"Wukong, Wujing, Wuneng, tell me why this time went so smoothly. We have been walking for so long, and there are no monsters. We left so easily. Isn't it abnormal?"

Tang Sanzang looked at his three disciples and asked.

"Master, this is not good! We have a calm journey along the way, there is no danger, and we will reach the west soon!"

Zhu Bajie said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he said directly: "Nonsense, we traveled west to learn Buddhist scriptures just to experience the trials along the way so that we can temper our realm and state of mind. If we are safe along the way, how can we achieve our goal? If you go to the West, you won’t be able to achieve positive results!”

Sun Wukong couldn't help but snorted coldly and said: "Master, the king of Tang sent you out just to let you get the scriptures. Just get the Buddhist scriptures back. Why do you care so much? Besides, there are no monsters here." , you have to find the monster, isn't it a bit overwhelming!

In addition, you don’t have the means to deal with monsters yourself. In the end, it wasn’t us who worked so hard to save you. You are looking for trouble for us! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to refute Sun Wukong.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng also agreed with Sun Wukong's words.

In desperation, Tang Sanzang could only continue to move forward, and the master and disciples did not speak.

Mount Sumeru in the West!

Tathagata Buddha is here!

He looked at Jie Yin and Zhunti and saluted hurriedly.

Speak out your doubts.

After hearing this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, this thing must have been done by the demon prince!"

What Jie Yin said made the Tathagata feel a little strange.

"I dare to ask the saint, why are you so sure that this is the work of the demon prince?"

After hearing this, he said: "Think about it, who else but Houtu could hide this lonely soul from Ksitigarbha? But if you look at the whole prehistoric world, how could the saint Houtu be so willing to do so? Who could it be?”

After Jie Yin said this, Tathagata understood instantly.

Yes, there is really no one except the prince of the demon clan who can make Hou Tu willing to hide this lonely soul for him!

It seems that I still haven't considered it carefully enough.

"Sage, please take action. This demon prince is so unscrupulous now. I am afraid that our fate of Buddhism will be destroyed by him. Please take action to suppress him!"

The Tathagata said hurriedly.

Jie Yin and Zhunti couldn't help but roll their eyes upon hearing this.

If suppressing the demon prince is as simple as you said, that would be great.

Not to mention his own strength, even the forces involved behind him are not easy to deal with.

The demon clan, Nuwa, and Houtu.

How could these three parties put together easily deal with him?

"Go back, we know. If there is a next time, we will naturally take action. In addition, your Buddhism cannot be just passive, it must be changed. Do you understand? What we need is helper, not waste!"

After saying these words, Tathagata's expression changed and he hurriedly agreed.

Some of Tang Sanzang's group was a little slow, but Liu couldn't wait any longer and flew over directly.

Looking ahead, Liu Ming knew that this was Red Boy's territory!

This time it seems that Red Boy is here to train Tang Sanzang.

However, since he now wants to compete for luck, he cannot let them succeed.

Liu Ming headed towards Hong Hai'er's territory.

This red boy is the son of the Bull Demon King, and the Bull Demon King and Sun Wukong are sworn brothers.

I'm afraid this disaster is not difficult to solve.

And Liu Ming thought about it at this moment and felt that it was better for him to take action in advance!

When he came to this place, he didn't see the red boy.

He must have left this place.

Just when Liu Ming was about to go looking for it, Liu Ming suddenly saw a figure in the sky.

This is?

Liu Ming flew straight after him.

Only when he was in the void did Liu Ming see clearly. The person coming was actually Yun Zhongzi from Yuxu Palace.

Sure enough, Yuanshi Tianzun was no longer satisfied with just watching during this calamity, and he had already taken action!

"Yun Zhongzi, you're fine!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Haha, Prince of the Demon Clan, I knew you were here!"

Yun Zhongzi looked back at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming was not surprised at all. Now that Yun Zhongzi is here, it means that they are going to intervene in this matter!

Liu Ming said: "Yun Zhongzi, you are here now just to measure your luck! Why, are you interested too?"

Yun Zhongzi shook his head and said: "I am not interested, but luck is the opportunity and trend of the entire prehistoric period. I, Yuxu Palace, cannot miss it, can I?"

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, he glanced at Tang Sanzang and others below.

Liu Ming thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since you said so, let's each rely on our own abilities this time. What do you think?"

Yun Zhongzi nodded and said: "Okay, let's use our own methods to fight for luck. Whoever belongs to him will be the one!"

As soon as Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, he headed downwards.

And Liu Ming did not stop him. It was not easy to pass the red boy's test!

Because fighting for luck during a calamity is not about whoever has the strongest fist can win, it is about chance.

After Yun Neutron went down, he quickly saw a group of red clouds in the sky.

This is Hong Hai'er. He has transformed into Yaoyun and is looking for Tang Sanzang.

Because he had heard the news that this Tang Sanzang was an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty and a golden cicada of Buddhism. If he ate this Tang Sanzang, he would be able to live forever.

As a monster cultivator, being able to live forever is secondary. The key is that the Buddhist merits carried by Tang Sanzang can greatly enhance his cultivation!

Just when Hong Hai'er was about to take action, Yun Zhongzi waved his hand in the void to stop him.

"Child, hehe, I am a disciple of Yuxu Palace, Yun Zhongzi. I came here today just to give you a fortune, but you are willing!"

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, Honghaier ignored him.

Also, after you came here, you said you wanted to bring good fortune to others. This is not nonsense.

Besides, he doesn’t know what you and Honghaier said about Yuxu Palace!

Seeing Hong Boy's indifference, Yun Zhongzi couldn't help but feel that a little monster, not even a Daluo Jinxian, could be so rude to him.

Yun Zhongzi waved his hand and restrained the red boy.

But Hong Haier's strength is average. The key is that he has Samadhi Zhenhuo!

It spurted out instantly, forcing Yun Zhongzi to take a few steps back.

Yun Zhongzi was furious and prepared to take action with all his strength.

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