Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 820: You are responsible for the trouble you cause.

After Shunfeng Er finished speaking, Haotian's face became a little solemn, and he fell into deep thought for an instant.

For Sun Wukong!

This is a bit strange!

What happened to Sun Wukong!

Haotian felt a little curious in his heart, so he sent the gods from heaven to investigate.

Because he feels that this matter is not simple anymore!

Sure enough, after the gods from all walks of life came back and told all the information they had inquired about, Haotian integrated the information and understood it.

This happened to Sun Wukong.

And they said that two Sun Wukongs appeared, Haotian has been able to confirm it. I am afraid that the Buddhist sect has other ideas, such as killing Sun Wukong secretly!

The reason why Buddhism was able to be so generous was that Liu Ming came to visit him after he was finally exposed. Buddhism was worried that the matter would get serious, so he reached an agreement with Liu Ming and finally compromised and gave Liu Ming benefits.

Yes, it must be so!

Haotian felt a little dissatisfied at this moment. This Buddhism was really bad now, and it was actually forced by the demon prince to such an extent!

I don’t know if Jieyin and Zhunti took action this time. If they did, it would be a bit strange for the demon clan to be forced to such an extent!

But think about it, if this kind of thing happened to you in heaven and the demon prince, I am afraid that the final result will not be too good. The demon prince will not give you face.

After all, Jieyin and Zhunti are still in charge in the West now. Regardless of whether these two are in charge of things, at least they are still two saints.

What I have in heaven is nothing but hair. The three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods are enough to manage and organize the ancient world. But the problem is that Liu Ming, the god of plague, is not enough!

After thinking about it, Haotian felt very uncomfortable because he felt that he had never had the upper hand over Liu Ming, let alone suppressed Liu Ming.

But that’s the fact, and no one else is to blame!

Monster clan!

Liu Ming came back and took the injured Sun Wukong directly back to the demon clan prince's hall.

Throw the elixir given by Jie Yin to Sun Wukong.

Liu Ming just took a look and found that it was indeed a genuine panacea. He did not lie!

"Okay, Monkey, you can recuperate here. Wait until Master comes back and go find Tang Sanzang before picking you up. Now let me help him!"

Liu Ming looked at Sun Wukong and said.

"Master, since you have taken action, I will leave it all to you. Just work harder and save him all the way to the West. Lao Sun will not have to suffer this pain and sin!"

Sun Wukong looked at Liu Ming and said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he laughed directly, "Do you think I don't want your master?"

The key is not to!

If we really do this, I'm afraid the entire Buddhism will explode.

And Daozu would not tolerate him like this.

After all, I have done this, so Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Tongtian Cult Leader and others must also compete fairly and be treated fairly. They also have to do the same. That is not a mess.

Where is the matter of Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng?

"Okay, don't think about such good things. What you said is simply not feasible. The Buddhist and Taoist ancestors will not agree to it at all. This time, it was only because of your injury that they made them compromise. Good luck to you. Well, after all, I still want you to accompany Tang Sanzang to learn scriptures and achieve righteous cultivation!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left Sun Wukong and walked out.

Just two steps out, Liu Ming suddenly saw a figure walking towards him.

"Scorpion spirit?"

Liu Ming said with some surprise.

Why is this guy here? Didn't Bai Zehaosheng arrange it for her?

"Master, you are back! What are your orders?"

The scorpion spirit looked at Liu Ming and said respectfully.


Your uncle, who is your master!

"Scorpion spirit, what are you doing? Why are you in my hall instead of going to the various demon tribes? Could it be that Bai Ze didn't arrange for you!"

Liu Ming asked.

The scorpion spirit hurriedly shook his head and said: "Prince. I misunderstood. The Demon Emperor and the Demon Commander arranged for the little demon. They asked me to be the housekeeper in the Prince's palace. I would guard the palace for the Prince, clean up and wait for the Prince to come back! Serve the Prince!" "

When Liu Ming heard this, he said, "I'll go, right?"

This Emperor Jun is so cruel!

Isn't it a bit too much to actually arrange for this scorpion spirit to be here?

Besides, this scorpion spirit is a seductive fairy!

If you think about yourself as a jade, how can you leave such a monster here? This is not surprising.

In addition, if it spreads, it will damage your image.

This is inappropriate!

If Nuwa knew about it, the consequences would be serious!

Liu Ming thought of this and went directly to Di Jun.

As a result, just after he expressed his thoughts, Di Jun responded with one sentence.

"Hmph, you know the trouble now. Didn't you think that there would be such trouble when you took her in? Now that you have brought her back, where do you want to arrange it? If she causes turmoil in the demon clan, are you willing? , so, after much deliberation, we decided that your Prince's Palace is the safest. Besides, you haven't been back for a long time, so where did the rumors come from!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Liu Ming was completely speechless.

Come on, you can sort out the troubles you cause!

Who makes his father trust him so much now?

Thinking of the meeting between Sun Wukong and the Scorpion Spirit, Liu Ming became a little worried and ran back directly.

As a result, when he returned to the main hall, he was dumbfounded.

He imagined that the two of them were at war with each other, and even the situation where they had already met with swords did not happen.

"Come on, Brother Monkey, my sister will give you some water. Who can beat you like this with a thousand knives? You deserve to die!"

The scorpion spirit is taking good care of Sun Wukong.

But Sun Wukong, who has never been close to women, actually crossed his legs and enjoyed it leisurely.

"Who else could it be? Those bald donkeys from Buddhism!"

Sun Wukong said disdainfully.

"What, it turns out to be them. Hmph, don't worry. Next time they bully you, if you tell your sister, they will definitely vent their anger on you. You may not know that this Tathagata was stung by me in the first place, and he will still dare to bully you next time. , my sister stung him again!"

After the scorpion spirit finished speaking, Sun Wukong nodded.

Seeing the two of them in such harmony, Liu Ming had a headache.

"Hmph, do what you can to sting the Tathagata next time. I tell you, if I hadn't taken you in, you would have been hunted down by Buddhism. Okay, what kind of behavior do you two have? Please pay attention to me. Come on, this is my prince's palace, not your dormitory!"

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