Upon hearing this, Angri Xingjun waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, you have your own, don't worry about me, I will definitely subdue this scorpion spirit to prevent her from harming the world!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was dumbfounded.

What a guy!

I have never seen such a persistent person!

This is not called persistence at all, it is a bit scary!

This is too responsible!

Sun Wukong doesn’t want to and can’t persuade him anymore at this moment!

Let him do whatever he wants!

Angri Xingjun waved his hand and hit the gate of Pipa Cave.

"The monster comes out to die!"

In the Pipa Cave at this moment, Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

Face full of anger!

After the scorpion spirit released Tang Sanzang, this luck had already belonged to Liu Ming.

He is refining this luck and turning it into his own strength.

But if Mr. Angri Xing was allowed to do this, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

If Liu Ming hadn't protected this luck in time, it would have simply dissipated in the end!

Damn bastard! Where did this come from, looking for death!

The anger on Liu Ming's face was beyond words.

At this moment, Scorpion Spirit also heard the noise.

"Prince, what is this? It doesn't sound like Sun Wukong and the others! Could it be that someone else is here?"

asked the scorpion spirit.

Liu Ming immediately thought of one person. Now the only one who dares to come here to wade in this muddy water is Angri Xingjun, a big cock.

"Hmph, damn bastard, let's go out and take a look. If it's really him, I will pluck all his hair out!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he took Scorpion Spirit and walked out.

After the Scorpion Spirit came out, he looked at Mr. Angri Xing. In order to show his loyalty to Liu Ming, he directly cursed: "Huh, who are you? You dare to come to my place to act wild. Are you looking for death?"

When Angri Xingjun heard this, he burst out laughing, looking for death?

I am here to make you die!

He looked at the scorpion spirit and directly released his talent aura.

Instantly, the scorpion spirit felt pressure and threat.

She was gradually forced to reveal her true body.

It's a big scorpion!

When Angri Xingjun saw it, he suddenly became a little excited.

He killed the scorpion spirit directly.

At this moment, although the scorpion spirit used his big pincers, it was of no use!

At this critical moment, Liu Ming raised his hand and directly knocked the Angri Star Lord away with a burst of magic power.

In an instant, Angri Xingjun was furious.

He stared at Liu Ming and couldn't help but change his expression.

"You, you, the demon prince!"

He still knew Liu Ming.

Liu Ming walked over step by step.

"Hmph, you little brat, you dare to be so arrogant in front of this prince, and you dare to hurt my people, you are really looking for death!"

Liu Ming looked at Angri Xingjun and scolded him.

When Angri Xingjun heard this, he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't mean this!

What an injustice!

"Your Highness, the little fairy doesn't know that Your Highness is here. This, this, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I was just subduing this monster and did not provoke His Highness!"

Angri Xingjun said hurriedly.

Liu Ming pointed at the scorpion spirit and said: "She must be the monster you are talking about. I tell you, she is mine and a member of my monster clan. You understand this time!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Angri Xingjun looked at Liu Ming in disbelief.

Is this scorpion spirit his?

"Your Highness, Xiaoxian really doesn't know! Sun Wukong invited me here!"

Angri Xingjun said directly.

When Sun Wukong, who was watching the excitement, heard this, he couldn't help but frown, and he was actually involved!

This Mr. Angri Xing is a little unreasonable.

"Lao Sun invited you to come, yes, but Lao Sun just said that you don't need to come, it has been solved, but you don't listen and insist on coming. How can you blame Lao Sun!"

Sun Wukong said with some dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Angri Xingjun did not dare to say any more. Everyone knew about the relationship between Liu Ming and Sun Wukong, and he would not end well if he continued to talk about it.

"Prince, since this scorpion spirit is already a member of the demon clan, Xiaoxian naturally doesn't dare to have any ideas about her anymore. Please forgive me for your sins, Xiaoxian doesn't dare anymore!"

Angri Xingjun said hurriedly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he didn't embarrass him too much.

"Okay, now that you've said that, it means you don't know anything, so let's go!"

Liu Ming's words were like an amnesty for Angrixingjun.

He ran away immediately!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang felt a little dissatisfied when he saw that Liu Ming had actually become a team with this scorpion spirit.

But it was just dissatisfaction. If he dared to say anything, Liu Ming would probably teach him how to behave in a minute!

Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong and the others and said, "It's time to go, we have to continue on our way!"

Then, Sun Wukong nodded to Liu Ming and walked out directly.

"Prince, I'm going to make some arrangements and go directly to the Demon Clan. Does the prince have any other instructions?"

Scorpion Spirit looked at Liu Ming and asked.

Liu Ming shook his head and said: "No, you can go ahead. You can practice well in the Demon Clan. Remember not to cause trouble for me, otherwise I will not spare you!"

The scorpion spirit nodded quickly and ran back.

And the West at this moment!

When Tathagata saw it, his face changed drastically!

This scorpion spirit's luck is actually not as powerful as the Buddhist luck.

"Hmph, something must have happened. Guan Zizai, go down and check!"

Tathagata's face became a little gloomy.

This time it was supposed to be a sure thing, but now there are unexpected glitches again.

How can Tathagata endure this!

It's understandable that you can't get anything that doesn't belong to you, but now you can't even get any of the things that originally belonged to your Buddhist sect, which is great!

Guanyin Bodhisattva left the West without any hesitation!

Just as she was heading towards Pipa Cave, she met Angri Xingjun who was returning to heaven!

"Angri Xingjun, stay!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva shouted directly.

Upon hearing this, Angri Xingjun turned around and saw that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva!

He hurriedly walked over and saluted her.

"I've seen Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Guanyin raised her hand and asked hurriedly: "Xingjun, you went down to help Sun Wukong, but you have already surrendered the scorpion spirit!"

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished asking, he looked directly at Aungri Xingjun.

When Angri Xingjun heard this, he went down, but he did not surrender!

He just told everything he encountered when he went down.

Now Guanyin Bodhisattva finally understood the reason.

"You said that this scorpion spirit actually became a member of the demon clan? Okay, no wonder. I originally thought that I would be fine this time, but I didn't expect that the prince of the demon clan would take action again!"

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