The Tathagata was helpless when he saw Liu Ming like this. Fortunately, he arrived in time and saved Guanyin Bodhisattva from Liu Ming.

"Prince of the Demon Race, this matter is not over yet, just wait for me!"

Tathagata left a harsh word and left directly.

That's right, that's it.

Based on this calculation, today’s Buddhism is really not good!

No wonder Zhunti and Jieyin want to take over them, because they have no domineering power at all!

After they left, Liu Ming's face became a little solemn. Although Tathagata left this time, Tathagata was right, this matter was not over yet.

All the forces in the entire prehistoric period will not let themselves go on like this.

Tathagata and the others must have discussed a solution when they return. They cannot do anything to themselves, but you must know that this Buddhist sect still has Jieyin and Zhunti, and Yuxu Palace and Taishang Laojun will also intervene in it. There is also a heavenly court. , most of these forces will not tolerate themselves going on like this.

Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time!

Now that I have met this red boy, I'd better put an end to his luck first.

Liu Ming directly found the red boy's cave, but he found that the red boy was not here.

After a second thought, I realized that this red boy might have gone to find Tang Sanzang and the others.

Liu Ming hurriedly chased after him.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang and the others were walking when they suddenly saw a red cloud flying towards them in the sky.

Tang Sanzang looked at the red cloud with some surprise. Sun Wukong looked at it and hurriedly shouted to everyone, saying: "There is a monster!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing quickly took out their weapons and stood on guard.

The red boy looked at Tang Sanzang and others who were already on guard, and felt that he had no way of making a move.

After all, the combined strength of Sun Wukong and the three of them is indeed quite powerful, and he can't guarantee that he can defeat them!

The red boy just gave up and went back to his cave, thinking that he had outsmarted him.

Sun Wukong was relieved when he watched the red cloud disappear.

Tang Sanzang asked hurriedly, and Sun Wukong told him that this was a passing monster and was not intended to harm him.

After Honghai'er returned to his cave, Liu Ming appeared again.

Hong Hai'er was shocked when he looked at Liu Ming. How could he enter the cave so easily? He couldn't help but hurriedly took out his spear to fight.

Liu Ming raised his hand and suppressed him to the ground instantly.

A little guy with no hair on his head actually dared to do something to him. He really didn't know how to live or die.

"Xiao Niu, you are being arrogant, don't blame me for punishing you!"

Liu Ming said dissatisfied.

When Honghaier heard this, he thought, "What the hell?" calf?

"How dare you, who are you? How dare you insult me ​​like this? Do you really think I don't dare to hit you!"

The red boy looked at Liu Ming and scolded him.

"Hmph, what, you don't like calling you Maverick? Your father, the Cow Demon King, is a cow spirit, and you are his son. Aren't you also a cow? What's wrong with calling you Maverick!"

Hong Hai'er couldn't help but be a little surprised when she heard that Liu Ming actually knew his identity.

"Do you know my father? Who are you?"

Hong Hai'er looked at Liu Ming and asked.

"Huh, logically speaking, I should punish you for the crime of disrespect, but considering your young age, I will spare your life. But you know that I am the prince of the demon clan! As for your father's matter, I know very well that your father is the Bull Demon King and your mother is a Rakshasa girl, right?"

Liu Ming directly explained his identity.

When the red boy heard this, he thought he was the prince of the demon clan?

Never heard of it!

Liu Ming had no choice but to tell him clearly about his demon clan.

Hong Hai'er was originally a child. When Liu Ming said these words, Hong Hai'er instantly started to admire him.

Liu Ming took a look and said, oh, this little guy is quite interesting!

It seems that he is also a calf in the rebellious period!

Then Liu Ming told him directly about his glorious past.

When the red boy heard this, he thought, my dear, this person in front of me is so awesome!

It’s so awesome that you don’t want it!

He listened with great interest as Liu Ming told him how he fought against the saints and how he walked in the wilderness.

The more he listened, the more excited the red boy became, and the more he admired Liu Ming.

He felt that Liu Ming was his hero and someone he could emulate.

Seeing that the time has matured, Liu Mingcai returned to the book.

"Xiao Hong, you and I are destined to be together today. I am here to save you!"

Honghai'er suddenly had a black line. He had just returned the calf, and now he was Xiaohong again. When Liu Ming said this, Honghai'er himself was a little unclear as to what his name was.

"Prince, what do you mean? Why do you say you want to save me? You haven't seen my strength. I am very powerful. Who can beat me?"

Honghai'er said with some dissatisfaction.

When Liu Ming heard this, he laughed directly.

This guy is really not afraid of tigers as a newborn!

Yes, you have Samadhi Zhenhuo, but the problem does not mean that you are extremely powerful. That is to say, you can deal with some small people who have just been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, but when you meet powerful people, you are really not enough!

"Kid, don't be arrogant. Let me tell you, not to mention the old man who just fought with you. Do you remember? He is Yun Zhongzi of Yuxu Palace. If he really attacks with all his strength, you I guess I won’t be able to withstand it in the end. Your Samadhi True Fire can only be used as a means, but it cannot be used as the ability to defeat others. Come here and attack me with your Samadhi True Fire!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the red boy scratched his head, why did he become a brat again?

What is your name?

But he heard clearly, that is to use the true fire of Samadhi to beat Liu Ming.

It just so happened that he had just listened to what Liu Ming said. Although he admired him now, he had never seen his true strength, so he still didn't believe it in his heart.

It just so happens that this time I use my true fire of samadhi to test it out!

Then the red boy directly sprayed his Samadhi True Fire towards Liu Ming.

In an instant, the entire cave burst into flames.

The little monsters in the cave have long been hiding away.

They knew how powerful their king was, and were afraid of harming Chi Yu.

Liu Ming felt the power of Samadhi True Fire, which was indeed good, but it was understandable to say that others were afraid. For Liu Ming, it was really ridiculous.

The majestic prince of the demon clan, with a body of three-legged golden crow, is afraid of fire? Are you kidding me? I have always regarded fire as a toy since I was a child!

Don't talk about the true fire of samadhi, it is the fire of heaven, and the divine fire doesn't care whether it is good or not.

Liu Ming was enveloped by the Samadhi True Fire at this moment, but he was still moving forward step by step.

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