
Everything that happened in the prehistoric times has not affected the human world. At this moment, the westbound team has left Chechi Country and is heading forward.

Tang Sanzang was in a good mood as he sat on the white dragon horse. Because of the Che Chi Kingdom incident, the Buddhist disciples finally washed away their grievances and ushered in the prosperity of Buddhism.

For Tang Sanzang, this was an incredible merit!

He even wondered if he would get more benefits if he ended his westward journey because he had contributed to Chechi Kingdom.

At this moment, Sun Wukong had no other thoughts. He was a little surprised that his other master, Liu Ming, had not shown up for so long.

Could it be that you trust yourself and feel that you can handle everything?

Before they knew it, they came to a big river.

Tang Sanzang was a little frightened when he saw the water in the river.

I don’t know how to swim, and these apprentices are unwilling to carry me across!

"Wukong, where is this place? Why is the river so wide? How should we spend it!"

Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong and asked.

Sun Wukong took a closer look and saw a boundary monument not far away!

It says that 800 roads lead to the Tianhe River!

Tongtian River!

This is comparable to the original Liusha River!

"Lao Sha, look at it!"

Sun Wukong said.

Sha Monk took a look and said, "Hey guys, this is even more powerful than his own Liusha River!"

The river is so turbulent, it’s not easy!

Sha Monk shook his head directly and said: "Master, senior brother, this river is a little weird, I'm afraid I can't cross it! And this river is a little weird, there must be monsters in the river, otherwise this river wouldn't be so powerful!"

As soon as Sha Monk said, Tang Sanzang became a little scared, "Monster!"

Another monster.

"Old Zhu thinks that this river is so wide, and there may not be monsters there. Maybe there is a water-suppressing dragon king here. Why don't you go down and have a look!"

Zhu Bajie said.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he sneered and told the Dragon King that this place was not under the jurisdiction of the Dragon King at all. It would be good to have a river god at most. However, Sun Wukong saw clearly that there was no aura of the river god in it at all.

Otherwise, he would have summoned the River God long ago.

"Since you think there is a Dragon King, Bajie, just go down and tell the Dragon King and let him find a way to let us pass!"

Sun Wukong said, when Zhu Bajie heard this, he shook his head and said: "No, no, how can the old pig go down to die? What if there is no Dragon King but a monster, wouldn't the old pig become his prisoner, senior brother, You are awesome, you better go for it!”

Zhu Bajie refused directly.

Sun Wukong glanced at Zhu Bajie disdainfully, this guy is really naughty.

He can't go there either, because even though he has the water-repelling beads, if he goes into the water, he won't be able to use his full strength!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang felt a little irritable as he saw his disciples rejecting each other.

What kind of disciple did you have?

They are always unable to help themselves at critical times, and they shirk each other whenever something happens.

If I really didn't dare to go to Xitian alone, I wouldn't need them at all.

In the void at this moment!

Liu Ming was already here, and he understood the situation in the Tongtian River.

There are indeed monsters in the Tongtian River, and Liu Ming saw this for real.

And it's not an ordinary monster, this was deliberately arranged by someone.

However, Liu Ming did not take action at this moment, because there was someone watching him not far away from Liu Ming.

As for who it is, Liu Ming also knows it. They are the disciples of Yuxu Palace, Guangchengzi and Chi Jingjing.

The purpose of their coming now is probably to get good luck this time, and Liu Ming is waiting for the opportunity.

But Liu Ming didn't know that they were not mainly here for luck, but for Liu Ming's sake. The purpose was to block Liu Ming's luck.

This is a major matter explained by Yuanshi Tianzun. From now on, the first major thing for Yuxu Palace is to prevent Liu Ming from getting any benefits.

It is true that Yuanshi Tianzun hates Liu Ming too much.

If Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't take action now, he might not be able to bear it and kill him directly.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun after retreating is the biggest problem he finds himself in now.

That is, my Saint Law is already a little too weak, and even if it is released, it will not have much Saint power.

Thinking about himself as a saint, he usually doesn't need to take action. Just a saint's power can directly crush his opponent, but now he can't do this.

Without the pressure of the saint, he is still a saint. It will take many years of practice to gather the pressure of the saint again.

If he hadn't been injured now, he might not have been able to beat Liu Ming. In addition, Hongjun had made a decree that the saint was not allowed to leave Honghuang, let alone take action at will!

That's why Yuanshi Tianzun calmed down and sent two of his disciples instead of coming. The purpose was very clear, just to watch Liu Ming!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang saw that he could no longer pass, and it was already getting late, so he couldn't help but become even more anxious.

However, Tang Sanzang soon saw an old man.

He hurriedly called out to the old man. The old man saw that Tang Sanzang looked like a dog. The two chatted for a while and learned that Tang Sanzang was an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty. The old man felt a little excited.

He looked at Tang Sanzang and became respectful.

And Tang Sanzang said: "Old man, this poor monk is in trouble this time. The river can't be crossed, and it's getting late. I wonder if I can stay at your house for the night!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the old man nodded hurriedly, "Of course it's no problem. If the eminent monks and elders can come to my house, they are naturally welcome!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he laughed and finally found a place to stay.

Afterwards, Tang Sanzang directly called his three disciples!

The old man was shocked when he saw it.

Good guys, a monkey, a pig head, and an ugly red-haired ghost.

Tang Sanzang hurriedly comforted the old man and told him that this was his apprentice, a good person, not a monster.

The old man looked at Sun Wukong and the others suspiciously, but because Tang Sanzang told them their identities, the old man didn't have too much doubt or fear, because he actually had his own purpose, so there was nothing he could do about being afraid.

Now that he can't find any other way, maybe Tang Sanzang can be his life-saving straw.

Afterwards, the old man greeted Tang Sanzang and the others and returned directly to his home.

His home is not far away. It is less than ten miles away from Tongtian River, which is considered very close.

Soon they went back. The old man saw that Tang Sanzang and the others were also hungry, so he hurriedly entertained them to eat and drink.

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