Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 755 Sun Wukong goes to heaven to question

Tang Sanzang felt much relieved after seeing Sun Wukong agree.

Then came the competition.

As a result, Sun Wukong suddenly discovered that these three immortals were really capable.

Because whether it is praying for rain or praying for wind, it has some effect.

Sun Wukong couldn't help but be surprised, this guy was not simple.

The movement of clouds and rain is under the jurisdiction of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Now that they are able to do this, it must be related to the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Later, Sun Wukong went directly into the void, and found that someone was helping him.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea, the Duke of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning are all here.

"Okay, Lao Sun said why these monsters are so powerful, it turns out it's because you are helping him!"

Sun Wukong looked at them and said.

The gods in heaven felt a little strange when they saw Sun Wukong coming.

After listening to Sun Wukong's words, it became clear that Tang Sanzang had already arrived in Chechi Kingdom.

But they got the decree from heaven and had to obey the instructions of these three immortals.

There was a misunderstanding, because after Haotian learned that Hongjun asked him to go to discuss it, he had already ordered Taibai Jinxing to tell the Dragon King that they had withdrawn and would no longer embarrass Tang Sanzang and the others.

But although Taibai Jinxing obeys the orders of heaven, in the end he still has to obey the words of Taishang Laojun.

After Taishang Laojun learned about the arrangement of Heavenly Court, he told Taibai Jinxing that he was taking the opportunity to embarrass Tang Sanzang and the others.

So after Haotian gave the order, Taibaijinxing did not convey the order.

Therefore, the Dragon King, Thunder God and Lightning Mother have not yet received the order to retreat.

At this moment, they don't know how to face Sun Wukong. On the one hand, there are orders from heaven, and on the other hand, Sun Wukong is the disciple of the demon prince Liu Ming!

Sun Wukong saw them in trouble and flew directly to heaven without any entanglement.

After arriving at Nantianmen, the guard of Nantianmen saw Sun Wukong coming, and his heart twitched. This Sun Wukong is here again!

But Sun Wukong ignored them, and they did not dare to stop him, so they hurriedly reported in.

It happened that Li Jing, the King of Pagoda, was on duty at this moment. After learning the news, he rushed over and happened to see Sun Wukong.

"You monkey head, why are you here when you are not taking Tang Sanzang to the west in the human world? How can you be allowed to come and go at will in this important land of heaven, but you informed me?"

Li Jing looked at Sun Wukong and scolded him.

And Sun Wukong waved his hand and said: "It's not that Old Sun insists on coming to you, but he wants to find an explanation from the Emperor of Heaven. Old Sun is protecting Tang Sanzang's journey to the west, but your Heavenly Court has secretly arranged to stop it. This makes Old Sun a little puzzled. If you really don’t want Tang Sanzang to learn scriptures, just say so, why bother to do this!"

Sun Wukong spoke plausibly.

When Li Jing heard this, his expression changed. Sun Wukong was really hateful. When he said this, it seemed that Heaven was deliberately looking for trouble. Didn't this cause misunderstanding between Heaven and Buddhism?

Li Jing felt dissatisfied when he saw Sun Wukong's attitude, so he said directly: "Sun Wukong, you can't sow discord between Heaven and Buddhism. When did Heaven deliberately block Buddhism!"

When Sun Wukong saw that Li Jing actually refused to admit it, he directly made it clear about Che Chiguo in the lower realm.

When Li Jing heard this, he understood.

This is indeed what happened, but didn't Emperor Haotian already order them to withdraw?

Li Jing looked at Sun Wukong and said: "Okay, Sun Wukong, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter. Don't worry, I will go and ask clearly. Now that the Emperor of Heaven is not here, but Heaven will never do this. You go back first, and I will give it to you." deal with!"

After Li Jing dismissed Sun Wukong, he went directly to Taibai Jinxing.

"Taibai, hasn't the Emperor of Heaven already given the order? Why hasn't the matter of Che Chi Kingdom been settled yet? Sun Wukong has gone to heaven to question him!"

Li Jing looked at Taibai Jinxing and asked.

When Taibai Jinxing heard this, his expression became unnatural.

He looked at Li Jing and patted his head and said: "Oh, look at my memory, I actually forgot about this. Why, Sun Wukong came to find him? Hey, after the Emperor of Heaven finished speaking, I was busy with other things , so I forgot, I really shouldn’t have! I’ll tell them right now!”

After Taibai Jinxing finished speaking, he hurriedly walked out, and Li Jing looked at his back, feeling a little confused.

This Taibaijinxing said is very simple, forget it!

But for such a big thing, will the Emperor of Heaven forget what he ordered?

Li Jing shook his head.

He was afraid that there were reasons that he didn't know, but Li Jing didn't want to ask too much.

After Taibai Jinxing gave the order, the Dragon King and the Thunder God and Lightning Mother all withdrew immediately.

Sun Wukong stopped them directly and said: "You have helped three monsters before. Now that you have received the order, it is reasonable to help Lao Sun again, right? Otherwise, I will go to heaven again?"

After hearing this, the Dragon King and the others agreed to help Sun Wukong once.

Only after Sun Wukong achieved his goal did he return to Chechi Country.

At this moment, the three great immortals were ready to compete with Tang Sanzang again.

Sun Wukong sneered and said: "You may not be convinced by the competition just now, so let's do this now, let's decide the outcome in one round!"

Upon hearing this, the three great immortals nodded and said: "Okay, then it's up to you. You tell me how to compete. If you lose, you don't need to go west to get scriptures. Just stay here and be good to me and other monks." Get to work!”

The three great immortals said directly.

When Sun Wukong heard this, there was still a bet!

Okay, that's exactly what I wanted.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you lose, I don't want anything else but one thing, and that is your heads!"

When the three immortals heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. They looked like arrogant monkeys!

They directly asked Sun Wukong what he was trying to compete with, and Sun Wukong said, to compete with rainfall!

When the three of them heard this, they immediately felt relaxed. If they were competing with others, they might still be a little worried. Rain?

Haha, this happens to be what they are best at.

Since Sun Wukong is seeking death like this, it will help him.

Later, Sun Wukong asked them to come first. If they could get rain, they would immediately admit defeat.

The three of them were already working hard, and started to operate directly towards the sky.

But let alone the rain, there was no reaction from the sky.

The three of them were a little surprised, thinking that there was something wrong with their spell just now.

I took action again, but the sky remained unchanged and the sky was clear!

Sun Wukong sneered from the side, he really thought he was omnipotent!

It's really ridiculous. Old Sun is going to decide whether you three have heads on your neck this time. Even if he kills you this time, Tang Sanzang won't blame him, and he will even thank himself.

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