Sha Monk pushed aside the monkeys in front of him and stood directly in front of the six-eared macaque.

"Senior Brother, if you let me go, I will leave naturally. However, Senior Brother, there is something I need to tell you. Hand over to me the gift that you stole from Master. This is an important item for Master's journey to the west. You are now Since you no longer protect Master as he travels westward, it is of course useless for you to ask for this thing, so you should leave it to me!"

Sha Monk said.

The purpose of coming here this time is to salute. Since Sun Wukong has no explanation here, it is very simple, just take the things and leave.

The six-eared macaque couldn't help but sneer when he heard that the monk still wanted something.

He looked at Sha Monk and said: "This thing belongs to me. Huh, I have protected him Tang Sanzang for so long. No matter what, it is time to share some things with me. Besides, this time I plan to go and get the scriptures myself. Haha, there is no need for Tang Sanzang!"

As soon as the six-eared macaque finished speaking, several people walked in from outside. When Sha Monk saw it, he became furious because these people were exactly like them. Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng are all in it.

This has angered Sha Seng. If he dares to pretend to be himself, he is really looking for death!

Sha Monk directly raised his weapon and struck at the fake Sha Monk.

He was beaten to death in an instant, and after revealing his true form, he turned out to be a monkey.

The sand monk was satisfied with the beating. When the six-eared macaque saw how bold the sand monk was, he became furious and flew over directly, hitting him with the stick in his hand.

When Sha Seng saw it, he hurriedly parried and blocked him. However, although Drifting's reaction was still good, the six-eared macaque was too powerful. After a few rounds, Drifting was directly hit on the ground with a stick.

He saw that Sun Wukong still refused to let him go, and actually came to kill him again. He was so frightened that Monk Sha was so scared that he rolled and crawled and ran out in a hurry.

And after watching Sha Monk run away, the six-eared macaque didn't chase him. He just ran away!

As for the Sha Monk who was killed, he can just change into another one later.

At this moment, after Sha Seng left Huaguo Mountain, he was in unbearable pain. This six-eared macaque showed no mercy and wanted to beat him to death!

Sha Seng was beaten a few times, and of course he was beaten for real.

At this moment, Sha Seng felt angry in his heart. He looked at the Huaguo Mountain that had left, and said to himself: "Humph, you Sun Wukong, how dare you treat me like this? How dare you treat me like this? I don’t care about this friendship at all. In this case, I will go to Guanyin Bodhisattva to see how the Bodhisattva will deal with you!"

After Sha Monk finished speaking, he headed directly towards the South China Sea.

Because Sha Monk now feels that there is no other way but to go to Guanyin Bodhisattva!

He could no longer persuade Sun Wukong. As for Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie, there was no hope at all!

After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva is the manager of this calamity, so I can only go to her.

As a result, just after the monk came to the South China Sea, he saw Sun Wukong who was bored and dazed beside him.

Sha Seng was immediately startled. This Sun Wukong had not had enough of beating him at Huaguo Mountain just now. Would he continue to chase him to the South China Sea?

At this moment, Sun Wukong has also seen the Sha Monk.

"Junior Brother Sha, why are you here? Are you here to invite me?"

Sun Wukong looked at Sha Seng and asked with a smile.

At this moment, Sha Monk had already tightened his grip on his weapon. This Sun Wukong was really reckless, actually forcing himself like this.

Sand Seng hit Sun Wukong, and at this moment, Sun Wukong saw that Sand Seng was acting like this, and he felt dissatisfied. Why was he targeted like this by this Sand Seng for no reason?

In desperation, Sun Wukong had no choice but to resist Sha Monk's attacks!

After a few rounds, Muzha heard the sound, came out and saw the two people fighting, and hurriedly pulled them apart.

"You two, this is the important place of Buddhism, the Bodhisattva's dojo. If you want to fight, you can go elsewhere, not here!"

After Mu Zha finished speaking, Sun Wukong said angrily: "Humph, this matter has nothing to do with me. After the Sha Monk came, he beat him indiscriminately. If Old Sun hadn't been unable to bear to take action, he would have taught him a lesson." Had a meal!”

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at Sha Seng dissatisfied.

And Sha Seng is still full of anger!

"Humph, you still have the nerve to say, come on, follow me to see the Bodhisattva, and let the Bodhisattva speak properly!"

The Sha Monk directly pulled Sun Wukong and walked inside.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the two coming and snorted calmly.

"Why are you two fighting in this dojo? Are you already so arrogant?"

The Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Sha Monk and Sun Wukong and said.

At this moment, Sha Seng had an angry look on his face and recounted everything he had experienced in Huaguo Mountain.

Sun Wukong on the side listened a little confused. By the time Sha Monk finished speaking, Sun Wukong could no longer bear it.

"You are talking nonsense, Monk Sha, you are really capable of wronging good people! When did Lao Sun hurt you? You are so funny. Lao Sun has never left Bodhisattva since he came here. How could he hurt you in Huaguo Mountain?" Hey, stop joking!"

Sun Wukong said disdainfully.

At this moment, Sha Seng saw that Sun Wukong still refused to admit it, and he felt even more angry.

Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side has already spoken.

"Okay, you two don't need to talk anymore, Sha Wujing, whether your matter is true or false, it has nothing to do with Sun Wukong, because Sun Wukong came to this place a long time ago and has been staying here, so what you said That monkey in Huaguo Mountain is definitely not Sun Wukong. As for who it is, I don’t know who it is!”

Guanyin Bodhisattva said slowly.

When Sha Monk heard this, he was dumbfounded. Wasn't it Sun Wukong?

Sun Wukong is actually always here with Guanyin Bodhisattva!

This, this is a bit strange!

I obviously saw Sun Wukong!

It's indeed him!

But why did it become like this!

Seeing that Sha Monk was confused, Sun Wukong walked over and asked: "Wu Jing, please tell me carefully, what is going on in Huaguo Mountain? Is there really a monkey like me?"

Sun Wukong asked.

Sha Monk nodded hurriedly and explained the situation to Sun Wukong in detail.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong started to tremble all over.

He was a little angry.

"Hmph, okay, someone actually dared to have such an idea against Lao Sun's Huaguo Mountain. He deserves to be damned. Lao Sun will definitely not forgive him this time. He even pretended to be Lao Sun and knocked down the master. Damn it! Bodhisattva, Lao Sun wants to Go down and have a look!”

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