Hou Tu's expression suddenly changed.

"Stop, stop, what are you going to do?"

Hou Tu asked sharply, but his tone was already a little frightened.

You can't help but be afraid. This Liu Ming is simply too cruel. The Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation is going to come to the underworld again.

Let’s not talk about whether this week’s Star Dou Formation can show its power in the Netherworld Blood Sea, but the key point is that it sounds a bit scary.

"What, is there anything else?"

Liu Ming looked at Hou Tu and asked coldly.

Hou Tu couldn't help feeling helpless when he saw Liu Ming's attitude.

In any case, Liu Ming was furious now, and she knew that she might not be able to persuade him.

"The underworld has its rules. As the master of the underworld, you have no right to interfere with who is in the six realms of reincarnation. You are the prince of the demon clan, not the master of my underworld!"

Hou Tu said.

"You are right. Indeed, you are the master of the underworld. No one in your six reincarnations has anything to do with me. This is your right, but I said, only the Witch Clan can't do it. This is my bottom line. I, the Demon Clan, will suffer losses." How many people have been killed, I can’t let the Witch Clan resurrect, so even if you cross the line, I can’t let you do this!”

Liu Ming said calmly.

Hou Tu and Liu Ming just looked at each other.

"But I am the ancestral witch of the Wu Clan. I can't look at the lonely souls and wild ghosts everywhere in the Wu Clan. You tricked me into the sea of ​​​​blood in the underworld, inspired my power of reincarnation, and trapped me in the underworld. Now I can't do anything. If you don’t do it for the Wu clan, I feel guilty, do you understand?”

Suddenly, Hou Tu roared at Liu Ming.

With tears in Hou Tu's eyes, he released all his emotions.

Liu Ming, who had already made up his mind, suddenly looked at Hou Tu, and his expression gradually became soothing.

"You avoided calamity for your demon clan and killed every one of the Wu clan. You used all your mechanisms to prevent me from establishing the underworld. You couldn't take action. You also killed Gonggong's apprentice. Then you caused Gonggong and Zhu Rong to turn against each other. .

The Witch Clan is being manipulated by you, what else do you want? You can do this for the sake of your demon clan. As an ancestral witch, for the sake of the witch clan, why not reincarnate a few dead souls? You say it, you say it! "

Hou Tu had completely vented all his dissatisfaction and anger at this moment.

After Liu Ming heard this, his heart gradually softened.

Hou Tu was right, all this was planned by himself!

He was doing it for the demon clan, and she was trying to make up for her debt to the witch clan, which was indeed reasonable.

"Hey, Houtu, I..."

Liu Ming looked at Hou Tu, whose pear blossoms were covered with rain, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You're just a bastard. Your demon clan is saved, but my witch clan is gone. It's gone. As an ancestral witch, do you understand how I feel?"

Hou Tu's eyes were red and tears kept flowing.

Liu Ming looked at Hou Tu and felt suddenly unbearable.

But Liu Ming knew that if he had to choose again, he would still do it. But now that Hou Tu is like this, Liu Ming feels a little overwhelmed.

As Hou Tu cried, Liu Ming sat aside and listened quietly.

Now all he can do is let Hou Tu vent!

Sun Wukong had always been by Liu Ming's side, but Hou Tu's collapse made him realize that he was no longer suitable to stay.

He walked quietly to Liu Ming's side.

"Well, Master, she is indeed a little sad. You comfort her. I'm going out first!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he ran out quickly.

After Liu Ming heard this, he also smiled bitterly.

How can I comfort myself?

"Anyway, I have reincarnated into the soul of the Wu Clan. If you are dissatisfied, you can do whatever you want. You can come up with your Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. Huh, at worst, the underworld will be destroyed, and I will just get rid of the underworld!"

After Hou Tu vented his anger, his heart gradually calmed down.

Liu Ming shook his head.

In fact, he just said it, because the Zhoutian Star Formation was used only if it was a last resort. In addition, the underworld was built on the Netherworld Blood Sea.

If he uses the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he will be the enemy of the Asura clan of the Styx Ancestor and the underworld.

This doesn't fit Liu Ming's plan.

In addition, the underworld is a place of merit established under the laws of heaven, in order to eliminate the lonely ghosts of the ancient world and the ghosts of the reincarnated sea of ​​​​blood.

How could he possibly move the underworld?

"Don't worry, I won't touch the underworld. I'm actually just trying to scare you out of anger!"

Liu Ming looked at Hou Tu who had regained his composure and said something hastily.

When Hou Tu heard this, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

Scare yourself?

It turned out that I was scaring myself!

Hou Tu was seen heading directly towards Liu Ming. Liu Ming did not dodge and allowed Hou Tu to slap him!

"Why don't you hide?"

Hou Tu stopped his hand in time and looked at Liu Ming with some doubts.

"Hey, I owe you this! After all, you are right. It was me who tricked you into coming here. It's okay for you to have hatred in your heart. Come on, vent it out!"

Liu Ming said.

"So you won't fight back?"

Hou Tu asked.

"Well, never fight back, just fight!"

Liu Ming said firmly.

After Hou Tu heard this, he was not polite and took action directly.

But when her palm was almost close to Liu Ming, she stopped immediately!

Hou Tu just stared at Liu Ming, while Liu Ming remained motionless waiting for Hou Tu to take action.

"Don't have any scruples. I owe you this. Come on, even if you are reincarnated into the Witch Clan, it doesn't matter. As long as you feel happy, we can destroy the Witch Clan once, and we can naturally destroy it twice!"

Liu Ming said.

"The catastrophe of the Wu Clan is unavoidable. I know this, so I can't stop it. In addition, the Wu Clan does not have a soul. Only the powerful shaman can barely have a soul, and only the ancestral witch has it. But you will destroy all the ancestral witches." My soul is gone, who do you think I can reincarnate into?"

Suddenly, Hou Tu took back his power and said something with his back to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming couldn't help but be startled when he heard that, yes!

Except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, no one else in the witch clan has a soul. Death is complete death, and there is no way to reincarnate.

In addition, I remembered to tell Bai Ze that no one would be left behind. Liu Ming was very relieved when Bai Ze was doing things!

"Why do you have to pretend that you have reincarnated into the Witch Clan and anger me?"

Liu Ming asked with some confusion.

"Hmph, I just want to see how you react and see how your demon prince bullies me!"

Hou Tu said with some dissatisfaction.

When Liu Ming heard this, he bullied you?

When had I ever bullied the master of the underworld?

Seeing Hou Tuzai staring at him, Liu Ming suddenly wanted to vaguely understand.

"Well, Houtu, if nothing happens, I'll leave first!"

Liu Ming said and prepared to leave.

Then Hou Tu suddenly waved his hand and trapped Liu Ming in his main hall.

"Hmph, you can come to my underworld whenever you want and leave whenever you want? Just stay with me!"

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