After countless experiments, Sun Wukong gave up. He is now exhausted. In addition, there seems to be a force in this golden cymbal that is constantly consuming his mana. If this continues, he may really die here in the end!

After Sun Wukong thought for a while, he directly called out to the Buddhist protector who protected Tang Sanzang in the void.

But no matter how much he shouted, no one answered.

Sun Wukong knew that these guys wished they could die here and would not save him at all.

But if no one saves me, I won’t be able to get out!

Master, Master, please save me!

Sun Wukong said with some tears in his eyes.

Now he misses Liu Ming, but Liu Ming has now entered the critical stage of refining the power of the relic, and he doesn't pay attention to him at all!

The helpless Sun Wukong suddenly thought of a good idea. He directly told the Buddhist guardians in the sky to let them save him, otherwise he would die in the end and pass the news to his master, the prince of the demon clan. Let him avenge himself!

This made the entire Buddhist Dharma Protector a little worried. This was really scary.

In this Buddhist sect, no one from the Tathagata to the Buddha dares to provoke this demon prince!

Now Sun Wukong is trapped. If he really doesn't take action, he may be retaliated by the demon prince.

In desperation, the Buddhist protector came down.

But there was nothing they could do.

This golden cymbal cannot be pried with a weapon, nor can it be broken with a blow. In addition, I dare not use too much force for fear of disturbing the old demon.

Finally they went to heaven, and Haotian randomly sent twenty-eight stars down.

The result is still useless!

Fortunately, the Twenty-Eight Constellations Kang Jinlong has some ideas.

Shengsheng used his horn to make a small gap for Sun Wukong.

This gap was enough, and Sun Wukong took the opportunity to shrink and ran out directly.

After running out, Sun Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt a little angry when he saw the golden cymbal, and he took out the golden cudgel and prepared to hit it.

This golden cudgel is very powerful. If it goes down, the golden cymbal will definitely fall into pieces.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Sun Wukong actually put away the golden hoop and stretched out his hand to take away the golden cymbal.

But he had no formula and didn't know how to use it.

After a final thought, he decided to forget it. Since he couldn't take away these treasures, he couldn't give them to others in vain. He just picked up his golden cudgel and struck it down.

In an instant, the golden cymbal was beaten to a pulp.

The pieces fell directly to the ground.

And the golden cymbal was struck with a sound that resounded through the sky.

It directly alarmed the old monster in the cave.

He looked outside with some doubts, and after listening carefully to the sound just now, he suddenly felt something bad.

"No, my baby. Baby!"

The old demon ran out in a hurry.

He finally understood that this was the sound of his own golden cymbal.

This golden cymbal is pressing down on Sun Wukong. If it can make such a noise now, it must be that Sun Wukong has escaped.

This old demon came outside and took a closer look, and almost fainted!

The fragments on the ground made his heart bleed. These were his treasures after all, but they were destroyed by someone. Needless to say, this person must be Sun Wukong.

He looked at Sun Wukong on the side and said coldly: "How could you, Sun Wukong, have such ability to come out? But you just came out when you came out. Why did you smash my treasured golden cymbals? You really deserve to die!"

After the old demon finished speaking, Sun Wukong shook his head disdainfully.

"You old monster, you are so unreasonable! You used this thing to capture Lao Sun and almost let him die inside. You didn't say anything. Now Lao Sun beats your treasure, you blame me. Haha, I think you are still worried about yourself!

A monster dares to impersonate the Tathagata Buddha of Leiyin Temple. Aren't you afraid of death? Or is it that someone is instigating you behind your back? "

Sun Wukong asked.

Behind him are the Buddhist protectors and the twenty-eight constellations in heaven, where are all the Five Directions Jiedi and others.

The old demon said with a smile: "My little Leiyin Temple is the Little West Heaven, and I am the Yellow Eyebrow Buddha. I didn't say that I was the Tathagata! Huh, it's just you who made a mistake. Sun Wukong, listen Well, if you beat me today, I will let your master go west. If you can't beat me. Haha, then you all have to die!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he wondered, is this old monster so arrogant?

After practicing for several years, it has become like this!

Xiao Xitian, the yellow-browed Buddha, is really funny!

The golden cudgel in his hand struck him, and the yellow-browed Buddha took out a bag and threw it down.

Sun Wukong was put in directly before he saw anything.

Then he was taken away.

Sun Wukong couldn't help feeling depressed, his life was really miserable!

What's going on here!

Just after coming down, I encountered this monster. I don't know how strong it is, but its ability to catch people is first-rate.

I was caught twice!

After the yellow-browed old monster caught Sun Wukong, he threw it directly into his bag.

He forgot that Sun Wukong could change.

The bag was not tight, so Sun Wukong took the opportunity and ran out.

Although he came out, he didn't dare to fight the old monster anymore for fear of being caught again.

They directly found the three tied up Tang Sanzang.

"Wukong, you are here, you are here to save Master! Come on, Master is already a little numb from being tied up!"

Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong and said hurriedly.

"Master, don't say any more. Are you afraid that the old demon won't hear you? Let's go!"

After Sun Wukong untied the three of them, he secretly took the three of them out of the monster's cave.

After coming out, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, Master, before this old monster notices us, leave quickly!"

Sun Wukong hurriedly urged Tang Sanzang.

But Tang Sanzang looked a little embarrassed.

"Wukong, we can't leave. We have to bow to him. There are cassocks given by the Bodhisattva, as well as the customs clearance agents we came with along the way! Without these things, how can we go to the West and pass the customs!"

Tang Sanzang said.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

How long has this happened? Why do you still care about these external things?

"Master, let's leave here first! As for the ceremony, I'm thinking of a way to do it later. If I don't leave now, I'm afraid the old demon will wake up later and won't be able to leave, and will be captured again!"

Sun Wukong said.

But after hearing this, Tang Sanzang shook his head.

"No, Wukong, without these salutes, even if we go to the West, we still won't be able to get the scripture. We must get it back! Otherwise, I won't leave as a master!"

Sun Wukong felt angry as he saw Tang Sanzang going crazy again.

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