It doesn’t matter if you doubt it, because you have no evidence!

Unless you saw Liu Ming take action with your own eyes, anything you say is just what you think is useless, and Liu Ming will not admit it.

The purpose of Liu Ming's attack this time is very simple. Who will be behind Liu Ming's troubles in the future?

Kill everyone who can!

They came to arrange disasters for Tang Sanzang, but in the end they all left alive. And because of the calamity, these monsters more or less achieved their own righteousness after returning.

This is a big help to both Buddhism and Taoism, and now Liu Ming just wants to kill them all.

It can be regarded as cutting off their thoughts.

Buddhism, in particular, wanted to use this calamity to let Tang Sanzang obtain scriptures, so that Buddhism could be promoted and prospered, and secondly, it would take this opportunity to bring down all the demons and monsters in heaven, Taoism, and Buddhism. The enlightenment went back and increased one's strength.

With Liu Ming here, how could he let them succeed like this? Give them a lesson. It saves them from fussing every day.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have cleaned up all the monsters.

Then the two of them came to the backyard. In the backyard at this moment, Tang Sanzang could no longer hold on.

He heard the sound of fighting in front, and thought that Sun Wukong had come in, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see Sun Wukong come out, which made Tang Sanzang a little disappointed.

Could it be that this monster started an internal strife because of him?

If this is really the case, it would be a bit dangerous!

No matter who wins, it is very likely that he will be eaten alive!

"Master, wake up!"

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and said.

"Ah, don't come here, don't come here! I am an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, a Buddhist enlightenment seeker, you, Wukong, Bajie, you are here! Master, it is so hard!"

Tang Sanzang took a closer look and saw that it was Sun Wukong and the others! That's when I felt relieved.

Zhu Bajie opened all the ropes on Tang Sanzang's body.

As soon as Tang Sanzang got out of trouble, he ran to Sun Wukong.

"Master is so scared! Why did you come here? Why was this monster so confused just now? But what went wrong!"

Tang Sanzang looked at them and asked.

"Master, Brother Monkey and I have killed all these monsters, don't worry!"

Zhu Bajie said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he sighed, "Amitabha, my Buddha is so compassionate!"

Sun Wukong glared at him, "I have mercy on you, you idiot!"

Then the three masters and disciples left the Yellow Wind Cave.

Tang Sanzang hurriedly got on the white dragon horse and said: "Let's go quickly, let's go quickly, I don't want to stay here for a moment!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded, and left here with everyone.


Leiyin Temple!

Tathagata Buddha looked at the returning Lingji Bodhisattva with a somewhat calm expression on his face.

But what kind of emotions are hidden under the calmness is still unknown!

"Lingji, you said that the yellow-haired rat was beaten to death by the demon monkey, but you were a breath too late and failed to save him. When did the demon monkey become so powerful that even you can't save him? Did your men save someone?"

Tathagata looked at Lingji Bodhisattva and asked.

When Lingji Bodhisattva heard this, his expression changed and he responded hastily.

"My Buddha's talent is not that my disciples are incompetent, but I don't know why I suddenly seemed to be imprisoned. Although I only had one breath, the monkey was the first to strike, and the disciples came to the rescue later. This one breath could kill him. !”

After Lingji Bodhisattva finished speaking, Tathagata Buddha nodded.

"Please step back first. This matter is over now. From now on, you can go and practice with peace of mind!"

After Tathagata Buddha finished speaking, Lingji Bodhisattva bowed and left.

At this moment, in Leiyin Temple, in addition to the Tathagata Buddha, there are the three major Bodhisattvas, Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Manjushri, and the fearful Sun Buddha!

After all, these people were all from the Yuxu Palace back then. Although Tathagata was from the Biyou Palace, and even their enemies back then, but now that they have come to Buddhism, they are all in the same spirit, both prosperous and harmed!

"What do you think?"

Tathagata looked at the few people and asked.

"The prince of the demon clan!"

"The prince of the demon clan!"

These people said in unison.

After hearing this, Tathagata Buddha's face became a little gloomy, and this gloominess was also mixed with some helplessness.

This demon prince is really a difficult opponent and a troublemaker!

You went to the calamity, just stay well. The end of the calamity is naturally indispensable to your contribution.

In addition, you are also doing it for your disciple in the previous life, Sun Wukong.

But I didn’t expect that I would still have to keep struggling!

This is just a toss-up, but I didn’t expect it to hit you in the heart every time.

Kill this yellow-haired rat now. I am afraid that if this monster appears again in the future, he will not be merciful!

For Liu Ming, Tathagata Buddha also has a headache. When he was still a Taoist priest of Duobao, the two had many interactions. Although it has been several lives now, this memory has not changed. For Liu Ming, Tathagata has only one word to describe it. , that is difficult to deal with, too difficult to deal with!

Tathagata looked at them and sighed.

"How do you think we should deal with this situation now?"

After the Tathagata finished speaking, Manjushri Bodhisattva said: "Buddha, this demon prince is really too inconvenient for us during the calamity measurement. We should let him go back and stop intervening in the calamity measurement!"

Pu Xian also followed up and said: "Yes, this demon clan prince will do bad things. He went to measure the tribulation, not just for his disciple, that monkey. We can give him a guarantee so that his disciple can achieve righteousness. This Even if enough is enough, it’s time for him to go back!”

After hearing this, Zhenliu Sunfo, who was on the side, also nodded.

"Buddha, if he doesn't want to, we can unite with Heavenly Court and even Xuanmen. After all, they are not willing to let the demon prince get involved. No one who stirs up troubles with him will get much benefit! And this I’m even more afraid that after this calamity, there won’t be any good results!”

After listening to what these three people said, Tathagata Buddha looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Guan Zizai, what do you have in mind?"

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly said: "The current solution is that we have to reconsider the people in the lower realms who set up disasters for Tang Sanzang. Some people with extraordinary talents may not be able to take risks anymore. Who knows? Will the demon prince kill them? We can’t risk it, we can’t destroy them just for the sake of measuring the calamity!”

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking, Tathagata Buddha actually nodded.

This made others a little puzzled and confused.

Isn’t this giving in to the demon prince?

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