Tang Yuan looked around, sensing all directions, and no one's eyes could escape his sight.

When Lao Tzu looked at him just now, Tang Yuan naturally noticed something.

He took Lao Tzu's Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

It was obviously a cause and effect with him, but Lao Tzu was not conscious at that time.

As a result, it can't be found at all now, Lao Tzu can only feel it, but the real reason is not clear.

Tang Yuan didn't pay attention to it, how about having cause and effect with Lao Tzu, Hong Huang has always respected his strength, and the cultivation of the peak of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Among the great powers in front of the Zixiao Palace, he can be regarded as the highest cultivator, even if the three Qings go together, Tang Yuan is not afraid.

"Daoist, did you know that person?"

Queen Mother of the West had been chatting with Tang Yuan, and when she saw Lao Tzu's gaze, she asked.

"I don't know!"

Tang Yuan said casually, although he knew it in his memory, but now in terms of his position, he knew that there were them, but he did not know Sanqing.


Just as the Queen Mother of the West asked again, the closed gate of the Zixiao Palace suddenly opened, and she did not continue to ask.

"Daoist friends, wait a minute, try to sit in front!"

Tang Yuan reminded the Queen Mother of the West, listening to the lecture in the Zixiao Palace, the more he sat in front of him.

"Thank you for reminding me!"

Queen Mother Xi responded to Tang Yuan's words with a smile, and then prepared to rush in, and

as soon as the gate opened, two Daoist children walked out from the Zixiao Palace, a man and a woman.

The man is a small Shota look.

The woman is small and cute.

Tang Yuan glanced at them and recognized that the man was Hao Tian, and the female was Yaochi, the boy under Hongjun's seat.

He is the Lord of the Heavenly Court in the afterlife.

The gate of Zixiao Palace opened, and all the powerful people were excited in their hearts, if it weren't for the fear that Hongjun would blame them, I was afraid that they would have rushed in a long time ago.

"The teacher has said, the millennium time has come, everyone go inside and take a seat!"

Saying that, Haotian and Yaochi stood on the side, waiting for everyone to enter.

After hearing that you can enter, your hearts are very anxious, and you rush inside.

Inside the Zixiao Palace, there is an unobstructed view, three thousand positions, and there are hundreds of rows in rows.

The golden light flickered, the sense of Dao charm was extremely strong, the jade was paved, and the fairy mist surrounded the ground.

The dreamlike scene makes people feel mesmerized as soon as they step in.

After entering, the first thing everyone saw was a large cloud bed on the top, which was obviously a special seat of Hongjun.

They didn't dare to peek, and then looked at the first row, where there were six futons.

The light on the futon is circulating, surrounded by innate Daowen, and just looking at it has a huge temptation.

Everyone made up their minds to compete for the futon position.

In addition to Tang Yuan, what all the great powers did not know was that the six futons, representing the six holy positions, could also speed up the speed of cultivation by sitting on it.


Together, you can manifest your mana and rush to the six futon positions in the first row.

I saw Tang Yuan soar into the sky, bursting out the strength of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, casting the Law of Light, turning into a golden light that far surpassed everyone.

Successfully took the first seat on the futon.

Tang Yuan felt that the position of the first futon, the chief of Xuanmen, was not only Sanqing could sit.

They only have one layer of great merit, but Tang Yuan has three layers.

No matter how you say it, they are more qualified to sit in the first futon position than Lao Tzu and others.

The three of Sanqing were Da Luo Golden Immortals, and they were in the same breath, directly swept away everyone, and successfully seized three positions.


After sitting down, Yuan Shi saw that Tang Yuan was faster than them Sanqing, and a sense of jealousy arose in his heart.

Tang Yuan just smiled and didn't speak, saying that Yuan Shi was proud and proud, and this was really the case at first sight today.


A man and a woman, the body is snake-tailed, the man is both courteous, elegant and well-behaved.

The woman's appearance is as beautiful as a flower, and Shui Lingling's gaze is a little more rigorous at this time, and it is more beautiful than the Queen Mother of the West.

The two are Fuxi and Nuwa.

Their speed was amazing, and they flew directly in front of everyone.

Fuxi wielded his great mana to push Nuwa behind, and the two were both Da Luo Golden Immortals.

The two sent out their full strength together and successfully sat Nuwa in the fifth futon position.

Fuxi sat behind his sister and protected him.


Swinging up for nine days, a huge kunai directly landed in the sixth position at a speed that surpassed everyone.

After the kunpeng fell, he turned into a gloomy-faced Taoist, who was none other than the lord of the North Sea, Kunpeng Laozu.

The six futon seats were already full, and the mighty had no choice but to give up.

The two Taoists with the spirit of an emperor sat unwillingly in the second row, the emperor jun and the eastern emperor transformed by the three-legged golden crow.

Styx, Zhen Yuanzi and others sat in the second row one after another.

Queen Mother of the West sat behind Tang Yuan, although she couldn't grab the futon position, she could still sit in the second row.

The first time I heard it, many people came, even the twelve ancestors who did not cultivate the Yuan God.

After sitting down, there were those who closed their eyes to cultivate and those who brought the relationship closer, and suddenly the Zixiao Palace became lively all of a sudden.

After everyone had sat in their seats for a while, two Daoists came outside, dressed in rags, dusty servants, looking difficult.

One person looks a little treasured, with a fat head and big ears, a red face, and the appearance of a landlord and old wealth.

Another had a bitter face, skinny face, and a sad look.

They are two people, respectively.

The two came from the west, obviously at the same time, but they came later than the people from the east.

After Jun Ti and the two arrived, they first looked at the seats, and then showed a thoughtful look.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan smiled in his heart, but wanted to see how Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi were going to perform.

"Senior brother, you and I came from far away from the west, and we didn't even have a place here, so it's better to die!"

Jun Ti cried, looking like he was about to crash to death in the Zixiao Palace, and he was pitiful.

"Junior brother must not, the barren West is still waiting for you and me to come to relief!"

He said with a bitter face, although it was not as miserable as Zhun Ti, but it was also pitiful.

The two sang and reconciled, attracting most of the powerful eyes.

But none of them didn't know that the quasi-mention and introduction were pretending to be out.

Just look, there won't be any sympathy.

After a moment, Jun Ti saw that no one responded, so he didn't have the expression of crying, but instead looked at the first row.

Now because Tang Yuan sat in the first futon position, the good old man Hong Yun did not sit in the futon position, naturally there would be no matter of him giving way.

Even if the red cloud below has this heart, there is no futon position.

Zhun Ti's gaze first looked at Tang Yuan, and found that his strength was unfathomable, and he didn't know how much higher than he didn't know, so he felt that he couldn't afford to provoke.

Then he looked at Sanqing, and the three of them were in the same breath, unshakable, and then looked at Nuwa next to him.

Seeing that Nuwa Zhoushan's aura skyrocketed, and there was a look of Fuxi behind him who was about to start a war at any time, Jun Ti looked away again.

Look at the last Kunpeng!

Seeing that there was no one behind Kunpeng, and there was only one person, Zhun Ti was overjoyed in his heart and planned to ask for his position.

"Daoist, we came from the west from two people from afar, experienced calamities, and came to the Zixiao Palace after nine deaths."

"I also hope that Daoyou will give up your position, and Senior Brother and I will definitely repay Daoyou for their great kindness in the future!"

Jun Ti smiled at Kunpeng, looking frank, as if it was really as he said.

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