This bhikkhu king is now very respectful to Tang Sanzang.

He hurriedly invited the four masters and apprentices in.

A banquet was held in honor of them.

Afterwards, Tang Sanzang passed on his Buddhist teachings to the bhikkhu king and prepared to leave.

The king of the Bhikkhu Kingdom was deeply aware of his blessing this time, and took everyone to send Tang Sanzang's master and disciple far away before returning.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang felt quite a sense of accomplishment.

After all, I saved so many children this time and made all the monks understand my Dharma. This is a supreme merit!

The luck this time was also taken into the hands of this Buddhism. Tathagata was still very happy. Although the current calamity has entered the present and is about to end, at least Buddhism can still get benefits from it. This It made him very satisfied.

"Guan Zizai, you have almost recovered from your injuries now. It's time to return to the South China Sea to continue to supervise this calamity. Try to get some benefits at the last moment, so that we can live up to the gift that this calamity has given us in the West!"

Tathagata looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said.

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded.

After being injured by Liu Ming this time, she understood a little. There seemed to be no good consequences for going against Liu Ming. Now it was better. She was injured, but Liu Ming didn't seem to have any punishment!

This time I was tricked by Samantabhadra, and I will never believe his words again. He also said that he was some kind of smart Buddhist man, so pull him down!

After experiencing this incident, Puxian finally understood that no matter how he plotted, it was useless facing Liu Ming. Liu Ming was not afraid. In addition, he only needed to kill, and his plot was also useless. It was useless and he was beaten in vain, which was a bit helpless.

In this case, please be careful in the future!

After these two things, this Tathagata was also a little dissatisfied with Samantabhadra. Any smart person is talking nonsense!

As for Liu Ming, he disappeared after meeting Sun Wukong.

It wasn't that he returned to the Monster Clan, but that he was summoned by Nuwa. Since he and Nuwa revealed their feelings last time, he had said that after he became a saint, he would go and explain to Nuwa directly. Mind.

So I have never seen Nuwa, and I just want to go there after I can attain enlightenment and become a saint!

But now Nuwa actually took the initiative to send a message asking him to go.

Liu Ming did not dare to neglect, so he went directly to the Wa Palace.

After entering the Wa Palace, Liu Ming followed the familiar route and went directly to the inner hall.

And Nuwa is already waiting for him here.

"I've met Nuwa, haha, why, you can't wait for me to attain enlightenment and become a saint, so you want to move forward!"

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa and made a joke!

In the entire prehistoric period, only Liu Ming dared to talk to Nuwa like this. If it had been anyone else, he would have been dealt with immediately.

Nuwa felt helpless when she saw that Liu Ming was so unruly and out of shape.

Is this guy still the powerful demon prince?

No matter how you look at it, he is just a street kid, a little gangster!

"Okay, don't tell me whether you have these or not. I want to ask you, did you touch the law of heaven last time?"

Nuwa asked.

When Liu Ming heard this, he did not hide anything and told Nuwa clearly about all the problems and situations he encountered last time.

Nuwa's expression changed when she heard that Liu Ming had actually refined the Buddhist relic, a precious treasure, and seriously injured two Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

In addition, he actually tried to become a saint, break through the realm, and cause such turmoil in the way of heaven. This shocked Nuwa. Liu Ming really didn't know what to say. He was said to be an expert. You are brave, even a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

No matter which one of these things they are, they are all somewhat surprising.

But he actually seems to be calm and calm now, as if this is a small matter.

"You! No wonder, hey!"

Nuwa sighed softly.

And Liu Ming heard that there was something in Nuwa's words!

He couldn't help but look at Nuwa with some surprise.

"Sage Nuwa, do you have anything to say?"

Nuwa nodded.

"Otherwise, why did I call you here? I wanted to give you a warning, but I didn't expect you to be more aggressive than I thought. In this way, my own doubts can be explained clearly. Haha, my demon prince , you may not know, maybe Dao Ancestor has noticed you now!"

Nuwa said with a sigh.

When Liu Ming heard this, he looked at Nuwa in surprise.

Did Daozu notice him?

This Nuwa would not scare him with nothing to do, she must have already felt it.

But this didn't scare Liu Ming too much. After all, this situation was within Liu Ming's expectation.

It caused such a big commotion last time, and Tiandao actually lowered the rules to resist and punish Liu Ming. Naturally, it was impossible to escape Daozu's attention.

However, in this matter, Liu Ming originally thought that Daozu was just acting secretly and observing secretly. Unexpectedly, Nuwa felt the clues now.

That means the Dao Ancestor has already released the news!

"Has Daozu said something?"

Liu Ming asked.

Nuwa shook her head.

"Daozu didn't say anything, but the current Heavenly Dao has shown a different form. I deduced it for a long time and found out that the root cause of this change in Heavenly Dao lies in the demon clan, and to be precise, it lies in you!"

Nuwa said softly.

Liu Ming's expression didn't change at all, this matter was just now brought to light from the dark.

it's not a big deal.

After all, if Dao Ancestor really had any intention of suppressing and killing Liu Ming in this matter, how could he still be so carefree now that Liu Ming had been targeted?

"Haha, I thought it was something, but this incident was actually no longer expected. After all, what I want to do this time is impossible for Daozu to just sit idly by!

In addition, this matter is actually nothing. It's not the same as the current Daozu. Aren't I still fine? He may still be waiting and watching, maybe Dao Zu still wants to see if I can successfully prove the Dao with my strength! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking lightly, he looked at Nuwa mischievously.

But Nuwa is not as optimistic as Liu Ming thought!

She looked at Liu Ming and shook her head, "You are really big-hearted. You are wrong. This Dao Ancestor is not as kind as you think. The reason why he doesn't move is not because he thinks you are a talented person who can bring strong evidence." He is the first person in the Tao, but he is looking to see how far you can go. If you can't cross it yourself, he won't bother to care about you. If you can have any signs of success, then you are in danger!"

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