After Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words of the Supreme Lord, he finally stopped insisting. It is indeed Daozu Hongjun who should be worried most, not just a few of them.

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang and others have now arrived at a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but after walking here for a long time, they did not see any people.

This made Zhu Bajie, who had been clamoring for a rest, about to go on strike.

"Wukong, why is there no one here? Now that we have been walking for so long, it's time for us to take a rest, but there are no people around here. It's really strange. Is there any monsters here?"

Tang Sanzang said with some fear.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong snorted coldly, "Monsters, monsters, where did so many monsters come from in one day?"

This Tang Sanzang is really as timid as a mouse!

I'm still thinking about going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, so I really should give it a rest.

However, Tang Sanzang had already asked, so it would be impossible not to answer.

"Master, you are tired too! In this case, let's rest here!"

Sun Wukong said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he rested here. How could he rest here?

There is nothing, at least there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain!

"Nonsense, how can you rest in this place? Wukong, go find a place quickly. At least there is a house for your master to rest!"

After listening to Tang Sanzang's words, Sun Wukong laughed and said: "Master, you want a house, okay, let Bajie and Lao Sha chop some sticks, and Lao Sun will build you a house, right?" ! You have to believe in Lao Sun’s technology and I will ensure that your stay is comfortable, how about that!”

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and said with a smile.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, his expression turned gloomy. Sun Wukong was becoming more and more arrogant and disobedient.

However, after what happened last time, Tang Sanzang couldn't say anything more. He just hoped to go to the West as soon as possible. If he drove Sun Wukong away, he would be free. But he would have to suffer here. Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng The two of them are worse than Sun Wukong and simply unreliable.

It's better to leave Sun Wukong to protect himself so that he can be safe!

Tang Sanzang saw Sun Wukong being so generous, he directly patted the white dragon horse and ran out.

Sun Wukong sneered, isn't this right? I'm in a hurry, so where did so many jabbers come from?

But they didn't go far when Tang Sanzang stopped.

"Look, there's a house in front of us, let's go stay overnight!"

Tang Sanzang's suggestion was directly adopted by Zhu Bajie. He pulled the white dragon horse and took Tang Sanzang with him.

Sun Wukong took a look and saw that this was indeed a family, and there was no danger!

After arriving near this person's house, Tang Sanzang tidied his clothes and went to knock on the door.

An old man came out and looked at Tang Sanzang, a little surprised.

"What are you doing?"

Tang Sanzang said with a smile: "Old man, don't be afraid. I am a monk from the Eastern Tang Dynasty who went to the Western Heaven to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. Now that I have passed by here, I am a little tired. I want to stay here for one night. No. I know it’s convenient or not!”

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the old man nodded. He turned out to be a monk!

As soon as Zhu Bajie heard that it was okay, he ran over and startled the old man.

"Donor, don't be afraid. These are my disciples. Although they are a little ugly, they are very capable. I relied on them to protect me all the way from the Eastern Land to the Tang Dynasty!"

Tang Sanzang hurriedly explained.

When the old man heard this, he realized that he was so ugly and could still protect others.

"Haha, elder, you are joking. Since you have brought so many people, just come in. Why lie to the old man? They will probably scare the bad guys away. As for protecting you, that is to protect you!"

The old man obviously did not believe that these three ugly people, Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong, and Sha Monk, could protect Tang Sanzang.

Because it seems that these three people have no other abilities!

Maybe it just looks intimidating.

This time, all three of them were offended.

Sun Wukong came directly to the old man.

"Old man, you are really looking down on people. You have seen it clearly. Let me tell you, people cannot be judged by their appearance. Old Sun has no other abilities, but when it comes to conquering demons, Old Sun is extremely powerful. Huh, You old man is so hateful!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Zhu Bajie also snorted with some dissatisfaction and said: "That's right, old man, although the old pig's hungry chest is pressed against his back now, you have to know that this old pig is just like Brother Monkey, but he is very rich." Conquering demons and slaying demons is a matter of course!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, Sha Seng on the side felt that if he didn't say something, he would be looked down upon by this old man!

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother is right!"

Sha Seng said very firmly.

After the three of them finished speaking, Tang Sanzang looked at the three of them helplessly, "This is called a battle, you will make the old man scared."

What if the old man gets scared and doesn't allow a few of his people to stay overnight? That would be a bad thing!

But Tang Sanzang was wrong. The old man was originally very enthusiastic, but after hearing what these three people said, the old man's eyes instantly gleamed!

He directly and enthusiastically invited them in.

After coming in, Tang Sanzang thought that the old man would be good at giving him stuttering food, but he didn't expect that the old man was quite capable and actually served a lot of food. This made Zhu Bajie energetic.

Just keep eating big mouthfuls.

Zhu Bajie was so rude that Tang Sanzang started gobbling it up without caring about his image as a monk.

It was as if he was competing with Zhu Bajie.

At this moment, Sun Wukong felt a little strange!

This old man seems to be a little too enthusiastic!

Giving them some food to stay for one night would be the most benevolent thing. Now this old man has brought out so many delicious food, but something is wrong!

However, Sun Wukong knew very clearly that this old man was not a monster, and there was no aura of monsters in this house, so their purpose should not be harmful.

In this case, there must be a monster when something goes wrong!

It seems that this old man may have some purpose, such as asking for something from them!

After Sun Wukong figured it out, he took two bites and looked at Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie with some disdain.

It's really rude, I didn't know that I was sold like this.

Still want to learn from it?

Take a fart!

Now Sun Wukong feels more and more that the purpose of involving himself in this calamity is to wipe their butts.

"Old man, come here!"

Sun Wukong suddenly shouted to the old man.

When the old man heard this, he hurried over.

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