Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 731: If it doesn’t make sense, then let’s fight.

Liu Ming smiled bitterly and said, "I can handle it, Father, you don't have to worry!"

When Di Jun heard this, he couldn't help but become even more angry.

"Can you handle it? What can you handle? These are not two monsters, these are two saints! You really don't know the importance!"

Liu Ming couldn't help curling his lips. Of course he knew that these were two saints. If the two Da Luo Jinxian had already become the lonely souls under his God-killing Spear.

"Emperor Jun, Donghuang, you are here just now. It is time to talk about some things. Whether it is your own actions or the instructions of your demon clan, you, the prince of the demon clan, have changed my destiny twice and three times. When It’s really intolerable. Tell me what to do!”

Jie Yin looked at Liu Ming and the others and said.

After Liu Ming heard this, he was about to speak when Di Jun already spoke.

"Huh, what are you doing to change the calamity? The calamity is determined by the law of heaven. How can it be changed so easily? If you want to wrong others, that's your business. But for me, the demon clan, you have made the wrong calculation. Besides, you You can’t control your calamity, now you blame us?”

Di Jun really didn't open his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, he choked people to death!

yes! This measure of calamity is true of your Buddhist sect, but you yourself can't protect your own calamity. Now you blame others, it's not that you are useless!

When I heard it, my nose was almost crooked with anger!

The demon tribe is so shameless!

This is really a strong statement!

"Di Jun, since you are protecting your son and deliberately covering up his sins, it goes without saying that today we are here to have a good fight. I want to take a look and leave the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. How can you, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, resist us!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti was already standing next to him.

The Tathagata nodded to the three Bodhisattvas, the Eight Vajras, and the Eighteen Arhats, and directly surrounded Liu Ming and the others.

Liu Ming's face instantly darkened. Okay, this is because he wants to keep the four of him here.

I have to say that it is indeed a good opportunity to take action now.

Because they left the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, it was indeed difficult to deal with the Saint.

Hong Hai'er was hiding behind Liu Ming and the others, and he understood the general idea that this group of people was going to deal with his master and the prince.

As for Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, Honghai'er didn't know each other, but from the conversation, he already knew that this was the prince's father, that is, the leader of the demon clan!

He jumped out and stood next to Kunpeng.

"Master, I'm here to help you too!"

When Kunpeng heard this, he couldn't help feeling helpless and kicked Hong Boy directly.

"Why are you still here? Leave me aside. Do you know who they are? With your small body, I can probably kill you with one finger!"

When Hong Hai'er heard this, he showed a hint of stubbornness.

"I don't care who they are, if they want to bully you, they will beat you to death at worst!"

Honghaier said directly.

When Di Jun and Dong Huangtai heard this, they looked at the red boy in surprise.

"Haha, interesting, where did this little demon come from!"

Di Jun asked.

Liu Ming said it again.

When Di Jun heard this, he finally understood. It turned out that this was the source of luck in this Buddhist calamity!

It was Liu Ming who recommended him to Kunpeng!

Not bad, interesting!

"It's time to say what you have to say! It's time to send you on your way, let's do it!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, he took action directly, with the Demon Emperor Sword in one hand and the Hetu Luoshu in the other!

In an instant, bursts of star power were shot out.

Zhunti headed towards Donghuang Taiyi with the Demon Subduing Pestle in one hand and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in the other. Donghuang Taiyi urged his Donghuang Bell to kill him too.

Liu Ming took a look and realized that Jieyin and Zhunti were really going to take action. Something was wrong now.

"Kunpeng, go quickly, go quickly, take Hong Boy back, tell the Demon Clan Demon Commander that they will come quickly to support, otherwise we will be in trouble. When they come, we will be able to use the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, let's go!"

Liu Ming waved his god-killing spear, and all the space laws in his hand hit Tathagata and the others.

Now, in addition to Jingyin and Zhunti, there are more than a dozen people from Tathagata and the others.

Although the Eight Great Vajras and the Eighteen Arhats are not worth mentioning, the Tathagata plus the three great Bodhisattvas are still powerful.

Kunpeng waved his wings and killed Tathagata directly.

"Prince, let's go. You are faster than me. I will hold them back. These juniors are not enough!"

Kunpeng said to Liu Ming in the air, and after saying that, he directly blocked Tathagata and the others with his wings.

Liu Ming sighed, this Kunpeng, really, it's not like he can't defeat them. Forget it, since you have to fight, let's fight. As for other things, there is no need to think about it.

If you really can't beat him, even if you run away with some injuries, you will be safe if you return to the demon clan.

At least they didn't dare to chase the demon clan!

"Master, let me help you!"

The red boy yelled and was about to rush over. Liu Ming quickly caught him with his eyes and quick hands, and then knocked the red boy unconscious with a palm.

Why is this little guy running out to join in the fun at this time?

After throwing Red Boy into his Fire Cloud Cave, Liu Ming turned around and saw Guanyin.

"Hmph, since I'm going to fight, I'll kill you bastard this time and vent my anger!"

Liu Ming went straight to kill Guanyin.

Guanyin suddenly felt a chill behind her. When she looked back, her expression changed drastically. Liu Ming was coming to kill him!

He hurriedly ran towards the crowd.

And Liu Ming raised his hand and used a space law to directly imprison him for a breath, and with this breath Liu Ming had already caught up.

The God-killing Spear in his hand was already heading towards Guanyin.

"Buddha, save me!"

Guanyin knew that she was no match for Liu Ming, so she shouted directly and poured out a torrent of seawater from the bottle in her hand.

He wanted to stop Liu Ming, but after Liu Ming's God-killing Spear broke through the sea water, he rushed out.

Not to mention anything else, today I am going to beat this Guanyin to death no matter what. This guy is so annoying.

The Tathagata saw that Guanyin was in danger and said: "Manjusri and Samantabhadra, go and save him, and the others will entangle this big bird for me!"

Tathagata spoke, and Manjusri and Samantabhadra hurried over to help.

At this moment, Kunpeng was facing Tathagata and the Eight Great Vajras, the Eighteen Arhats.

"Hmph, you little Duobao, you are looking down on me! Okay, let me show you how powerful your Grandpa Kunpeng is!"

Kunpeng felt that he was overqualified to deal with these people!

At this moment, Zhunti's fight against Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also reached a fierce level.

Of course, it was Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi who were in some danger.

After all, saints are not called saints for nothing.

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