Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 89 Liu Ming is leisurely, Hongjun questions

Thirty-third heaven.

Now it can only be called the Demon Court.

And Di Jun is naturally just the Demon Emperor.

He looked at Kunpeng and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Kunpeng told him those words just now, word by word, and then Di Jun directly declared Honghuang.

As for Kunpeng, behind him was Liu Ming, the eldest prince of the demon clan, who was in retreat.

"The prince said this this time, do you understand what it means?"

Di Jun asked.

"My God, Demon Emperor, I don't understand either, but the prince said that now instead of guarding a heavenly title in name only, we might as well hand it over and let others fight for it, so that we, the demon clan, will not be remembered!"

Kunpeng said.

"Well, the prince has considered Zhou Xiang. Okay, since this is the case, you can have some leisure time. This has brought you some merit. You can do your job! Remember not to betray the trust that the prince and I place in you!"

Di Jun said to Kunpeng.

After Kunpeng left, Dong Huangtai looked a little confused.

"This time, I think my nephew's meaning must be related to Daozu Hongjun's release from seclusion. Could it be that my nephew knows something? That's why we declare the prehistoric era at just the right time!"

Facing Donghuang Taiyi's doubts, Di Jun shook his head.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I understand one thing now. Whatever he says is whatever it is. Anyway, we just execute it. What do you think?"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Donghuang Taidu burst into laughter.

In the Prince's Hall.

Liu Ming sneered after looking at the merits that had descended on the demon clan.

Although there is not much merit this time, it is still meaningful.

"Master, why is your retreat this time different from last time?"

Sun Wukong looked at Liu Ming and asked with some confusion.

"Oh? What's the difference? You should tell me!"

Liu Ming asked.

"Last time you were in retreat, you hid in that hall for hundreds of years and didn't come out. Now you're either out for a walk or playing with yellow plums every day. This doesn't feel like a retreat!"

Sun Wukong asked.

"Haha, I didn't expect you, the monkey, to see it so clearly. Yes, seclusion doesn't mean you have to stay there. It's also great to go out and move around! Do you understand? A combination of movement and stillness is reasonable!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he returned to the hall with a smile.

In fact, he already understood in his heart that it was the way of heaven that suppressed his breakthrough!

Heavenly Dao may have sensed what Liu Ming was going to do, so Heavenly Dao's suppression came on Liu Ming.

And if you want to break through the realm, now you can only force Tiandao to make concessions.

If it senses that it can no longer suppress your quasi-sage status, it will naturally retreat and allow you to become a quasi-sage. It will suppress your path to becoming a saint.

Test each other step by step.

But now Liu Ming knew that he could not let Tiandao regress.

Rather than doing this, it's better to be leisurely and comfortable.

Adjusting his mentality, this experience made Liu Ming understand a lot of things.

All need to be digested slowly.

This is what makes Sun Wukong feel strange.

After returning to the main hall.

Liu Ming sorted out his spiritual treasures and skills.

Now he only has in his hands the God-killing Spear, an innate weapon, and the Qiankun Chain Armor, an innate spiritual treasure.

Now there is only one drop of the Three Light Divine Water left.

There is only one drop of Jiu Ning Jade Dew.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming couldn't help but laugh at himself, he seemed to have something like this.

So poor!

As for the technique, stepping through the void has reached its extreme. Only when the realm is broken can it be strengthened along with the realm.

The same goes for Hongmeng Hegemony, which is already at the sixth level.

A body comparable to that of a quasi-saint!

Now only Chaos Slash is left.

Liu Ming still hasn't been able to truly understand the first move, Kaitian!

There’s a long way to go!

"If I had known earlier, I would have kept a few innate spiritual treasures. Oh, how careless!"

Thinking that the spiritual treasures blackmailed from Jieyin and Zhunti were given to others, Liu Ming now regretted it.

It's too poor to keep one or two pieces for yourself.

I can't be so generous in the future. After all, I didn't have enough strength in the prehistoric times, so why didn't I suffer more if I came with a magic weapon?

After calming down, Liu Ming took out the Chaos Cutting Heaven Style and prepared to study it carefully.

As for prehistoric matters, he was too lazy to care about them.

Hongjun appeared, so naturally some things should happen step by step.

Now you should study the exercises while you have some free time!

Liu Ming was very relaxed here, but the saints in Yujing Mountain all became serious.

Zixiao Palace.

Haotian invited Sanqing to lead Zhunti. After Nuwa entered the hall together, they saw Hongjun, whom they had not seen for a long time.

"See Master!"

Six people hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"We're all here, get up, we haven't seen each other for a thousand years, you six are doing well!"

Hongjun turned his head and raised his eyelids to glance at the six people.

And stayed on Sanqing for a moment.

The six people hurriedly expressed that everything was fine.

"Now that the karma of the two clans of demons and witches has been eliminated, everything is over. The witch clan is gone, and naturally the karma of the demon clan is gone. Hey, it can be considered a blessing!"

Hongjun said this, but after listening to it, the six people felt that Hongjun was a little dissatisfied.

Can Hongjun be satisfied?

Of course not, the witch calamity evolved from the way of heaven. Once he succeeds, he can further transform into the way of heaven.

But now this idea of ​​mine has been completely cut off.

The Wu clan is gone.

It is naturally impossible for the demon clan to disappear.

Naturally, part of the prehistoric luck and spiritual energy will be occupied by the demon clan. How can this satisfy Hongjun!

In fact, after the first witch-witch war, Hongjun was planning how to make all the lich disappear.

He needs everything in the entire prehistoric world, only in this way can he be regarded as the true way of heaven!

However, before Hongjun could figure out how to lure out the witches and make both sides suffer, the witch clan took action in advance.

As a result, the demon tribe still exists.

And the cause and effect has been eliminated, and the way of heaven will no longer bring any disasters to the demon clan. Even though Hongjun is the Taoist ancestor and the spokesperson of the way of heaven, it is difficult to change this. The demon clan has escaped a disaster.

"Why are the lichs fighting again this time? Do you know why the fate of the ancient land is gradually weakening?"

Hongjun suddenly asked.

Except for Nuwa, the other six saints were not calm anymore.

Nuwa was not involved in anything!

Hongjun's tone just now was not questioning, but questioning!

Obviously, they heard it and Hongjun was unhappy.

"Aren't you going to say anything? Or are you embarrassed to say it? Well, as a saint, you ignored the will of heaven and interfered in the ancient times. What crime should you do!"

Hongjun suddenly became angry.

This made the six of them break into a cold sweat.

Even Nuwa felt a little scared. After all, she also helped Liu Ming, which can be regarded as intervening in the prehistoric period.

It's just that compared to others, her interference was not very serious.

But when Daozu Hongjun was angry, she had to be afraid.

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