"Let's do this, Bull Demon King, you go find the Rakshasa girl first, and I'll go back to the Demon Clan, bring Red Boy down, and reunite with you! Let's meet in the Banana Cave!"

Liu Ming looked at the Bull Demon King and said.

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he thought it was so kind! He hurriedly saluted Liu Ming, and then the two of them left in two groups.

It is said that Tang Sanzang is still staying at the old man's house under the Flame Mountain.

He was already feeling a little anxious.

I have stayed here for a long time, I can’t stay here forever!

However, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng did not feel this way. They lived very comfortably in the old man's house, eating and drinking every day.

"Bajie, Wujing, we have been delayed for so many days and cannot wait any longer. Since you are unwilling to find the Iron Fan Princess, then go find the Bodhisattva and ask the Bodhisattva if there is a way to break this flame. Mountain!”

Tang Sanzang said while looking at the two of them who were taking a leisurely nap.

When these two people heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

Go to Guanyin Bodhisattva?

This trip to the South China Sea is also a long way. The two of them don't have Sun Wukong's somersault cloud, which can cover hundreds of thousands of miles!

But since Tang Sanzang had already spoken, he had to agree.

"Okay, in that case, Lao Sha, please go and tell Bodhisattva! See if Bodhisattva can do anything!"

Zhu Bajie changed the subject and put this matter on Sha Seng's head.

Sha Seng nodded helplessly.

"Bajie, you better go. Your appetite is too big. You should go find the Bodhisattva. Otherwise, if you stay here, your father-in-law's house will be eaten up by you sooner or later. I heard the father-in-law say yesterday that there is not much food and drink left. They are also worried, so go find the Bodhisattva!"

Tang Sanzang looked directly at Zhu Bajie and said.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he looked at Tang Sanzang in surprise, wasn't it? Was he disgusting that he could eat it and asked him to find Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Okay, since everyone despises me so much, I can't just stay here for nothing.

Zhu Bajie stood up directly, took his nine-tooth nail rake and left.

Tang Sanzang told Sha Monk to pack his things. Maybe when Zhu Bajie comes back, he can bring Bodhisattva to relieve him of the threat of the Flame Mountain, and he can continue on his way.

And now in the Basho Cave.

The Bull Demon King couldn't bear to look at Princess Iron Fan who was already crying.

After he arrived, he told Princess Iron Fan everything Liu Ming said, and also told her why he married Princess Jade Face.

In an instant, Princess Iron Fan burst into tears so loudly that the entire Cuiyun Mountain could hear her voice.

The Bull Demon King finally calmed down the Iron Fan Princess.

Looking at the two Rakshasa girls whose eyes were red from crying, the Bull Demon King felt a little uncomfortable!

"Okay, we will see the child soon. The prince has already gone to bring him back. Don't cry!"

The Bull Demon King said.

"Tell me, will the prince suddenly regret it because I attacked him? Or maybe he is already angry and won't let Red Boy come back!"

Princess Iron Fan said worriedly.

"Haha, you, you are overthinking. The prince of the demon clan dares to fight against the saint. How can he be angry because of you? His ambition and pattern are beyond what you and I can imagine. Okay, wait, don't think too much , our child will be back soon!"

Just after the Bull Demon King finished speaking, he suddenly heard someone calling him outside.

At this moment, Princess Iron Fan had already ran out directly.

When they got out of Basho Cave, they saw that someone was really calling them, and it was none other than Red Boy.

"Mother, father!"

Red Boy looked at the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan and said.

The two people instantly became excited and excited.

Seeing the family of three reunited, Liu Ming did not disturb them.

And he stood aside.

It was also the Bull Demon King who saw Liu Ming's situation at this moment and felt that his family was a little rude.

"Prince, this, this is a bit of a joke to the prince. Come on, please, prince!"

As the Bull Demon King said this, he invited Liu Ming to go to the Basho Cave.

"No need, Bull Demon King, your family is reunited, it's time to have a good chat, go ahead, I'm waiting for you here, but I won't go in!"

Liu Ming waved his hand, and the Bull Demon King walked in without too many excuses.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the Bull Demon King's family of three finally came out.

Princess Iron Fan knelt down and saluted Liu Ming.

"Your Highness, the little demon has blind eyes and has offended His Highness. Unexpectedly, His Highness has already taken the child to the demon clan for training. The little demon deserves to die. Please punish His Highness. In addition, this is a banana fan. Please accept it, Prince!"

After Princess Iron Fan finished speaking, Liu Ming raised her hand, and a gentle force lifted her up.

"Okay, now that you understand, I have nothing to blame you for, and it's not easy for you. It's my lack of thinking that caused this misunderstanding. Take this banana fan! I will extinguish this flame mountain later and let Tang Sanzang and the others pass by!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Princess Iron Fan finally understood.

The Bull Demon King was also a little stunned.

"Prince, the banana fan you want is for the monk of the Tang Dynasty. This is a Buddhist scripture collector. Why did the prince help him?"

The Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess asked in surprise.

Then Liu Ming told everything about Sun Wukong in Leiyin Temple.

Only then did the Bull Demon King and his wife know the reason.

"So that's it! What a Buddhist, you are really shameless. My monkey brother also suffered this time. Hey, the prince, thanks to the prince for protecting him. In addition, my son was also protected by the prince, and he became the demon emperor. Disciple, I am so grateful!"

The Bull Demon King looked at Liu Ming respectfully and saluted.

And Princess Iron Fan's eyes flashed directly.

Before, she was a little confused because of the disappearance of her son and the betrayal of the Bull Demon King. Now everything is a misunderstanding. The Iron Fan Princess has already reached the top of her IQ.

She vaguely understood Liu Ming's plan and the purpose of coming here.

"Old Niu, the prince is now our benefactor. Can you express your feelings by just thanking him? In addition, this son is already a member of the demon clan. How can we stay out of it? I think we should also join the demon clan and become Under the command of the demon clan, I didn’t know that the prince could take us in!”

The Iron Fan Princess looked at Liu Ming and asked.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. What a smart Rakshasa girl!

The Bull Demon King also understood after being reminded by the Iron Fan Princess.

The family of three knelt on the ground and saluted Liu Ming, begging Liu Ming to accept them.

A smile appeared on Liu Ming's lips.

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