Sun Wukong was a little surprised when he heard what Liu Ming said.

Liu Ming has always been very protective of himself.

Sun Wukong looked at Liu Ming and asked: "Master, is this monster this time very powerful?"

Liu Ming nodded and said: "Well, it does have some background. It's not particularly powerful. The key is that it's a bit tricky. I'm afraid you won't be able to solve it yourself this time. In addition, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with this matter." , you know it yourself!"

After listening to Liu Ming's words, Sun Wukong became serious.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming would be so cautious this time.

It seems really awesome!

"Master, since you can't help me, and he has taken away my golden cudgel, what should I do? Without the golden cudgel, Lao Sun can't fight!"

Sun Wukong said worriedly.

Liu Ming sighed and said: "Wukong, you can't solve it this time by yourself, so you have only one way, and that is to find helpers! You can go to heaven, you can go to Buddhism, anyway, you can go to anyone you can find. , someone will come forward in the end!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Sun Wukong scratched his head. This was a bit embarrassing. Sun Wukong always liked to solve problems by himself. He would only find someone if he couldn't. But this time he had to find reinforcements from the beginning, which made Sun Wukong feel embarrassed. It's a bit unresponsive.

But now it seems there is no other way but to find reinforcements!

"Master, I understand what you said. I will go find someone right away. This time, Old Sun will be happy and free!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he left directly.

After waiting for Sun Wukong to leave, Liu Ming discovered that people from Yuxu Palace were coming.

They did not come to find Liu Ming, but at this moment, Huanglong and Qingxu Daode looked at the monster below and were whispering to each other.

Liu Ming was a little curious, so he let go of his consciousness and listened.

"Master asked us to come down this time, it must be for this good luck. Grand Master Uncle has already said that this good luck can be compared to nearly one third of the entire calamity. It can be said to be a great luck. ! We have to be careful and not let others take advantage of it!"

Qingxu Daodezhen looked into the distance and said.

Master Huang Long on the side gave him a wink and said: "Walls have ears, don't say it. It would be bad if someone overhears it. It's okay as long as you and I know it ourselves. Let's go." Go take a good look!”

After saying that, the two of them left the void directly and headed towards the sky above the monster.

After hearing this, Liu Ming couldn't help but frown. Is he really so lucky?

It can also account for one-third of the entire calamity, which is nearly twenty fortunes!

I am afraid that if I have obtained so much luck, I am very likely to be able to gather the power that is suddenly bound by heaven and achieve the status of a saint!

But the question is, is there really so much luck?

Liu Ming became a little suspicious about this.

But seeing the disciples of Yuxu Palace, Master Chi Jingjing and Master Lingbao also coming down, this made Liu Ming even more itchy.

He looked at these people and thought to himself, if he missed it this time, he might really have missed too much luck!

No wonder Taishang Laojun threw down his mount. It turned out to be because he had so much luck this time.

Also, if there was only one piece of luck, how could it possibly make the great saint so excited?

He personally sent his own mount to fight for it.

Just when Liu Ming was meditating, several people from the Yuxu Palace had left. Who knows where they went?

Liu Ming looked at the green bull monster's cave below, and couldn't help but feel excited.

This time it seemed that I was going to take the risk.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw his old acquaintance.

The Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva also arrived at this moment.

"I will definitely not be able to get my current luck this time. After all, the Supreme Saint intervened in it. We have to give him face. The Buddha has decrees and asked us to help. This time it is really frustrating!"

Samantabhadra looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said.

"Yes, this luck is too important. If we Buddhists don't get it, it will be a loss. But it's okay. If it is given to the Supreme Saint, he will leave some help for us in the future. We still don't want to be too You’re trying too hard! Otherwise, you’ll offend the Supreme Saint in the end, and you won’t get any luck either, which would be a waste of more than you gain!”

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking, he and Samantabhadra transformed into a stream of light and disappeared.

When Liu Ming heard this, he immediately trembled.

not good!

This is a trap!

He stopped in his tracks.

Watching Guanyin Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva leaving, I gradually became frightened.

Yes, this must be a trap.

I almost fell into a trap!

If Guanyin and Samantabhadra hadn't come, I would have really listened to the disciples of Yuxu Palace, thinking that this was a powerful battle for luck, and wanted to fight for it.

But after the Buddhist disciples arrived, Liu Ming gradually calmed down.

The purpose of their coming is to lure him to go, but there are some things that can be done once, but not many times.

Some flaws have been revealed since the Buddhists arrived!

Haha, if there is really so much luck this time, Buddhism will not give it up. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in total, which is eighty-one levels of luck. How can this Buddhist school give up one third of the luck? Gave it to Taishang Laojun.

Originally, this was a calamity that belonged to Buddhism. It was enough to give some small favors to others. Now, if you give this trace of luck that belongs to Buddhism to others.

That is absolutely impossible.

Although Taishang Laojun is a saint, you must know that there are still two saints behind Western Buddhism, Jieyin and Zhunti. There is no such thing as being afraid of Taishang Laojun and deliberately giving it to him.

Liu Ming didn't believe this at all.

After the people from Yuxu Palace came, the Buddhist sect came again, which made Liu Ming completely calm down.

Now it seems that my initial judgment was correct, this is a trap!

Not to mention anything else, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one paths of luck. If the green bull now occupies one-third, then where can the rest find luck, and what calamity will it bring?

Liu Ming shook his head, "Okay, it didn't work once, and he plotted against me twice. I almost didn't understand such a simple truth, and I almost fell into the trap. Thank you very much, Guanyin and Samantabhadra, if it weren't for you two , I have already gone to find the green bull monster at this moment, and I will probably have fallen into your trap by then, haha!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked down with a cold light at the corner of his mouth.

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