn it off!"

The three attacks went directly towards Duobao.

His face instantly turned pale.

Throw all his magic weapons out.

The Wudang Virgin also looked at the attacks all over the sky with some horror.

At this moment, Fan Tianyin suddenly magnified infinitely and hit Duobao and the others.

Duobao looked up and exclaimed.

"My life is at stake!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise!

Duobao's ears were numb from the shock!

But he suddenly realized that he was fine!

Duobao hurriedly looked up and saw a young man in white clothes appearing in front of him.

Next to the young man in white, a scratching monkey is jumping around.


This is what Duobao is thinking at the moment.

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