Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 703: You are willing to be a bitch, but I am not.

After hearing this, Liu Ming nodded and said: "Well, it is indeed an insult. You should take revenge. Haha, I am optimistic about you!"

Seeing Liu Ming's expression of watching the fun, Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help it.

He directly said to Liu Ming: "Huh, although all this is due to other people's calculations, there is another reason in the final analysis, and that is Sun Wukong's departure. If he had not left, how could he have allowed this yellow-robed monster to succeed like this? You may say yes or no, Prince of the Demon Clan, I’m afraid Sun Wukong is to blame for this!”

When Liu Ming heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked: "Haha, let me ask you, who drove Sun Wukong away forcibly? It was your Buddhist scripture seeker! He doesn't know the difference. All of a sudden, I listened to Zhu Bajie’s instigation and chanted the Tightening Curse at Sun Wukong. I was finally forced to leave him because I had no choice but to leave him. May I ask you, Guan Zizai, do you think Sun Wukong has a responsibility? Where does the responsibility lie? "

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva also looked a little sad, but he still said: "Yes, even if Tang Sanzang was at fault, regardless of monsters and people, he listened to the pig demon's advice, but the problem is that Sun Wukong is Tang Sanzang His disciple, his mission is to protect Tang Sanzang when he goes to the West to obtain scriptures. Even though Tang Sanzang wronged him, he should endure it and complete his mission!"

After listening to the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Liu Ming burst out laughing and said: "Maybe this is right for you in Buddhism, but for me and my disciples, others don't want you anymore and want to drive you away, but you are still begging for nothing. If you keep it, then you will be a bitch!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression changed and he pointed directly at Liu Ming, but he didn't say anything more.

Puxian looked at Liu Ming and sighed, fearing that this incident would be in vain.

"Okay, since that's the case, we won't disturb you any more. Say goodbye, Prince of the Demon Clan. I hope you can fulfill your responsibilities well!"

Then, after Samantabhadra finished speaking, the three of them disappeared.

Liu Ming sneered disdainfully.

It's simply a shame. You actually dare to say that you should stay with Tang Sanzang. That's just because you want to make a fool of yourself.

But at this moment in Baoxiang Kingdom, the yellow-robed monster saw that he could not kill Tang Sanzang, so he had no choice but to wait for another chance. And the king thought that his son-in-law was extremely powerful.

After the yellow-robed monster finished drinking, he gradually lost himself.

After the king arranged for people to serve him, he left.

Just as the king left, the yellow-robed monster couldn't bear it anymore and ate the maid directly.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang turned into a tiger, curled up in the cage, looking a little pitiful.

No, the white dragon horse on the side can't stand it either. He directly transformed into a human form, still a young girl, and walked to the room of the yellow-robed monster.

The yellow-robed monster asked him to pour wine, sing and dance, and the white dragon horse took advantage of the gap and stabbed out with his sword. However, he underestimated the yellow-robed monster, and when the sword was about to reach him, he actually discovered it. , and directly beat the white dragon horse out with a wave of his hand.

Seeing that his sneak attack had failed, Bai Longma ran away in a hurry.

The yellow-robed monster chased him out.

The two got into the void and started fighting. How could Bai Longma be the opponent of the yellow-robed monster? After the two fought for several rounds, Bai Longma's thigh was injured by the yellow-robed monster. He happened to see a river below and got directly into it.

Although this yellow-robed monster is powerful, it is not very good at handling water, so he has no choice but to go back.

The white dragon horse has been lurking, waiting for it to be safe before going ashore, transforming into a white dragon horse to avoid others' attention.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie had been hiding aside for a long time. He looked at the time and felt that it was almost time. It was estimated that the monster had left.

After coming out, he saw that Sha Seng had disappeared. This made Zhu Bajie feel helpless and ran back directly, preparing to tell Tang Sanzang about the situation.

After waiting for him to go back, Tang Sanzang was not found.

After Bai Longma saw Zhu Bajie coming back, he called him directly.

When Zhu Bajie saw that the hoof of the white dragon horse was actually injured, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Bai Longma told Zhu Bajie exactly what happened here.

When Zhu Bajie heard this and looked at Tang Sanzang in the cage, his expression became very unnatural.

I didn’t expect it to be such a result in the end!

"Second senior brother, this matter has already happened. Besides, this monster is so powerful that we can't deal with it. Now he has wronged the master and used tricks to turn the master into a tiger. It's so pitiful! Go find senior brother and come back!" "

After Bai Longma finished speaking, Zhu Bajie asked Sun Wukong to come back?

There's something wrong with this!

"You also understand that this monkey has a big prejudice against me now, so if I go to find him, I'm afraid he will beat me to death! Do you think I still dare to go?"

Zhu Bajie said.

After hearing this, the white dragon horse began to persuade again.

Zhu Bajie felt helpless and agreed.

Then he left directly, but instead of looking for Sun Wukong, he lay down outside and prepared to sleep again.

Just after he lay down, he suddenly stood up. When he looked up, a Buddha's light in the sky had hit him.

Zhu Bajie did not dodge, but knelt directly on the ground.

"If I kill you today, I'm afraid that person will have no choice but to remain silent. What do you think, Zhu Ganghye!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva is here.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking, Samantabhadra and Manjusri appeared behind Zhu Bajie.

Now Zhu Bajie was even more panicked.

"Last time we tested you with Old Mother Lishan, you were the only one with an unstable mind. Whether you did it on purpose or by nature, we didn't make things difficult for you, because we felt that as long as you kept yourself laughing and joking, eating and drinking could give you some merit. Let you achieve enlightenment in Buddhism, but I didn’t expect you to give us such a great gift, Zhu Ganghui, we all underestimated you, right?”

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking. Zhu Bajie still said nothing.

Because although some things are very obscure, after all, they can be understood as long as they think about it. In addition, they don't need evidence, just a small suspicion can kill people.

Zhu Bajie didn't dare to speak, because it was useless to say anything, and it was even more useless to explain.

"This time I will give you another chance. Remember, this is the last time. If there is a next time, I would rather let the person above replace you than kill you!"

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