Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 94: Went to a banquet in heaven to boast of many treasures

Haotian waited for a long time and got a bad check.

He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and the look he looked at Kong Xuan was also a little dissatisfied.

"Haha, that fellow Taoist Kong Xuan, what are you doing, haha, you're making me laugh so hard!"

Duobao laughed directly.

"What did you say? Duobao, are you looking for death?"

Kong Xuan was immediately furious!

How could Duobao let Kong Xuan be bullied like this, so he directly sacrificed the magic weapon in his hand.

Haotian looked at it and thought, how could this be good? They started fighting in their own heaven!

As a result, Kong Xuan waved the five-color divine light in his hand, and Duobao's magic weapon was instantly wiped out.

Duobao was stunned and took action again, but was still brushed.

Duobao panicked now.

My magic weapon disappeared inexplicably.

Liu Ming also took action before, isn't it okay?

Why was he so embarrassed when it was his turn? Duobao was so angry that he directly sacrificed his two spiritual treasures.

I saw Kong Xuan's face was calm, and the five-color divine light once again showed its power, and it was wiped clean.

Duobao was completely panicked now. He had no more magic weapons that he could use!

"You, you return my magic weapon!"

Duobao shouted directly.

Kong Xuan looked at the furious Duobao and felt much more relaxed instantly.

"Haha, Duobao, whatever other skills you have, use them and let me see!"

Kong Xuan's ridicule made Duobao feel ashamed.

"Fellow Taoist Kong Xuan and Taoist Duobao, please calm down. This is the main hall of heaven, why are you two doing this!"

Xuandu came forward to persuade him.

"Both of you, please take a seat. Above the heaven, please calm down!"

Haotian's face looked a little ugly.

"Hmph, if Duobao hadn't been so aggressive, how could I be like this? Emperor of Heaven, I, the West, do what I say. If you are in need, don't say anything else. I, Kong Xuanding, will do my best to help. You have seen how strong I am!"

Kong Xuan said and waved his hand, and Duobao's magic weapon was thrown directly at his feet.

Duobao felt angry at this moment, but he could only be angry.

"Okay, okay, of course I believe what Taoist Brother Kong Xuan said. Please sit down, Taoist Brother Duobao, please sit down too!"

Haotian said with a smile.

The two of them sat down.

"Hmph, I want to know what happened to the demon clan!"

Suddenly, Kong Xuan looked at Liu Ming who was closing his eyes to rest and said something.

Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light shot out of his eyes.

And Haotian also set his sights on Liu Ming.

During the Three Qing Dynasties, the West took a stand.

Now it is the turn of the demon clan for everyone sitting in the heaven.

"Hey, Emperor of Heaven, I feel the same pain in heaven. However, my demon tribe has retreated to the 33rd heaven. After two battles with the witch tribe, my strength is not as good as before. So, please forgive me for my inability to do anything.

However, Emperor of Heaven, the entire Heaven is in charge of the prehistoric times, and we, the demon tribe, are in charge of the sun star and lunar star, rotating day and night, dividing black and white, which can be regarded as contributing to the Heaven! "

Liu Ming spoke calmly.

After hearing this, Haotian was a little dissatisfied, but he could only nod.

"Haha, okay, it turns out that the demon clan is not as good as me in the west. We really don't have many people in the west, and you demon clan can't be in such a downturn, right?"

Kong Xuan has finally regained some confidence.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming's performance on behalf of the demon clan was not as good as his own.

"Kong Xuan, my demon clan has gone through two wars, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries. Our vitality has been severely damaged. Naturally, we cannot send out troops. You, the West, have always been in peace. I didn't expect that you have been so virtuous for so many years. Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

Liu Ming said sarcastically.

After hearing this, Kong Xuan was about to take action when he suddenly looked at the looming God-killing Spear in Liu Ming's hand and stopped hastily.

He didn't dare to take action because he couldn't get rid of Liu Ming's God-killing Spear!

Next, the remaining forces more or less expressed their opinions, some were extraordinary, some were extraordinary!

Soon, Emperor Haotian was full of confidence.

Harvest sixty Daluo Golden Immortals and more than a hundred Taiyi Golden Immortals!

Wherever these troops are placed, they are a powerful force.

The entire heaven was instantly filled with laughter and laughter.

Later, Haotian arranged a banquet for everyone.

After some banquets, everyone gradually communicated with each other about their feelings.

Liu Ming didn't want to join in the fun, so he naturally sat alone with Kunpeng.

Duobao looked at Liu Ming and walked over directly.

"Prince, let's have a drink!"

Duobao raised the wine glass directly towards Liu Ming.

When Liu Ming saw Duobao, he nodded and they drank it all in one gulp.

"I said, thank you very much for last time! Haha, but are you demon clan really in such a miserable state?"

Duobao said.

Liu Ming nodded.

He exaggerated the current situation of the demon clan.

When Duobao heard this, the smile on his lips disappeared, and his face became a little sad.

How could Liu Ming not see it, but he didn't care.

In fact, Duobao just doesn't like the kindness of others!

However, Liu Ming didn't care, because he was still waiting for Duobao to play his role.

"Hey, this Witch Clan is really hateful, but you Monster Clan have eliminated a lot of harm to the Great Desolate World. The Witch Clan has been causing harm to the Great Desolate World for a long time! For the Great Desolate World, you Monster Clan have made contributions. Heaven admits this, isn't it? I have brought merit to you!"

Seeing Duobao say this, Liu Ming sneered in his heart, aren't you tired of pretending?

"Senior Brother Duobao is also the one who understands the suffering of my demon clan. Come on, let me offer you a toast. A thousand cups of wine is too little to meet a close friend. You can't say more than a few words without speculation. Like others, I don't even bother to say anything to them!"

When Liu Ming said this, Duobao became even more proud.

The two exchanged cups and cups, and could not help but be seen by outsiders as if they were old acquaintances.

"This demon prince is extraordinary!"

Xuandu put down his wine glass and said softly.

"Haha, not only is it unusual, but it is also difficult to deal with. There is nothing Duobao can do against Kong Xuan, but when the demon prince takes action, Kong Xuan has no choice but to dodge. After a comparison, this is a decisive decision!"

Ran Deng said something.

When Guangchengzi led him, he was blocked by Duobao. If Liu Ming hadn't appeared, they would have killed Duobao.

But it was abruptly destroyed by Liu Ming.

Guangchengzi also had to retreat, which was enough to show Liu Ming's strength.

At this moment, Duobao and Liu Ming had already drank a lot, and Duobao was even more elated. He was already a little overwhelmed by Liu Ming's praise.

"Don't worry. If the demon clan is bullied by others in the future, you can come to me and I will stand up for you. Huh, now I have a lot of talents in Biyou Palace. No one dares not to listen to what I, the senior brother, say!"

After Duobao finished speaking, Liu Ming nodded.

"That's right, what Senior Brother Duobao said is true. Who dares not to give you face in today's prehistoric times? That's asking for death. If I'm in trouble in the future, I still need Senior Brother Duobao's help!"

Liu Ming said hurriedly.

When Duobao heard this, he patted his chest.

"Don't worry, just come to Biyou Palace to find me!"

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