When Di Jun heard this, he nodded!

"Okay, it's settled. Now you can't take over because of the calamity. We all understand that, so now Donghuang is training Hong Boy. This little guy is good, talented, and his feet are not bad. We will decide in the future. I can be your helper. Now that the Bull Demon King is here, it will be even more advantageous to assist you. Although the Scorpion Spirit seems to have evil intentions, she is a smart person and has the means to help you. She is good at dancing and is right. You are useful.

In addition, because she is smart, she knows very well what to do and what not to do. Unless there is a day when you cannot suppress her, it will be dangerous. "

After Di Jun analyzed it, Liu Ming nodded. It is true that this scorpion spirit still has some tricks. In the future, she can be used for socializing and public relations!

As for his inability to suppress her?

Haha, that's impossible. When you become a saint, who else can you not suppress?

If there is such a day, I am not afraid. If I feel that my strength is not enough to suppress her, then I can just destroy her in advance.

"By the way, the people of the demon clan don't have any objections to you now. Those demon commanders and the 365 demon tribes all recognize you very much. In addition, the demon master Kunpeng is afraid that except you, Others don’t look down on you, this is your advantage, so it’s natural for you to take over as the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan!”

After hearing this, Liu Ming could only nod!

What else can I say, this Emperor Jun has already arranged everything.

It would be inappropriate for me to refuse.

After Liu Ming came out of Di Jun's place, he met Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng has met the future Demon Emperor!"

Kunpeng looked at Liu Ming and said with a smile.

When Liu Ming heard this, he kicked Kunpeng in the butt.

"Get out of here, no, do you know something?"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

Kunpeng curled his lips disdainfully and said: "Prince, the two demon emperors have been looking for me in the past few days and asked me to personally take action to see if there is anyone in the entire demon clan who is dissatisfied with you. They asked me not to let anyone go. If so, If someone is dissatisfied with you, you can directly kill them, and ask Bai Ze and others to cooperate. You said, am I a fool and don't understand the meaning of these two demon emperors? This is to pave the way for you in advance, and also to clear the opposition of the demon clan for you. Opinion!"

After Kunpeng finished speaking, Liu Ming's eyes widened, wasn't it? It was such an exaggeration!

There is also an action to eliminate dissidents!

Even if I really want to become the Demon Emperor, I guess no one will object!

"You're not going around the demon tribe these days looking for people who oppose me, right? Are there any?"

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng curiously.

Kunpeng laughed and shook his head.

"Basically not, even if there are a few, it's not that they are against you, but they are still a little nostalgic for the two demon emperors and are unwilling to accept their idea of ​​abdicating. That's all. If someone really wants to object, do you think I Will they be allowed to live until now?”

The murderous tone in Kunpeng's tone was already very obvious.

Liu Ming smiled bitterly. It was nothing serious. It was just a simple test. Kunpeng was so murderous. It seemed that if someone really wanted to oppose his rise to power, the first person to be angry would not be himself, but Kunpeng.

"Okay, since there is no such thing, you don't have to be like this anymore. Don't make the whole demon clan panic because of this matter. It's not necessary. It doesn't matter even if there are objections. I don't want to become the master of the demon clan now. Let's talk about it later. Bar!"

Liu Ming waved his hand.

When Kunpeng heard this, he frowned, "Why, you didn't agree to what the Demon Emperor told you?"

Liu Ming nodded, then shook his head.

"It's not that I don't agree, it's just that I feel that the time is not right now. The calamity of traveling to the west is not over yet. I don't have the energy and time to stay in the demon clan. I will wait until everything calms down. In addition, I also told Emperor Father Well, let’s wait until I achieve the status of a saint!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng's expression softened a little.

"What you said is correct. However, since you have made preparations, I have to make arrangements in advance. I will continue to investigate the people who are dissatisfied with you in the demon clan. It is best not to do so. If there is, Discovering it in advance saves you a lot of trouble, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore!”

Kunpeng's attitude was very firm.

And Liu Ming patted him on the shoulder and said: "You, don't be so anxious. In addition, there are people who object. Do you think they will still object after I become a saint and take charge of the demon clan? Will they still be dissatisfied? Going against the saint, this whole thing There is no one else in the world besides me, so you don’t have to worry so much, everything will fall into place when I become a saint!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left directly.

And Kunpeng was meditating in his original community.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Kunpeng showed a hint of enlightenment!

"Haha, the prince is really the prince. He has already calculated all this. Indeed, after you become a saint, prince, I am afraid that even those who are dissatisfied with you will immediately pledge allegiance to you! Haha, this is truly great wisdom! I admire it, I admire it!"

Kunpeng muttered and untied his knot.

At this moment, Liu Ming returned to his demon clan hall. As soon as he entered, he saw that Sun Wukong was practicing there, and the scorpion spirit on the side was also practicing with Sun Wukong.

Hey, I'd better not go in, lest I become a one-thousand-watt light bulb.

The Bull Demon King, Iron Fan Princess, and Jade Face Princess are sorting out their residences.

The entire Prince's Palace is very big, so big that there are many places that Liu Ming has never been to, so naturally the residence of the Bull Demon King and the others is indispensable.

Bored Liu Ming thought for a while and decided to go see the red boy practicing!

Liu Ming returned to the Monster Clan and seemed to have forgotten about Tang Sanzang and the others.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples had followed the shackled monk back to the temple.

This temple is called Jinguang Temple!

When the masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang entered, they found that the entire temple was empty, and the only dozens of monks were all wearing shackles, like exiled prisoners.

This made Tang Sanzang very puzzled.

"I dare to ask this master, what is going on, why are my Buddhist disciples suffering such a big disaster now!"

Tang Sanzang asked hurriedly to an old monk on the side.

When the old monk heard someone talking, he looked up and saw a ruddy-faced eminent monk wearing cassocks in front of him. Instantly, a pair of eyes that were already cloudy showed a glint of light.

"Here, may I ask where this elder comes from?"

The old monk hurriedly threw down his things and said to Tang Sanzang with his hands clasped together.

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