Princess Baihua knew not to anger the monster, so she forgave him and asked him to tie the Sha Monk loosely.

Upon hearing this, the yellow-robed monster hurriedly agreed.

Afterwards, he directly told Mrs. Baihua that he wanted to meet his father-in-law. After all, it had been many years and he had a child.

This frightened Princess Baihua, but seeing the harsh tone of the yellow-robed monster, she didn't dare to stop him.

"You want to go, but what if you are like this and scare my father to death? Are you making me sad?"

Princess Baihua said.

Upon hearing this, the yellow-robed monster burst into laughter and transformed into a handsome young man.

When Princess Baihua saw this, she couldn't help but become a little anxious. It seemed that the monster had made up her mind!

Before the Baihua Princess could speak, the monster left directly.

This made Princess Baihua feel aggrieved, what should she do?

Now she has no choice.

The monster turned into a handsome young man and came directly to the palace, saying that he was the king's consort.

When the king heard this, he thought, "Oh no, the monster is coming!"

And the whole court was frightened.

Tang Sanzang was even more frightened as he sat there.

The monster walked in step by step.

Everyone looked at it, Huh?

Not a monster? Why is he actually a handsome young man?

When the king saw it, he was relieved a lot and asked with courage: "Who are you?"

The monster knelt on the ground and said something.

He said that he was a young man from a village three hundred miles away. More than ten years ago, he watched a tiger snatch away a girl. He drew his bow and shot an arrow to injure the tiger and save the girl.

Afterwards, the two got along day and night, and since they didn't know the girl's identity, they got married.

He wanted to kill the tiger, but the girl refused, saying that the tiger was also a matchmaker.

Later, the tiger actually became a spiritual master. He heard that the tiger ate a monk a few days ago and turned into a monk of the Tang Dynasty. He came to Baoxiang Kingdom. At this time, his wife said that she His identity is that of the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom, and he is asked to come to help the king.

When the king heard this, he thought, "What the hell?" The eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty was transformed into a tiger spirit.

My son-in-law is not a monster, but a handsome young man?

This, what the hell is going on!

When Tang Sanzang heard that this man actually slandered him, he stepped forward to argue.

He was also blind and didn't know it was a monster.

In order to convince everyone, the monster directly used a blind trick to turn Tang Sanzang into a tiger.

Now everyone believed it, and they couldn't help but turn pale when looking at Tang Sanzang.

Everyone protected the king.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I was almost deceived by him. The virtuous son-in-law is so good that he actually saw through this monster's tricks. Come here and kill this monster."

After the king gave the order, the yellow-robed monster walked over and said: "You all stand down, this tiger spirit is powerful, I will take care of him!"

When the king heard this, he got what he wanted!

The yellow-robed monster sneered and walked towards Tang Sanzang.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang had become a ferocious tiger. He could not speak and could only walk around. This made everyone even more frightened.

The yellow-robed monster raised his weapon and struck directly at the tiger's head, while the people in the sky sent by Buddhism to protect Tang Sanzang hurriedly took action.

And this yellow-robed monster was so powerful that he actually raised his hand to neutralize all their attacks, and then attacked Tang Sanzang again.

The expression of the Buddhist protector in the sky changed drastically. The situation was urgent now and it was too late to notify the Bodhisattva!

If Tang Sanzang was killed, the consequences would be serious.

They were also a little anxious. The key was that they couldn't defeat this monster.

Just when the yellow-robed monster was about to take action, Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes in the void and flicked his fingers gently.

The yellow-robed monster was instantly knocked away.

He was now a handsome young man who could not transform into his true form and take action. Seeing that he could not kill Tang Sanzang, the yellow-robed monster felt a little strange.

"King, this tiger spirit is very powerful. It's better to lock him in a cage. I'll take care of him tomorrow!"

Upon hearing this, the king hurriedly ordered Tang Sanzang to be imprisoned.

And he hosted a banquet to entertain his monster son-in-law.

Tang Sanzang was imprisoned in a cage and suffered all kinds of humiliation.

A dignified eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, a Buddhist scripture seeker, and a person who has been reincarnated for ten generations, has now been turned into a beast and locked up here. It is really frustrating!

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting!

How will I see my disciples, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas in the future?

Tang Sanzang couldn't help but shed tears.

But in the void at this moment, Liu Ming looked at Tang Sanzang and sneered, it was all his own fault.

If he hadn't allowed Tang Sanzang to die here and had promised Taoist Hongjun to protect Tang Sanzang, Liu Ming wouldn't have taken action just now.

But now Liu Ming gradually understood.

This yellow-robed monster is not that simple!

He was actually able to withstand the attack of the Buddhist protector, and everything else was calculated so highly.

Sun Wukong was forced away, and then he captured Sha Seng.

In the end, Tang Sanzang was turned into a fierce tiger, and all the charges were laid on Tang Sanzang.

But at this moment, he made a fatal move, with a very clear purpose, which was to kill Tang Sanzang.

If he really killed Tang Sanzang, the Buddhist sect would be blamed in the end, and there would probably be nothing he could do, because the king and ministers of Baoxiang Kingdom testified that Tang Sanzang was a monster.

In the end, Buddhism could only hold back his anger.

What's wrong with the King of Baoxiang Kingdom?

Because he is a king on earth and is under the control of heaven, and Buddhism has no right to punish him.

Another point is that killing the yellow-robed monster is useless. Tang Sanzang is dead, the Journey to the West is over, the rise of Buddhism is interrupted, and everything is over.

The more Liu Ming thought about it, the more chilled he felt. This was a game!

A huge game!

All aspects are calculated so that there are no mistakes.

But they may have overlooked one issue, and that is their own existence.

Although he had nothing to do during the calamity, his ultimate goal and mission was what Hongjun said personally, which was to keep Tang Sanzang safe. We must also ensure that the westward journey can be successful.

"To be able to calculate so well, I'm afraid he is not a simple person. Haha, it's interesting. Someone really wants to kill Tang Sanzang! Fortunately, I took action in time this time. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future! Don't capsize in the gutter. Well, Tang Sanzang is dead, but it doesn’t matter, the series of troubles it caused are the most difficult!”

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