Looking at the Scorpion Spirit walking over step by step, Liu Ming waved his hand and said coldly to her: "You are wrong. Stop right there and don't move!"

But Liu Ming's words did not make the scorpion spirit stop. Instead, he rushed directly towards Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was immediately furious. Could this guy have taken medicine?

He hit out a space law and instantly immobilized the scorpion spirit.

To say that this space law imprisons this quasi-sage cultivation level may only take a few breaths.

But for this scorpion spirit who has just entered the Great Luo Jinxian, this is like a body-fixing technique.

Liu Ming could imprison her for as long as he wanted.

The imprisoned Scorpion Spirit showed a hint of fear at this moment.

"Hmph, you are such a thing who doesn't know whether to live or die. Although you hurt Tathagata in the first place, it was because Tathagata wanted to use you to train Tang Sanzang, so he let you go and allowed you to live until now. Otherwise, with the power of Buddhism, You are already dead now!"

Liu Ming said dissatisfied.

Although the Scorpion Spirit was imprisoned at this moment, his mouth could still speak.

"Prince, what do you mean? No matter what his plan is, it is impossible to kill me without paying the price. Besides, Prince, this Buddhist sect has a grudge against you, right? What are you doing now? Could it be that you do too? If you want to kill me, you will do something that makes your relatives happy and your enemies happy!"

asked the scorpion spirit.

"I won't kill you. The reason why I'm like this is that I don't want you to come here. Listen to me. Now you are in great danger. But you know that Guanyin Bodhisattva has asked Sun Wukong to invite Lord Angri. You Think about it, what are you most afraid of?"

Liu Ming said.

When the scorpion spirit heard this, he showed a hint of fear.

Although she is very powerful now, for this monster, unless its strength has crushed its natural enemy, the fear of its natural enemy is innate!

Although Angri Xingjun is not as powerful as her, he is not bad at all. Coupled with the advantage of natural enemies, he is really no match.

"What a Buddhist, you are so cruel, you want to drive me out! Prince, if you let me go, I will kill Tang Sanzang now. Even if Angri Xingjun comes, he will be killed I, I can’t get Tang Sanzang, a dead Tang Sanzang will make the entire Buddhist sect go crazy!”

The scorpion spirit said angrily.

"Hey, you are also a little naive. Let me tell you, you can't kill Tang Sanzang. Western Buddhism is protecting him. It's impossible for you to do it. And you have to be clear that Lord Angri is probably on the way now, so you You are bound to die, and now I am the only one who can help you and keep you alive, but I don’t know if you can understand what’s going on!”

Liu Ming said calmly.

And this scorpion spirit is thinking non-stop in his mind at the moment.

Liu Ming is not a kind person. Since she does not want to possess her, the purpose of doing this is a bit confusing.

"Prince, what is your purpose for doing this? Can you tell me? After all, I'm afraid that even if I escape Buddhism, I will fall into your hands again!"

asked the scorpion spirit.

"It's very simple. All I want is for you to survive. The purpose is because you have hurt Tathagata. I keep you so that I can disgust Tathagata all the time in the future. This is my purpose. After all, I still like to humiliate others!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Scorpion's eyes widened.

Is this the purpose of keeping yourself?

Humiliate Tathagata!

Scorpion Spirit has already imagined the future scenario in his mind.

No matter who Liu Ming took her to meet, he could introduce them like this.

"This is a member of my demon clan, the Scorpion Spirit. He is the one who stung the Tathagata. Haha, you guys know each other!"

Scorpion Jing shuddered a little when he thought about such a scene.

This demon prince is so vicious and calculating.

However, for the Scorpion Spirit, she liked being able to survive and humiliate the Tathagata.

"Okay, Prince, if you really want to do this, I promise you! I am yours. From now on, Prince, you have to take good care of me!"

Scorpion Spirit said directly.

The tone was full of seductive provocation.

"Hmph, get out of here. If you do this again in the future, don't blame me for erasing you. You must know the meaning of your own existence!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he directly released the scorpion spirit's space law.

The Scorpion Spirit had just gained freedom and hurriedly saluted Liu Ming.

"Go, let this Tang Sanzang go! It's useless for you to stay with this man, and he will cause trouble for yourself! This is the lifeblood of Buddhism. If I could kill him, I would have done it long ago. I can still wait. You guys, there’s no way you can kill this guy!”

Liu Ming said.

Tang Sanzang not only had the blessing of Buddhism, but Taoist Hongjun also ordered that the calamity cannot be destroyed. Anyone who dares to destroy the calamity will be responsible for the consequences.

And this Tang Sanzang is the key to this calamity.

Although Scorpion Spirit doesn't understand so much, he is Liu Ming's now, and she will do whatever Liu Ming wants her to do!

The scorpion spirit came directly to the place where Tang Sanzang was imprisoned. After opening the door, he said to Tang Sanzang: "Monk Tang Sanzang, you can leave!"

Tang Sanzang was a little frightened inside, but suddenly saw the scorpion's attitude and was instantly frightened.

"What are you talking about? How are you going to torture this poor monk? This poor monk is not afraid of you. What tricks can you use!"

Tang Sanzang clasped his hands together at this moment, looked at the Scorpion Spirit and said.

When the Scorpion Spirit heard this, he laughed directly and said: "Why, it seems like you don't want to leave! Okay, then since you don't want to go out to find your disciples, then just stay here with me Bar!"

Scorpion Spirit said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he asked himself to leave. Was it true?

"This demon, no, the female donor, you are really willing to let the poor monk go. Why does the poor monk not believe it!"

Tang Sanzang asked.

"Hmph, you monk, get out of here as soon as I tell you to leave. If you stay here, I will kill you directly!"

The Scorpion Spirit scolded Tang Sanzang. Now Tang Sanzang had no choice but to leave whether he wanted to or not. He didn't understand why he had to let him go.

Could it be that his disciple, Sun Wukong, had brought help to make this female monster afraid?

Although Tang Sanzang's head was full of questions, he still trotted away from the monster cave.

The Scorpion Spirit was afraid that he would not be able to find the way, so he waved his hand and let him go.

As soon as Tang Sanzang came out, he saw Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng not far away. He had just woken up now, and he really let himself go!

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