Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 86: Blackmailing the West, Nuwa’s Tenderness

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at Nuwa in shock.

They really didn't expect Nuwa to actually support Liu Ming!

And Liu Ming was also stunned!

But since Nuwa said this, Liu Ming felt more confident.

"Two saints, if you think I don't dare, you might as well give it a try!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jie Yin's face looked uncertain.

"Tell me what you want to do, hum. If you go too far, don't blame us!"

Jie Yin said coldly.

"Okay, be happy, Mingren don't tell any secrets. You are the ones who started this incident. If it weren't for you, the Wu Clan wouldn't dare to attack us now even if they had ten courages. So, you have to come up with something to make up for it." !”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Zhunti was about to speak when Jie Yin stopped him directly.

"Want something? Haha, okay, tell me, what do you want? As long as it's not too much, I can promise you!"

Jie Yin said directly and generously.

"Innate spiritual treasures, ten pieces each of top grade, medium grade, and low grade, and a hundred pieces of acquired spiritual treasures of high grade! How about it, not many!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jieyin frowned.

It's not much, but with so many problems, Lingbao himself feels a little sick!

The key is the thirty pieces of innate spiritual treasures!

"This is an advantage for you. I haven't asked for the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. In fact, I hope to get your twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit, the seven-treasure tree, and the blessed divine pestle!"

Liu Ming said disdainfully.

"Okay, I'll give it. When I get back, I'll send someone to deliver it. Let's go!"

Jie Yin took Zhunti directly and left the void.

"Humph, it's an advantage for them!"

Di Jun looked unhappy.

"You handled it very well, without touching the bottom line of the reception, but you made him draw blood again, not bad!"

A smile finally appeared on Nuwa's cold face.

This time she agreed very much with Liu Ming's way of handling the problem.

This shows that Liu Ming has matured a lot.

Be tough when you should be tough and compromise when you should compromise. This is the sign of a mature person!

Thinking about the prehistoric saints and the leaders of various forces, that is not the case.

"Haha, thank you for the praise from Saint Nuwa. In fact, I have learned a little bit. I am shameless and invincible!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Shameless and invincible? Hahaha, you are really interesting!"

Nuwa suddenly laughed.

"It's rare to see Saint Nuwa smile. It's really strange!"

Liu Ming said suddenly.

Nuwa was stunned when she heard this, and instantly regained her composure.

"I think you're asking for a beating!"

Nuwa pretended to beat Liu Ming.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were embarrassed.

These two people are a saint and a demon prince. Why do they seem to be flirting now?

However, the two of them would never dare to say these four words.

However, Di Jun also noticed Liu Ming's changes. He seemed to have a playful smile, a glib tongue, and was unpredictable and unpredictable!

In fact, he didn't know that Liu Ming was under tremendous pressure during this Wu Clan attack. Under such experience, Liu Ming's whole mind had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Otherwise, according to their previous tempers, it would be impossible for Jie Yin and Zhunti to plot against the demon clan and leave like this.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun can't think of leaving.

Although Liu Ming can't defeat them, he will fight to the end.

But Liu Ming's personality has changed. He has begun to weigh the pros and cons and calculate the consequences.

Sanqing couldn't afford to offend him, and even with Nuwa's help, he might not be able to defeat Jieyin and Zhunti.

It's better to get the benefits actually.

There is no rush in taking revenge, the days are long!

"Okay, now that the demon clan is all right, it's time for me to go back. You can take care of yourself and cultivate yourself, Di Jun. The demon clan has also suffered a lot this time. It's time for you to go back and deal with the aftermath!"

Nuwa said!

Liu Ming suddenly took out several golden lights of merit.

"This is the merit brought by the demon clan for destroying the witch clan, and it belongs to you!"

Liu Ming handed it directly to Nuwa.

Nuwa looked at the merit in Liu Ming's hand and still didn't take it.

"No, this is yours. Although you survived this time, you almost died. How can I ask for it from you? Your merits can help you further understand the secrets of heaven. You can keep it!"

Nuwa shook her head.

"Take it, it's useless for me to ask for this merit. Besides, I already have it. You have offended the Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West for the sake of the demon clan this time. This is your reward. Haha, here it is! You have become a saint through merit, so naturally you need this thing more than I do!"

Liu Ming directly gave the merit to Nuwa without any explanation.

As soon as Nuwa heard this, she knew that Liu Ming had to be given to her. Nuwa did not refuse and accepted it directly.

Nuwa suddenly looked at Liu Ming with a touch of deep tenderness in her eyes.

The little guy in front of me now has an indescribable temperament and charm.

"What? You're moved by me, Saint Nuwa, don't you think I'm handsome?"

Liu Ming joked with a smile.

"Hmph! I'm so sentimental, I should go. By the way, I've already sensed it. It won't take long for Yujing Mountain and Zixiao Palace to appear. You can weigh it yourself!"

Nuwa suddenly said.

"I understand! Thank you!"

After Liu Ming said something, Nuwa and Di Jun said hello and left directly.

Liu Ming let out a long sigh. In a short period of time, he had experienced too much.

This feeling made him feel a little tired.

"Let's go back, Emperor Father, hey, the demon clan has suffered heavy losses this time!"

Liu Ming said.

"Well, let's go. By the way, what about you and Saint Nuwa just now?"

Although Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven and the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan, he cannot avoid some gossip and curiosity.

Liu Ming looked confused as he watched Di Jun wink at him!

"Your father is just asking about your relationship with Saint Nuwa, is it already?"

Donghuang Taiyi also interjected.

"Already what?"

Liu Ming looked even more confused when he saw these two people.

"Okay, let me tell you straight, um, ahem, you are not already a Taoist couple with Saint Nuwa, are you?"

Di Jun asked directly.

Liu Ming suddenly felt dizzy and looked at Di Jun in disbelief.

"Father, you are really, hey, how could you think of this? If Saint Nuwa hears it, be careful! This is no joke! Father!"

Liu Ming looked helpless. Di Jun was so idle, how could he think of this?

Di Jun saw that Liu Ming didn't look like he was lying, so he stopped asking any more questions.

But he knew that what Liu Ming said was not true, because as someone who had experienced it, Saint Nuwa's expression just now was a little different.

It seems that my son is a little ignorant of style!

You have to find a way to enlighten me!

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