In this way, they came to the bhikkhu country without any danger along the way.

Tang Sanzang dismounted when he saw the city was ready.

"Is this a country or a county? If it's a country, we have to exchange spies. If it's a county, that's easier. Just go there!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, Zhu Bajie heard this and said, "It's easy to say, I'll tell you if I ask you! What a big deal!"

Zhu Bajie walked directly towards the soldiers guarding the city gate.

He looked at the soldier who was napping beside him and kicked him.

After the soldier woke up from his sleep, he was shocked when he saw Zhu Bajie.

This Zhu Bajie looks a little too scary.

"What's up?"

The guard guard looked at Zhu Bajie and asked with some fear.

"Let me ask you, is this place a county or a country?"

Zhu Bajie asked.

Upon hearing this, the soldier hurriedly replied: "Well, this is a country called the Bhikkhu Kingdom, and now it is also called the Xiao'er Kingdom!"

After the soldier finished speaking, Zhu Bajie thought it was really a country!

"Is there a king?"

"Yes, our king of the Bhikkhu Kingdom has his palace in this city!"

After Zhu Bajie got the news he wanted to know, he left.

This soldier was the one who patted his chest. It was so scary. How could anyone have a pig head!

I have to say that this soldier was really frightened by Zhu Bajie. Zhu Bajie even asked him about the king, but he didn't even have basic vigilance.

If this was an assassin, wouldn't it mean that the news had been leaked, and Zhu Bajie should have been arrested.

After Zhu Bajie returned, he told the news he had found out.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he realized that since it was a country, it needed to exchange customs-cleared spies!

Then a group of people entered the city.

After finding the inn, we settled down.

Soon the people in this post heard that an envoy from the Tang Dynasty was coming, and they rushed over.

The officials of the post house looked at Tang Sanzang and hurriedly came over to salute.

"Are these elders from the Tang Dynasty? I wonder if there is something wrong with coming to my country of monks!"

Tang Sanzang straightened his clothes and said: "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. He passed through your country to exchange customs clearance and spies!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the official finally understood. It turned out to be a Buddhist monk!

But coming from the Tang Dynasty is a long way, so it’s a bit powerful.

"My king is feeling a little unwell now. It's too late today. I will take you there tomorrow. You should have a good rest first!"

The official gave instructions and left.

And Sun Wukong suddenly shouted.

"Come here, Lao Sun will ask you, this is the country of monks, why is it called the country of Xiao'er? Also, just now Lao Sun saw that there are cages outside every house. What does this mean?"

After Sun Wukong asked, the official's expression suddenly changed, but he soon returned to normal.

"Brother Monkey, you don't understand this! It was called Bhikkhu Kingdom before. Later, maybe his son came to the throne and his son was called Xiao'er, so it was called Xiao'er Kingdom. The old pig in the cage also saw it. This is where chickens are kept. A cage for ducks and geese, what’s so strange about this!”

Zhu Bajie said with a smile.

"Hmph, shut up, Lao Sun, I'm asking you, could you tell Lao Sun!"

Sun Wukong scolded and looked at the official.

The official looked at Sun Wukong with some embarrassment.

"Okay, Wukong, this must be a secret matter in the country. We are just here to exchange spies. There are so many things, so there is no need to embarrass him!"

Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong and said.

"Hmph, regarding domestic matters, there are not chickens, ducks and geese in the cages at all, but children, and they are all boys, in each cage. Can you tell me why this is?"

Sun Wukong asked directly.

The official's expression immediately changed and he looked at Sun Wukong nervously.

"What? Brother Monkey, you said these cages are full of children. This, these nearly a thousand cages, are they all children?"

At this moment, even Zhu Bajie couldn't help it.

"Hmph, Old Sun, I can really see through this curtain. They are children. The older ones are only five or six years old, and the younger ones are only a few months old. Why are you keeping them in cages!"

Sun Wukong looked at the official and asked.

"Ah, is this really so? This is an evil act! An evil act! Tell me quickly, why is this happening! The child is innocent, Amitabha!"

After hearing this, even Tang Sanzang couldn't sit still.

The official looked at several people who kept asking questions, but had no choice but to send all the followers around him away.

This is how the situation is explained.

It turned out that the king of the Bhikkhu Kingdom met a Taoist priest who came with a beautiful woman one day.

The Taoist priest gave the beauty to the king. From then on, the king had beautiful women to accompany him, and he no longer wanted the beauties in the harem.

He played and sang every day and every night, and finally his body was gradually hollowed out.

Especially during this time, I have become extremely weak.

And the Taoist priest proposed that he had a secret recipe that could cure diseases and make the king immortal.

When the king heard this, he was so good. It was just the dew coming out of a long drought. Such a good idea came to him when he was weak now. He hurriedly asked the Taoist priest to refine the elixir for him.

The Taoist priest collected all the medicinal herbs from the entire bhikkhu country, and finally told the king that the medicine was easy to use, but he needed this medicine primer to be successful.

But when the king asked, he found out that Yao Yinzi was the heart of one thousand one hundred and eleven boys!

When the king heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little unbearable, but when he thought that he could live forever and regain his glory, he agreed.

Soon, the entire bhikkhu country was in trouble. All the boys in the family were put into cages in various houses, waiting for the king to send someone to pick them up.

If you dare not agree, you will be executed by the whole family.

Under such coercion, no one dares to say anything, dare not speak out in anger!

The Taoist priest has already made arrangements to bring these children directly into the palace tomorrow to prepare medicine for the king.

So today Tang Sanzang and the others saw many cages outside.

After listening to what the official said, Tang Sanzang and the others were a little dumbfounded.

Even Sun Wukong has always been fearless and has killed many people, but now he feels a little cruel.

Compared with this Taoist priest, I am nothing but a witch! There is simply no comparison.

This guy is really too hateful.

What's the secret recipe? I'm afraid he has other purposes!

"The majestic king can actually agree to such a method. This king is really stupid and unscrupulous!"

Tang Sanzang said with some anger.

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