It was even higher than Fuxi's previous voice.

All the Terrans in a hundred miles around, standing together in rows.

He looked at Xuanyuan respectfully.


There was a sound in the sky, and a golden light fell.

The entire void is rendered.

The golden light falls but it is the qi of merit, and after the merit falls.

Wrapped around Xuangui and Xuanyuan.

At this moment, Shennong awakened the memories of his past life.

He was Red Cloud in his previous life.

Now that his cultivation has recovered, his memories have followed.

After awakening, Shennong was not happy

, he looked in the direction of Wuzhuang Guan.

I miss it very much, and I have an urge to go.

If it weren't for the different identities.

Shennong will definitely run to meet with Zhen Yuanzi as soon as possible.

When he looked at Wuzhuang Guan.

Zhen Yuanzi also came out of retreat.

Cast his gaze over.

After a moment, Shennong withdrew his gaze.

He saw it just now because he wanted to go back and get together with Zhen Yuanzi, and now he

is the emperor of people,

so he can't move around.

It is even more impossible to stay with Zhen Yuanzi.

Soon, Shennong adjusted his state, not thinking about the past.

When he decided to reincarnate.

I expected this day to come, and now this day has arrived.

May be reluctant.

But the decision was decisive.

At this moment, the Xuan Tortoise was wrapped in merit, which made him excited.

After the merit landing was completed, he did not immediately absorb all the merit,

but put it away.

The merit fell into his turtle shell.

Xuangui cultivates martial arts, although he can rely on merit to improve his cultivation.

But such strength.

But it's not what Xuangui wants, what he wants is to fight steadily.

Merit enhances strength.

Good for the most part.

But for those who want to strive for perfection, they don't do it.

Just like Jun Ti, he is a meritorious person who has been promoted to a saint.

Although the power is infinite, it is flawed.

Looking at Xuangui's actions, Tang Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

I felt he was doing the right thing.

After chuckling, Tang Yuan waved his hand.

Float the seal in the void.

"Human Emperor, stand!"

A magnificent momentum, still the same as before Fuxi.

The Qi Luck Golden Dragon drilled directly into Shennong's body.

After feeling it for a while, Shennong turned to Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan, go first for brother."

"Waiting for your return in the Fire Cloud Cave."

Saying that, Shennong turned into a stream of light that shot straight into the sky.

He is now the same as Fuxi before.

Awaken the memory and have cultivation.

But I can't show my real strength yet, so I have to go to retreat.


Just after Shennong left, a streamer followed.

Seeing such an aura, Lao Tzu and the others' expressions changed slightly.

Just wanted to block it.

But was stopped by Tang Yuan.

With the past is Zhen Yuanzi, Laozi and others think that he wants to keep Shennong.

Not good for the development of the Terrans.

Then messed up the next plan

, so Lao Tzu and others will want to make a move.

Only Tang Yuan knew that Zhen Yuanzi was here.

But it was to see Shennong.

It doesn't do much.

Although Zhen Yuanzi is a cultivator at the peak of quasi-saints, he wants to make a move with all the saints.

Still not enough.

"Red Cloud Daoist."

Zhen Yuanzi's speed was very fast, and he directly blocked in front of Shennong.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi was excited.

I don't know if it's happy or sad.

From the expression, you can see how good the relationship between the two is.

"Zhenyuan Daoyou, in my previous life, I was for Hong Yun."

"But now I am Shennong."

Shennong spoke, and then he choked up.

Such a result is not what he wants to see.

He didn't expect Zhen Yuanzi to follow.

Originally, Shennong wanted to meet Zhen Yuanzi later.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun's answer, and he was full of grief in his heart.

Tears almost fell.

Although he had already expected this result in his heart.

But after the real encounter, Zhen Yuanzi still couldn't control his mood.

"Goodbye Taoist friends, I hope to have a drink with you in the future."

Zhen Yuanzi spoke, although Shennong was not Red Cloud.

But he still wanted to stay with Shennong.

Shennong nodded slightly.

Continue flying towards the distance.

Watching Shennong leave, Zhen Yuanzi looked into the distance vigorously.

After a long time, he left the place.

I went back to Wuzhuang Guan.

Zen brings the assembly to an end and the saints to leave.

Xuanyuan also returned to his tribe.

But then there was war in his tribe.

Chi You seized the opportunity to attack the Xuanyuan tribe.

The Jiuli tribe is fierce.

Directly caught Xuanyuan off guard.

Although after becoming the co-master of the Terran race, Xuanyuan's strength has increased significantly.

There are many forces that have been mobilized.

But with the help of Xiangliu and others, how could the people on Xuanyuan's side be opponents.

Resistance was followed by a fiasco.

After this defeat, Xuanyuan's losses were great.

Lost a lot of people's hearts.

There is no way, the winner is king.

Many people believe that the winning side is more qualified to be a co-owner.

Even the elders are the same.

They saw hope in Chi You and were a little suspicious of Xuanyuan.

If it weren't for Shennong personally handing over the co-lord to Xuanyuan.

There will definitely be more people who believe in Chiu.

In order to deal with the Jiuli tribe, Xuanyuan could be described as painstaking.

Figuring it out every day.

But no matter what Xuanyuan thought, he couldn't think of any good way.

The way to help the Terrans, maybe Xuanyuan could come up with it.

But this is the battle.

Xuanyuan couldn't think of a way, in the end.

He invited Xuandu.

Now Xuanyuan's only hope is Xuandu.

Xuandu is a saint's apprentice and has extraordinary strength.

With Xuandu's help, there is hope.

"Master, the Jiuli tribe is now powerful."

"Do you still want Master to think of a way?"

Seeing Xuandu coming, Xuanyuan spoke.

The mood is much better.

There was no sad look before.

"You don't have to worry, the teacher will figure it out for you."

Xuandu spoke, about the attack of the Jiuli tribe on Xuanyuan.

He's heard about it too.

But Xuandu felt that it was more tricky, if only it was a chiu.

Xuandu can naturally deal with it.

But the problem is that now there is not only Chiu.

There are also witch clans in the back to help with all their might.

The power of the Great Witch is really terrifying.

Xuan can resist one great witch, but he can't resist many great witches.

That's why Xuandu felt that things were tricky.

"Thank you, Master."

Xuanyuan spoke, hearing Xuandu say so.

He was relieved.

I thought to myself, since Master Venerable said that there is a way.

Naturally, things can be solved.

"You wait here, I'll go out."

Xuandu spoke, he couldn't deal with so many great witches alone.

So he was going to seek Lao Tzu's help.

"Okay, Master, you have to come back quickly."

Xuanyuan spoke, now the form is not optimistic.

Things are one step late.

None of it was good for him.

After Xuandu responded, he turned into a streamer and flew away.

Watching Xuandu leave, Xuanyuan's mood was still very complicated.

He knew that even his master could not solve it quickly.

Presumably, there must be some difficulties.

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