As soon as the king finished speaking, Sun Wukong left directly, and Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng also left without any hesitation!

Tang Sanzang was the only one left. He hurriedly saluted, turned around and ran away.

After leaving the palace, Tang Sanzang saw that his three disciples had gone far away, so he got on the white dragon horse and chased them out.

After finally defeating France, Tang Sanzang couldn't bear it anymore.

"You guys, didn't you hear what Guanyin Bodhisattva said? Ah! Why didn't you testify for me just now?"

Tang Sanzang asked directly.

The indifferent attitude of Sun Wukong and the others made Tang Sanzang even more angry.

"As disciples of Buddhism, you are turning a blind eye when so many of your fellow disciples are being brutally murdered in this annihilating country? Guanyin Bodhisattva said it personally, but you are actually indifferent, and you cannot bear witness for me and allow me to do so. You have been accused of spreading rumors in vain! You are really hateful, hateful!"

Seeing Tang Sanzang roaring, Sun Wukong stretched his waist lazily.

"Master, this matter is actually not because you are so sentimental and are looking for trouble for yourself! The king has already told you to let you go and gave your spy back, but you want to find your own death. Who is to blame? Well, now you come to ask us, haha, it’s really ridiculous, Lao Sun asked you to question the king? After all, he is also a human king under the jurisdiction of heaven, who do you think you are questioning others!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang's face was filled with anger that was about to burst out.

"You, you are presumptuous. The king is obviously deceiving us about this matter. He dare not admit it. My Buddhist disciple was killed. Why can't he ask? Guanyin Bodhisattva said it himself. How can it be false? You are forcing me to read Use the tight curse!"

Tang Sanzang said threateningly.

"Haha, don't scare Lao Sun. First of all, is what Guanyin Bodhisattva said true? Since he knows, why doesn't he take care of it? He is not stronger than us. As a Buddhist Bodhisattva, he can watch his Buddhist disciples being killed. If he is indifferent, what kind of Bodhisattva is he? He doesn’t care, why don’t you question him, ask me, it’s none of my business!

In addition, Lao Sun has already warned you. If you dare to use the tightening curse on me again, you can keep chanting it if you have the ability. As long as you pause for a breath, Lao Sun will blow your brains out with a stick! "

As Sun Wukong spoke, he slammed the golden hoop directly to the ground.

The whole earth trembled.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng had already fled away.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang's heart could no longer be described as angry, and he was about to vomit blood.

Sun Wukong’s words are heart-breaking, heart-breaking!

yes! If you have any questions, go ask your Bodhisattva!

Since the Bodhisattva knew about this, why did he ignore it? This is indeed a question!

In addition, Tang Sanzang swallowed the first incantation of the Tightening Curse that he had blurted out. He didn't dare!

He is not a god, just a mortal. How can he be able to think continuously twenty-four hours a day?

As long as he was tired and had a pause, Sun Wukong would undoubtedly kill him.

Tang Sanzang firmly believed this!

Therefore, now Tang Sanzang was furious, speechless, unable to do anything, and had no choice but to feel aggrieved!


In a rage, Tang Sanzang fell to the ground!

Zhu Bajie hurriedly helped him up.

"Master, are you okay! Nothing can happen to you! Seeing that we are so close to the West, if you die, all your previous efforts will be wasted. Calm down!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, Tang Sanzang twitched all over, then he slowly stood up and struggled to get on the white dragon horse.

"Keep going, keep going!"

Tang Sanzang said through gritted teeth.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he snorted and walked out carrying the golden hoop.

If you don't give him some color, Tang Sanzang will open a dyeing workshop again!

Tang Sanzang’s master and apprentice are gone!

But now Guanyin Bodhisattva in the void can no longer remain calm.

From the beginning to the end, he had been observing the situation below. He heard the conversation between Tang Sanzang, the king, and Sun Wukong.

He is now in a worse mood than Tang Sanzang.

I originally thought that I could use this incident to plot against the demon prince, but in the end, the clown turned out to be me.

He became the target of crusade between them.

Especially what Sun Wukong said just now, Tang Sanzang was just a bystander, and he was so angry.

I am a party involved! Sun Wukong almost pointed at his nose and scolded him.

How can Guanyin Bodhisattva endure such humiliation!

I am the supervisor and executor of this calamity!

I am one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism!

Now he has actually fallen to this point, and is being treated like this by Sun Wukong.

What is even more frustrating is that after all the painstaking calculations, Monkey King shaved his head to solve the problem. Heavenly Court and the others also gave up the embarrassment and directly let Tang Sanzang pass.

But the problem is that Buddhism has lost nearly 10,000 human believers and disciples!

This is also a big blow to Buddhism. Without so many believers, a lot of incense and merit will be missing!

"Bodhisattva, we should go back!"

Mu Zha said from the side.

At this moment, Mu Zha could more or less feel Guanyin Bodhisattva's heart.

Guanyin Bodhisattva woke up from his anger.

"I know! Muzha, tell me, am I wrong this time?"

Guanyin Bo asked.

When Muzha heard this, he didn't know how to answer. This question was a bit difficult to answer!

You can’t say that this Bodhisattva is wrong!

But if he is right, this Bodhisattva probably won’t believe it.

"Bodhisattva, this matter has passed. Master Tang Sanzang and his disciples have left, and they are about to face the next disaster. Why should we dwell on this matter? In addition, Bodhisattva, you have not fully recovered from your serious injury, so you should return to Nanhai. Recuperate!"

Mu Zha said softly.

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked up at him, and then quickly shook his head.

"Mu Zha! Have you ever felt that during this Buddhist journey to the west, not only me, but also the entire Buddhist sect achieved nothing? Nothing was done satisfactorily, nothing was beautiful, and everything was aggrieved. Humiliation! You said that these kalpas are meant to promote Buddhism to the destiny of the West, but is this really the case? Why can’t I feel it?”

Guanyin Bodhisattva began to talk to himself as he spoke.

When Muzha heard this, he was filled with emotion. Guanyin Bodhisattva was right!

It seems like that’s what happened!

"Bodhisattva, you can't do this. After all, this calamity was given by the Taoist ancestor. If the Taoist ancestor knows about it, I'm afraid it will be bad. Let's go back first!"

Mu Zha's reminder made Guanyin Bodhisattva finally nodded.

"I understand, let's go back to Nanhai!"

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