Liu Ming said nothing, and Jie Yin was waiting for him.

After a quarter of an hour, Liu Mingcai raised his head and said: "Okay, I will give you the honor of welcoming the saint. This matter ends here. I hope you can tell Buddhism that not everything can be done again and again and again! The prince of the demon clan, even if Killing everyone will not let it happen again!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at the reception!


Picking up is also a pleasure!

"Also, there's one more thing. I want you to take a move from me!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Zhunti stood directly next to Jieyin.

"Prince of the demon clan, you have gone too far. Do you really think you are invincible? Huh, don't force us to use the power of the saint to kill you!"

Liu Ming shook his head and said: "Zhunti, get out of the way. I didn't ask you. If you want to kill me, you can come over and give it a try. The power of a saint? Haha, I want to try it!"

Zhunti was about to speak, but Jieyin said first, "Okay, yes, but there is only one move. If you are injured and die, it has nothing to do with me!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, Liu Ming nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to take action!"

Liu Ming raised his God-killing Spear with one hand, and all the strength in his body was condensing, all focused on the God-killing Spear.

And the other hand is already gathering strength.

Zhunti stood aside, while Jieyin shook his robe, and in an instant, a power that destroyed the world radiated directly out.

Liu Ming's hand holding the God-killing Spear was shaken by the power and became a little unsteady. This was the power of the saint!

Liu Ming actually retracted the God-killing Spear, and made fists with both hands. He closed his eyes and felt how he had simply waved his fist to hit Chaos in the illusion.

Suddenly, Liu Ming opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out. His two fists smashed towards Jie Yin without any extra movements or skills.

And there was no other movement in the reception. He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes directly.

After a breath, Liu Ming flew out. After he landed, he looked at his still trembling fists and actually showed a smile.

"One move is over, this matter is over, farewell!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left directly.

Zhunti frowned slightly as he looked at Jie Yin, who was still keeping his movements unchanged.

When Liu Ming took action just now, Zhunti already knew that Liu Ming was no longer as strong as before.

Not yet sanctified, but not far away!


Jie Yin suddenly took a step back before he regained his balance. Gradually, he took a deep breath and put down his hands.

"Senior brother, the prince of the demon clan has become something like this!"

Zhunti said with a complicated expression.

Jie Yin did not speak, but kept changing his breathing. After a full quarter of an hour, Jie Yin sighed.

"Not only has it become a climate, it will go against the will of heaven!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, Zhunti's expression suddenly changed.

"Senior brother, you said he wanted it? Was that really true just now?"

Zhunti asked in shock.

And Jie Yin nodded.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that he is going to defy heaven! Haha, he is the first to prove the Tao with his strength!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti's face became solemn.

"Does he have this kind of power? Can Daozu make him succeed?"

Quan asked.

"This is unclear. He may not have had this kind of power before, but he has refined my Buddhist relics. Half of his power belongs to my Buddhist relics. Do you think this is what we have accomplished? he!"

Jie Yin said with an ugly expression.

When Zhunti heard this, he was instantly shocked.


This relic was really taken away by Liu Ming!

But they all used this relic as a spiritual treasure, so why did Liu Ming actually refine it and give him supreme power?

"Hey, that's all, everything is a done deal. We have no choice but to let Daozu train him or deal with him. Let's go and go back. Haha, I also thought about using the power of the saint to backfire and severely injure him. , I didn’t expect that I was almost careless, and I was almost defeated by him!”

Jie Yin said helplessly.

The two of them rushed back to the Leiyin Temple in Lingshan with mixed emotions.

At this moment, Tathagata and the others are treating two Bodhisattvas!

They were not dead, but after breaking through the true form of the Dharma, their bodies were swept away by Liu Ming's God-killing Spear and were knocked away.

Seeing Jie Yin and Zhunti coming, Tathagata hurriedly greeted them.

"Two saints, this demon clan prince?"

Tathagata asked.

"Already, this matter is settled!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, he glanced at Guanyin and Samantabhadra and found that their lives were not in danger. He was relieved and sent two breaths into their bodies.

"Take them down to rest. Tathagata, you ask this burning lamp, Maitreya Buddha, to go to Mount Sumeru to find us!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, He Zhunti disappeared.

When the Tathagata heard this, he thought that there was something important to discuss!

He hurriedly arranged everything, notified Ran Deng, and headed towards Mount Sumeru with Maitreya Buddha.

At this moment, Sun Wukong had killed all the monsters and took the princess back to the Zhuzi Kingdom.

The princess who had been missing for three years was back, and now the king of Zhuzi Kingdom looked at her with excitement.

When the two met, they burst into tears!

After three years of missing each other, how can we not be excited and excited when we see each other again?

The king walked towards the princess step by step.

Just as he walked over, he was injured by Zixia Yi.

"Ah, what is this, princess? It hurts me to death!"

The king said painfully.

"Your Majesty, this thing was given to me by a god, and I can't take it off either!"

The princess said helplessly.

When the king saw that the princess who had returned had such things on her body, he couldn't get close to her at all, which made him feel a little aggrieved.

Sun Wukong took one look at the Zixia Yi and shouted into the sky.

"Whose things belong to me, take them away quickly!"

Sun Wukong is now in a very bad mood. He almost lost his life to save the princess this time. If it hadn't been for his master's intervention, he doesn't know whether he would still be alive now.

In addition, the master went to avenge himself, and he didn’t know what the situation was like!

After Sun Wukong shouted, a person appeared in the sky instantly. He came to the princess and waved his hand to take away the Zixia clothes.

"Haha, Your Majesty, I followed the Emperor of Heaven's decree and came to give the Princess this Zixia Clothes to protect her. Now that the Princess has returned, she is safe and sound. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will go back and resume my life with the Emperor of Heaven!"

After the god finished speaking, he left.

After all, this is the princess of the emperor on earth, and she cannot be harmed, so the heavenly court protects her secretly, which can be regarded as doing its part.

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