The heaven of thirty-three.

Heavenly Hall.

"Father, I want to travel around the ancient wilderness to gain more experience!"

Liu Ming said with some anticipation.


In the heavenly hall, an unmistakable voice instantly pierced through.

The demon clan guards at Nantianmen shuddered involuntarily.

"Nephew, you are not strong enough now. You really cannot be so reckless. After all, you are the hope of the demon clan now. Refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible is the most important thing. You have to understand!"

Donghuang Taiyi saw Liu Ming a little indignant, so he explained to Liu Ming!

In fact, Liu Ming didn't know Di Jun's love and care, but there were some things that Liu Ming couldn't tell the truth.

The demon clan cannot decline!

Seeing Di Jun staring at him firmly, Liu Ming had no choice but to give up.

"You should return to your own palace to understand. Remember not to go out. You must remember the hope and responsibility you carry!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Liu Ming nodded, saluted the two of them and left.

"This kid is still a little young and frivolous, and he doesn't understand the dangers of the ancient times!"

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head.

"Send someone to keep an eye on it, it's a troubled time now!"

Di Jun said.

Return to the Prince's Palace.

After Liu Ming sacrificed the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he couldn't help but feel surprised when he looked at the laws of heaven on it.

The power of the laws contained in this is so powerful and complex.

No wonder Hongyun cannot penetrate it, it is indeed difficult to understand.

But Liu Ming was not a waste like Hong Yun. He closed his eyes directly, felt the flow of the power of the law, and gradually entered a state of enlightenment.

"It seems that the eldest prince still listened to the advice of the Emperor of Heaven and went into seclusion to practice!"

Standing outside the Prince's Palace, Bai Ze felt relieved when he felt Liu Ming's steady aura.

The Emperor of Heaven issued a decree to let them, the Demon Emperor and Demon Commander, take turns to be responsible for the safety of the eldest prince. In addition, they were to keep an eye on the eldest prince and were not allowed to go out!

While Liu Ming was practicing in seclusion, Demon Master Kunpeng was venting his anger in his hall!

"Hmph, you are such an emperor and you are such a great emperor of the East. You are going too far to deceive others!"

Kunpeng secretly said angrily.

It was Kunpeng who proposed to kill Hongyun this time, but he just excluded him and did not want him to participate in it. He almost died at the hands of Ancestor Styx.

"Hmph, since you are unkind to me, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Kunpeng's face slowly darkened as he spoke.

"Demon Master, the Emperor of Heaven has decreed that in three days it will be your turn to be responsible for guarding the eldest prince!"

Kunpeng's confidant Quadruped said.

"Guarding the eldest prince?"

Kunpeng was furious. It was not enough to bully him, but he also made himself Liu Ming's watchdog?

The four-legged beast said a few words in Kunpeng's ear.

Kunpeng's face instantly revealed a smile.

"Is that so? Haha, I understand, I will protect the eldest prince well!"

Seeing Kunpeng's smile like this, the four-legged beast knew that his master was plotting against the eldest prince!

Witch clan!

In the Ancestral Witch Hall.

Dijiang is back!

Also coming back with him was a man with an air of pride.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Ying Long from the Dragon Clan!"

Di Jiang pointed at the man and said.

"Yinglong of the Dragon Clan has met all the ancestral witches!"

Ying Long gently raised his hand as a salute.

But the ancestral witches didn't care, after all, they were allies with the Dragon Clan this time!

"I discussed it with Zhulong. The biggest threat now is the Golden Crow, so we must get rid of the Golden Crow before we deal with the Demon Clan Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi!"

After Di Jiang finished speaking, the ancestral witches all nodded in agreement.

Especially Zhu Rong was a little impatient at the moment.

Kuafu had a good relationship with him, so now that he was killed, he naturally wanted revenge.

"Zhu Rong, this time you and Ying Long take action together. If you work together, you will definitely get rid of the Golden Crow who poses the greatest threat!"

Di Jiang looked at Zhu Rong and said.

"Don't worry, I will make sure his body is broken into pieces and his soul is gone!"

Zhu Rong said through gritted teeth.

A hunt for Liu Ming begins.

Two quasi-saint-level masters, Zhu Rong and Ying Long, were actually dispatched!

And Liu Ming, who had just come out of training, had no idea that someone wanted his life.

"I've met the eldest prince!"

As soon as Liu Ming came out, he saw Kunpeng outside.

"Demon Master? Why are you here?"

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng with some confusion.

Doesn't this guy have some agenda for being sneaky outside?

"Haha, the eldest prince has made great contributions to the heaven. For the sake of the eldest prince's safety, the emperor of heaven asked us to take turns guarding the prince. This is a supreme honor!"

Kunpeng said with a smile.

Guard yourself?

Afraid of spying on yourself, afraid of sneaking away!

Liu Ming instantly figured out why he had vaguely felt that there were experts outside in the past few days.

But because they were not hostile and this was heaven, Liu Ming didn't care.

It turns out that you are protecting yourself!

Looking at Kunpeng and Liu Ming, an idea suddenly flashed across his face.

It seems that I have a chance to travel to the ancient times!

"The Demon Master has worked so hard. How can I ask the Demon Master to take such good care of me? Haha, why don't the Demon Master go back and take a rest?"

Liu Ming asked tentatively.

"This? Isn't that inappropriate? The Emperor of Heaven is the guard who keeps us close!"

When Kunpeng heard that Liu Ming was like this, he felt secretly happy.

"Hey, Demon Master, this is Heaven, the base camp of our Demon Clan. There is no danger anywhere. To be honest, I haven't visited Heaven yet. I want to go see it. Demon Master, go back and rest for a while!"

Liu Ming said.

"This? The eldest prince is right. After all, no one in heaven dares to do evil. Since the eldest prince is so interested, let's go and have a look. I just have some things to deal with, so I'll excuse you for a while!"

Kunpeng said apologetically.

Liu Ming waved his hand and headed directly towards the heaven.

After Liu Ming left, an elusive smile appeared on Kunpeng's face.

Liu Ming walked directly outside the heaven without any pause.

If he couldn't get out this time, he might not have a chance in the future. After all, Liu Ming knew exactly what Kunpeng was thinking.

He was afraid that he wished he had died outside!

"Who is it? Stay!"

Suddenly, Liu Ming stopped, and there were many guards at the border of Heaven.

"It turns out to be the eldest prince. I wonder what the eldest prince wants?"

The demon clan guard asked.

"According to the order of the Emperor of Heaven, I went out to do something. By the way, this is the secret of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven specifically asked me to hide my whereabouts, so you should understand!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

The guard hurriedly got out of the way when he heard this. Who doesn't know that the eldest prince is now the most trusted person by the Emperor of Heaven and the Demon Emperor of the East!

Liu Ming headed towards Honghuang without looking back.

"Listen carefully, I didn't see anything just now!"

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