Jieyin and Zhunti looked at them discussing, with some anger and unwillingness in their eyes.

"Brother, don't forget that the demon clan is still here to watch? How about we..."

Zhunti looked at Jie Yin and said.

"No, the demon clan must be excluded, because the demon clan is an unstable factor, especially the demon clan prince, who is only much more harmful than Sanqing. They cannot be allowed in. Sanqing can be given some benefits, but the demon clan No, this demon clan cannot rise, otherwise the harm will be endless!"

Jie Yin said directly.

After mentioning it, I won’t say more.

"Jie Yin, Zhunti, we thought it was better to sit down and discuss this matter, why not go to Yuxu Palace or Bajing Palace, what do you think?"

Taishang Laojun said.

"Haha, Senior Brother Taishang, after all, it is the West that is measuring calamity, so we should go to Mount Sumeru! We in the West will treat a few of you to a banquet!"

Jie Yin said.

If you go to your territory and cause trouble, it's better to be more cautious.

Upon hearing this, Taishang Laojun laughed directly, nodded and said: "Okay, then we will go to the west, haha! In three days, we will go to Mount Sumeru!"

And Jieyin also laughed and said: "Okay, in three days, Mount Sumeru in the west will welcome several senior brothers!"

While talking and laughing, the five saints had already decided on the matter of measuring the calamity, and they were going to discuss it.

However, no one from the demon clan, including Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Liu Ming, Kunpeng, Bai Ze, and even the 365 demon generals, said a word to them.

Complete and blatant neglect.

It's as if they don't exist.

I have to say that this is extremely hurtful and insulting!

There are so many people, nearly 400 people. Can't you guys be blind and not see it?

It's not that they are blind, it's that they think the demon clan is not qualified enough.

Liu Ming took a deep breath and grabbed Donghuang Taiyi who was about to speak.

He shook his head at Donghuang Taiyi.

"Uncle Donghuang, don't worry, just drink and peck, haha, they think they are determined, but in fact they are just determined. The demon tribe will find a way on its own. Let's go back first. There is no need to argue with them!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Donghuang Taiyi nodded. Out of trust in Liu Ming, he directly believed that Liu Ming could regain his face.

Just when Taishang Laojun and the others were about to leave, they suddenly looked back at the demon clan.

"This calamity measurement is a major event related to the entire prehistoric period, so before our Xuanmen and the West have discussed the outcome, no one is allowed to interfere, otherwise, hum. You will be responsible for the consequences!"

After Liu Ming heard this, a cold light appeared at the corner of his mouth, but he quickly saluted the Supreme Lord.

"Haha, the Supreme Saint has spoken, so of course he will obey!"

When Taishang Laojun saw how obedient Liu Ming was, he smiled proudly and left.

Jie Yin and Zhunti also left directly. Before they left, they looked at Liu Ming and sneered, as if they were laughing at Liu Ming for working hard for a long time and getting nothing!

After they finish discussing it, what relationship does Liu Ming have with the demon clan?

Seeing everyone leave, Liu Ming smiled slightly.

"It's so shameful that you don't take us seriously! These saints are really hateful!"

Kunpeng said with some dissatisfaction.

Liu Ming glared at him helplessly.

"No, when we listened to Daozu's sermon together, they were just like us, Daluo Jinxian. Now, they are so good, they don't take us seriously! At least we could ask each other when we met before, but now You don’t even pay attention to it!”

Kunpeng looked at Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi and said.

"Because they are saints, they have attained enlightenment and become saints, but we are just below the saints!"

Donghuang Taiyi said.

Kunpeng was immediately choked. He wanted to say something but had nothing to say, so he could only remain silent, because Donghuang Taiyi was right!

You are a saint, so why don't you be?

Seeing that everyone was simmering with anger, Liu Ming said: "Okay, it's not a good thing to fight for a short time. Some things should be done slowly, and the steady flow is the most important. Haha, it's not certain who will win and who will lose. Well, let’s go, let’s go back, this time, I want to see how they exclude my demon clan, hum!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng's eyes suddenly lit up, "It seems that our prince has come up with a solution! Tell us!"

Liu Ming kicked him in the butt and said, "I told you to go back, but you're not leaving yet!"

Kunpeng curled his lips, grabbed Red Boy in his hand, and spread his wings to fly high.

As for Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and Liu Ming, they also left this place and returned to the Monster Clan after Bai Ze and the others sent each other off.

It's also because all the forces in the ancient world are secretly competing with each other, and no one cares about Tang Sanzang and the others.

They are a little more relaxed now.

After being scolded by Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tang Sanzang and others hurried on their way.

Before I knew it, I had gone a long way.

Now Tang Sanzang had scolded Liu Ming several times in his heart, because he knew that Liu Ming was responsible for all this.

It's a shame that I thought of him as a benefactor before, but now it seems that it's all fake. Is he taking advantage of himself?

Especially this Sun Wukong is even more hateful!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang looked at the mountains in the distance, feeling angry again in his heart.

If I can't get the luck this time, I'm afraid I will be replaced!

As we walked, we crossed the high mountain without any danger.

Tang Sanzang felt uneasy. Could it be that the monsters here were taught a lesson in advance and then let him go on purpose?

"Wukong, why didn't the monsters here stop you and me?"

Tang Sanzang asked.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he looked around and saw that there were no monsters anywhere!

"Master, there are no monsters here! It's calm here and there are no monsters!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he couldn't help but frown. How could there be no monsters?

Strange! It's really strange!

It stands to reason that there should be monsters here!

"It's impossible. Logically speaking, there should be monsters here. Did you see it wrong? Wukong, look for it!"

Tang Sanzang said.

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and couldn't help feeling dissatisfied. This guy couldn't be stupid!

Looking for a monster? You can hold on after eating enough!

Besides, aren’t you the most afraid of monsters?

"Master, what's wrong with you! It's not a good thing if there are no monsters! Just in time you and I can leave this place quickly! Really, old pig, don't you think you are sick?"

Zhu Bajie also said with some dissatisfaction.

When Tang Sanzang heard that his disciples said that he was sick and Guanyin Bodhisattva called him a waste, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

"Huh, what do you know? You don't understand the poor monk's thoughts at all!"

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