However, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had no other idea at this moment, which was to stop these two people and let Liu Ming and Nuwa run further away.

But after all, the gap between the two of them and Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun is very obvious.

After a few rounds, the Donghuang Bell was knocked out directly, and at this moment, Donghuang Taiyi fell to the ground together with his Donghuang Bell.

Under Yuanshi Tianzun's Immortal Killing Sword, Donghuang Taiyi has been stabbed several times!

At this moment, his breath was gone, and Di Jun was no better.

He was slapped several times by Taishang Laojun, and his whole body was covered in blood.


Taishang Laojun took action instantly, and Emperor Jun's huge body collapsed!


Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun chased out directly.

At this moment, Yang Mei, who was far away in Zixiao Palace, looked at all this and couldn't help but frown, but soon he laughed.

"Hongjun! It's God's will that this matter has already happened. I think your two disciples can't catch up. Hahaha, I feel like you should take action personally. After all, there is no place in the whole prehistoric world that you can't sense. Isn’t it? We can’t just fall short of our efforts like this!”

Yang Mei said.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about my affairs. You should fulfill your promise first!"

Hongjun looked at Yang Mei and said.

When Yang Mei heard this, she laughed loudly, raised her hand, and removed her spatial power.

"Of course I keep my word, haha, Hongjun, farewell!"

Yang Mei disappeared instantly.

Hongjun clenched his fists, his expression gloomy and terrifying.

"Yang Mei, you deserve to die!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Tiandao, and then slapped it with a palm. Suddenly Tiandao seemed to be much clearer, but after looking at it for a long time, his brows were furrowed.

Liu Ming and Nuwa are nowhere to be found!

Where did it go?

Hongjun's face gradually became more and more gloomy.

He waved directly, took his whisk and disappeared.

At this moment, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi no longer had any breath.

Suddenly he was taken away directly by a force.

Heaven cannot be described in words at this moment.

Because the entire heaven has been destroyed.

"God, what should we do?"

Li Jing looked at Haotian and asked.

"Hey, what else can we do! Let's clean up the heaven again!"

Haotian said.

"Emperor of Heaven, father, I want to leave Heaven and find my master!"

Nezha suddenly said with his eyes red.

"Your master?"

Haotian looked at Nezha in confusion.

"That's right, that's my master, the prince of the demon clan!"

Nezha couldn't bear it anymore.

"What? Are you a disciple of the demon prince? Aren't you the disciple of Master Yuding?"

Haotian asked in surprise.

But Nezha didn't explain the gift, but looked at Haotian.

"Son, how can you talk nonsense like this and still not stand down!"

Li Jing looked at Nezha and shouted.

Nezha shook his head.

"Haha, that's it! No wonder, okay, Li Jing, I don't mean to blame him. In fact, who else can I blame for this matter? It's just Xiao Nezha. I'm afraid you won't be able to bring anything to him if you go. Helping him will hurt him!

Think about it, if you find him, you can protect him. No, you can only expose him to others. You are not saving him, you are harming him! do you understand? "

It was rare for Haotian to think about Liu Ming like this.

After hearing this, Nezha calmed down a little.

"Go and bring Saint Tongtian back to heaven!"

Haotian ordered, Tongtian seemed to be dead at this moment.

But he was only in a coma due to his injuries, so the saint was not going to die so easily.

The tragedy in heaven made Haotian feel a little aggrieved.

What made him even more aggrieved was that what happened this time was beyond his understanding!

I didn’t expect that! The saints this time really made Haotian subvert his own understanding.

I didn’t expect that the current saints would care so much about the demon prince, and they won’t give up until they kill him!

Although he and Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan, also had a deep hatred, they seemed a bit insignificant in comparison.

Now in this battle, Liu Ming's life or death is unknown, and Nuwa is also estimated to be in danger.


After Haotian sighed, he shook his head.

In the underworld!

Houtu was trembling all over, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Houtu, where did you say they went? Pindao couldn't take action in this matter due to some reasons. Now it is estimated that if they come, they will definitely be looking for you. Don't worry, Pindao will not tolerate someone being so wanton. Got it!"

Hongjun looked at Houtu and asked calmly.

"Daozu, why would someone put his life to death? Could it be that they really can't tolerate his existence? How is he doing now? Daozu, tell me and I'll go find him!"

Hou Tu said eagerly.

And Hongjun glanced at Houtu.

"So you don't know where they have gone. Haha, it's so vast that even poor Taoists don't know where they are. Where are you going to look for them? By the way, Houtu, where do you think they will go? "

Hongjun asked.

Hou Tu was already in tears at this moment.

Then she shook her head.

"Don't worry, Pindao just wants to protect them. After all, the current Taishang and Yuanshi have gone too far. Although Pindao can't punish them, Pindao will protect Nuwa and him and wait for the opportunity. When they mature, Pindao personally resolves the grudges between them, this is the most appropriate result!"

After listening to Hongjun's explanation, Houtu nodded.

"Daozu, I know that you are the only one who can save them now, but now that they have not come to me, I don't know where they have gone! Could it be that they have returned to the Wa Palace?"

Hou Tu said.

Hongjun shook his head, how could he not know if he really returned to Wa Palace.

Now that there is no news, I came to ask Hou Tu. After all, the one who is most likely to hide the two of them is Hou Tu.

But Hongjun now searched and found that there was no aura in Hou Tu Tu Mansion.

Could it be that they really didn't come to see Hou Tu, so where did they go?

Hongjun was a little confused.

"Okay, Houtu, you don't have to worry, Pindao is with you for everything. In addition, if these two people come, you must tell Pindao, otherwise if they are here, you will not be able to protect them, but you will also let them We are in danger, do you understand?"

Hongjun looked at Houtu and gave instructions.

Hou Tu nodded hurriedly.

"Don't worry, Daozu. If we come, I will take them to you. Please Daozu, please protect them. They can only rely on Daozu now!"

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