After Liu Ming watched the scorpion spirit leave, he directly entered into his practice of absorbing the relics.

And after the scorpion spirit came out. All wet.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief when she was far away from Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's pressure just now, coupled with the questions he asked, made the Scorpion Spirit feel frightened.

"Prince, Prince, the little demon really has no other ideas. Don't worry. Although I know you are worried, please watch it. I just want to be taken care of by the demon clan, and you are mine. Backer, how can I seek death on my own!"

The Scorpion Spirit looked at Liu Ming's hall and thought to herself, then she sat directly at the door. Liu Ming said that no one can disturb her!

Western Lingshan, Leiyin Temple!

Tathagata raised his head, looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked: "Guan Zizai, where is this demon prince now?"

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and said: "Buddha, when I left, he was still looking at Tang Sanzang and the others in the void. I don't know if he is still there now!"

Upon hearing this, Tathagata nodded gently.

"Everyone, this Buddhist relic is a precious treasure of Buddhism and cannot be lost like this. Now we are going to find the demon prince and ask him to get it back. In addition, the three times of luck promised to him have arrived, and we can no longer let him go. He’s involved, let’s go, we’ll do both things together this time!”

After the Tathagata finished speaking, he took the three great Bodhisattvas, the Eight Great Vajras, and the Eighteen Arhats and left the Leiyin Temple.

When they found the place where Liu Ming last stayed, there was no sign of Liu Ming.

Also, if Liu Ming gets this good thing, the fool will stay here forever.

"No longer? Where has the demon prince gone?"

Tathagata looked around and saw Liu Ming's figure nowhere, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva let go of his spiritual consciousness, and after a quarter of an hour, he shook his head.

"Buddha, the prince of the demon clan is no longer here, and there is no trace of him even within a hundred miles. It seems that he has left, maybe he has returned to the demon clan at this moment!"

After Pu Xian finished speaking, Tathagata's face became a little gloomy.

If Liu Ming really took away the relic and returned to the demon clan, this would be bad.

They dare not go to the Monster Clan to ask for it from him!

Who knows if this madman will become angry and use the power of the demon clan or even the Zhoutian Star Formation to deal with them.

"Humph, this means that he took the relic. Otherwise, why would he run away!"

Manjusri said dissatisfiedly.

Tathagata felt a little regretful at this moment. He regretted that he impulsively placed this relic in the Jinguang Temple!

Now it seems that it has been taken away by Liu Ming!

But the problem was that who would have thought that there would be someone plotting against his Buddhist treasure.

What a miscalculation!

"Buddha, look, that's Sun Wukong!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva pointed to Sun Wukong who was doing a somersault cloud not far away and said.

Everyone hurriedly looked at Sun Wukong, and it turned out to be Sun Wukong!

"Looking like this, he is going to find Tang Sanzang. It seems that the demon prince is still trustworthy!"

After Manjusri finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva snorted and said: "Huh, it's not that he kept his word, but that he got such a good thing as the relic. Naturally, he went back to study it carefully. How could he have the time and mood to deal with this calamity? Sun Wukong is back now, so the prince of the demon clan must have returned to the demon clan, there is no need to doubt this anymore, what should we do now, Buddha!"

After listening to Guanyin Bodhisattva's words, Tathagata couldn't help but frown. What should I do?

Let’s serve it cold!

The prince of the Demon Clan is back now. He has returned to the Demon Clan. What can be done to him?

Go to the Monster Clan to find him?

What a joke!

The five great saints went there, but the consequences were that they were disgraced and did not gain much benefit.

Even the saint or the five saints are like this, let alone a few of them.

It’s not like you deserve to be beaten if you go!

"Okay, since the prince of the demon clan has returned to the demon clan, it is useless for us to go, and we may even end up taking action and suffer losses, that's it, that's it, let's go!"

Tathagata waved and said.

There is no other way but to admit defeat!

Although the others were a little reluctant, they all compromised and accepted Tathagata. In addition, they did not dare to go to the demon clan, so they could only feel aggrieved.

"Let's go back and find the two saints. This relic is not only the most precious treasure of my Buddhist sect, but also the two saints value it very much. Let's see if they can do anything!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tathagata and said.

After hearing this, Tathagata nodded!

The menacing Buddhist people immediately went back with all their spirits and dejection.

It was Liu Ming who ran back in advance, otherwise there would have been another fight. This time the relic really made the Buddhists take it seriously.

And Buddhism has just returned, in Yuxu Palace at this moment!

Yuanshi Tianzun is out of seclusion!

He saw that all his disciples were outside, and their expressions were not good-looking.

"Hmph, this matter was actually ruined by the demon prince again. Damn it. Those tree spirits are really useless. Pindao's efforts were wasted!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said and glared at his disciples fiercely.

It’s really useless!

No one can provide him with some help, and no one can make the demon prince suffer once, and they suffer every time.

How irritating!

At this moment, the Antarctic Immortal and others are here listening to the instructions of Yuanshi Tianzun.

But soon, their savior came, Taishang Laojun appeared.

After he got off his mount Qingniu, he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun was angry and laughed.

"Junior brother, why bother? Don't talk about them. Aren't you and I the same? Didn't we get some benefits from this little guy? In fact, your arrangement this time, Pindao knows that it has no effect, not to mention this monster clan If the prince takes action, even Tang Sanzang will not let you succeed like this, but you don’t know that if the demon prince hadn’t taken action, those tree spirits would have been converted to Buddhism by Tang Sanzang!”

Taishang Laojun said, shaking the fly whisk in his hand.

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he looked at Taishang Laojun in surprise.

And Taishang Laojun nodded.

"Okay, even Tang Sanzang, the reincarnation of Golden Chanzi, is so powerful. Huh, it seems that you are a little too comfortable staying in Kunlun Mountain. You can't even solve this small matter for me. Huh, What a disappointment!”

Yuanshi Tianzun's tone was already very dissatisfied.

And now the Antarctic Immortals and the others didn't know what to say.

I am afraid that my master is extremely disappointed in them now!

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