In the Great Hall of the Emperor of Heaven.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming.

"It's strange that you haven't improved your level now!"

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming with some doubts.

Such a big movement turned out to have no effect.

"Father, I didn't consider this matter clearly. I wasted a yellow plum in vain. I didn't expect that I didn't understand the quasi-sage law at all. I was also reckless!"

Liu Ming smiled bitterly.

The inside story couldn't be explained to Di Jun because Liu Ming didn't even think about it himself.

It's all for nothing!

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and nodded.

He naturally knew that Liu Ming must have something to hide.

But since Liu Ming didn't say anything, he stopped asking.

"Father, now we can only wait for everything to be clear before we make plans. The situation is very chaotic now!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun nodded in agreement.

Liu Ming vaguely felt that the demon clan's calamity still hadn't passed.

Although I can't explain it, it feels like something is wrong.

After leaving the Heavenly Emperor's Hall, Liu Ming came directly to Kunpeng.

Last time, Kunpeng was able to come forward in time and ease the confrontation between himself and Kong Xuan. It can also be seen that Kunpeng has indeed changed a lot now.

Perhaps he has not yet reached the point of loyalty to Di Jun and the entire demon clan.

But for Liu Ming, Kunpeng also fulfilled his promise.

In the Kunpeng Hall.

Liu Ming and Kunpeng asked suddenly after chatting for a while.

"Do you think the West still has some conspiracy?"

Kunpeng was stunned and looked at Liu Ming, not knowing how to respond.

"You don't have to look at me like that. I don't mean to test you. It's really because I feel a little uneasy. The Second Saint of the West was dealt with so hard by us last time. I'm afraid I won't let it go. Now there is no movement. Something is wrong!"

Liu Ming said sincerely.

And Kunpeng also understood that Liu Ming was not targeting him.

"It's for sure that they won't give up. I know the character of Jingyin and Zhunti best. To be honest, when Daozu Hongjun gave his third sermon, Hongyun gave up his seat and I was kicked out of the holy throne. I can tell that they are... They will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, but I don’t know the situation now, so they must be planning it secretly!”

Kunpeng said.

Liu Ming was also a little uncertain for a while.

I had no choice but to give it up!

The ancient land is currently experiencing turmoil and unrest.

All the major forces and races are secretly planning.

And on Golden Turtle Island, inside the Biyou Palace!

Leader Tongtian looked proud.

The disciples who were sent out have all returned, and Biyou Palace is now overcrowded.

It can be said that there is truly no distinction between education and distinction, and thousands of immortals have come to court!

"Congratulations, Master. Congratulations, Master. Biyou Palace is now stronger and stronger. Master has become the leader of the greatest religion in the world!"

Duobao said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. Our Biyou Palace is only here to teach Xuanmen morality, not to fight for power and gain. Duobao, you need to remember it!"

Leader Tongtian scolded him, but although his words were a bit dissatisfied, there was no hint of displeasure in Leader Tongtian's expression.

Instead, after Duobao finished speaking, he showed a proud look.

Duobao looked at Lord Tongtian's appearance and knew that he had just spoken to the heart of Lord Tongtian.

When the leader of Tongtian Cult appeared on Golden Turtle Island, everyone bowed respectfully.

The shouts made the leader of Tongtian feel a little proud.

"Okay, everyone, you are my disciples in Biyou Palace. No matter what the fate of the great wilderness in the future, you will have a share!"

As soon as Master Tongtian said this, all the gods, ghosts, cows and snakes below became excited.

This time they have found a backer!

Unexpectedly, they were nothing in the prehistoric times, and yet they ended up on Golden Turtle Island.

He became a disciple of the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Master, we have accepted so many disciples, and some of them are just fishing in troubled waters. We should just keep the good ones aside. After all, my Xuanmen is the highest Taoist method in the entire ancient world, so we can't take it from everyone!"

Our Lady of Wudang said something beside Tongtian.

As soon as he finished speaking, the face of Tongtian Cult Master became a little ugly.

Duobao saw this and stepped forward directly.

"Junior sister, you are overstepping your bounds! Master has already considered this matter carefully. What do you mean? We have finally arrived at Jinli Island and are grateful to Master. If you abandon them as you do, then It’s not to make them resent us, besides, now is the battle of destiny, and it’s a great time to develop my teaching!”

After Duobao finished speaking, Our Lady of Wudang was a little angry for a moment.

She couldn't help but feel more and more unbelievable as she looked at Duobao.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit hurriedly stopped Our Lady of Wudang.

"Okay, needless to say, there is nothing wrong with me, Biyou Palace, educating the entire prehistoric cultivator. Hum, as long as everyone is committed to Biyou Palace, no matter what happened before, they are now my disciples of Biyou Palace. I understand. ?"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, Duobao glared at the Wudang Holy Mother.

For Duobao, of course it’s better to have more people!

The more people there are, the more prestigious he, the Senior Brother of Biyou Palace, becomes.

After all, the current leader of Tongtian Sect relies on him for everything.

"Where is the current Xuanmen authentic situation in Biyou Palace? They are just a bunch of rabble!"

Our Lady of Wudang became a little angry when she saw Duobao leaving with Master Tongtian.

"Okay, stop talking. Master is already a little displeased. Why do you have to talk about these things that make him unhappy in front of Master!"

Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said softly.

"But you have also seen the current situation. Senior Brother Duobao is simply confused. We are traveling to the ancient times this time. Look, no matter who he is, he will bring him in. This is not nonsense!"

Our Lady of Wudang is still a little aggrieved.

"Okay, we will do whatever the master arranges for this matter. Remember, don't mention these things again in the future. Now the master is very satisfied with the current situation. If you continue to talk, I'm afraid it will be bad for you. Let's go. , let’s go back to our cave to practice!”

After the Golden Spirit Mother finished speaking, the three of them returned directly to their respective caves.

And Duobao accompanied the Tongtian Cult Leader to meet the practitioners from all walks of life he had brought back.

Duobao was already feeling a little elated. He felt that he had firmly defeated Guangchengzi and the others.

It seems that he has become the number one disciple of Sanqing.

As for the Xuandu Archmage, Duobao simply ignored him.

Guarding the Bajing Palace and rarely showing up, what’s the point!

Guangchengzi is even more unworthy of carrying his own shoes!

I am most comfortable with myself, and the Master of Tongtian Sect arranges everything for me.

And now the number of disciples in Biyou Palace has increased dramatically. As a senior brother, who dares to disobey him?

This is called practice, this is called power!

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