After creating the exercises.

Tang Yuan did not delay and adjusted his mentality.

Familiarize yourself with the Great Dao Merit Body and the Chaos Annihilation Technique.

Then start cultivating!

After all, I have just finished creating the exercises.

At this time, the cultivation effect is the most obvious.

Tang Yuan's mind moved.

Running the Chaos Immortal Technique.

A strong momentum.

It emanated from the Xuanhuang Qi.

Spread to the surrounding millions.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

The aura on the entire West Kunlun was overwhelming.

Gather in the sky above this mass of Xuanhuang Qi.

Less than a moment.

Above the Xuanhuang Qi, endless spiritual energy gathered.

Like a vast and boundless heavenly river.

Hovering in the sky.

Xuanhuang Qi at the speed of light.

Devouring endless aura.

In Tang Yuan's Yuan God, the divine light appeared.

It's like a scene when the stars hit the earth.

Brilliant, illuminating the entire Zifu!

Countless innate Dao texts emerged under the illumination of the divine light.

Spinning back and forth in Tang Yuan's Yuan God!

The appearance of Daowen.

A new mysterious and majestic qi machine emerged.

Filled the entire Genshin.

"So strong!"

Tang Yuan was overjoyed in his heart.

I suddenly felt how powerful Pangu God's power was.

I may not have felt much before.

Because it's just a streamer.

Even Pangu couldn't feel it standing in front of Tang Yuan.

How powerful was Pangu's power at that time!

But the Chaos Immortal Technique is condensed with reference to the Pangu method.

In a sense.

A little belonging to Pangu.

Just a little.

It's so powerful.

It made Tang Yuan feel it.

How terrifying Pangu's power is.

At this time.

Tang Yuan's Yuan Shen.

Countless innate Dao patterns have been gathered.

Tang Yuan quickly ran the Chaos Immortal Technique.

A mysterious force manifested.

Incorporated into the innate Taoist text.

West Kunlun under the Chaos Immortal Technique of Tang Yuan's operation.

Chaos has long been constant.

The original peaceful scene no longer exists.

Now it has become like the end times have come.

A vast divine power emanated from the Xuanhuang Qi.

The void is in this moment.

Can't withstand the breath of divine power.

Burst directly.

Stretches for more than nine days.

Endless chaotic qi emerged from the spatial cracks.

The earth began to shake and the landslides cracked.

Countless boulders were swept up by the fierce wind.

In the blink of an eye!

It's already turned to dust.

Blown into the distance.

After a long time.


After integrating the last Daowen in Tang Yuan's Yuan God.

An unprecedented force manifested itself from it.

A laser shot emanated from the Xuanhuang Qi.

Sweeping in all directions.

The earth wind and fire spread to the entire West Kunlun.


Tang Yuan muttered.

Yuanshen has already achieved preliminary successful cultivation.

The realm has also been raised.

Cultivating the Yuan God is of course important.

But the physical aspect must not be forgotten.

If you want to be a peerless powerhouse.

The cultivation of the physical body and the Yuan God must go hand in hand.


Tang Yuan did not completely stop the cultivation of the Chaos Immortal Technique.

It is on the basis of focusing on cultivating the Dao merit body.

Running the Chaos Immortal Technique!

This will not affect physical cultivation.

It also did not delay the cultivation of the Yuan God.


A gust of wind blew through.

Xuanhuang Qi exuded monstrous mana.

Fill the surrounding million-plus miles.

A look from afar.

A yellowish breath can be seen.

Shrouded the whole of West Kunlun.

All living beings seem to have lost their vitality at this moment.

Fell into a state of malaise.

And the surrounding aura.

The monstrous mana emanating from the Xuanhuang Qi

condensed again.

This time.

The scope is much broader.

A vast aura swept in from afar.

It was as if the entire spiritual energy of heaven and earth had been pulled.

Constantly gathering in the sky above Tang Yuan.

Reiki gathering is complete!

This mass of Xuanhuang Qi began to frantically devour the aura.

And then.

Xuanhuang's Qi has changed dramatically.

Furious, it emitted violent shaking.

The shaking of Xuanhuang Qi.

Directly dragging the shaking of the earth!

Rubble through the void.

The earth cracks!

The scene here is like three thousand demon gods fighting Pangu.

Chaotic, there was a rumbling hum in the void.

Directly exploded.

Countless pieces of space debris are scattered across the desolate land.

Like stars falling, twinkling!

It's like heaven and earth.

All living beings are afraid.

Praying for the end of shaking, this yellow qi ends.


Dark clouds rolled in the sky, only to gather.

Tang Yuan continued to operate the Gongfa Technique Dao Merit Body.

The Xuanhuang Qi emitted a brilliant divine light.

The vast aura in the sky.

The brilliant divine light emitted by the Xuanhuang Qi.

Directly poured down.

Like a flash flood.

Unstoppable and imposing!

Tang Yuan saw this.

Speeds up the operation of the Great Dao merit body.


A vast wave of air.

Emanating from the Xuanhuang Qi, after rolling it.

Directly exudes a terrifying attraction.

Vast aura, less than a moment.

It was devoured by Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan felt his own breath.

My heart was filled with joy.

Although there is no body at this time.

It's just a cloud of yellow qi.

But it can clearly feel the flesh.

Suffice it to illustrate.

How extraordinary is the Great Dao merit body.

Practice does not count the years.

In the blink of an eye, several yuan meetings have passed!

During this time of cultivation.

This Xuanhuang Qi has undergone new changes.

Inside the Xuanhuang Qi.

A golden pagoda has been formed.

There is a golden light shining above.

Depicting countless innate patterns.

Exudes a strong aura.

Fill the entire tower!

Although it is not yet formed.

But you can clearly see the general outline!

The pagoda is the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

The first merit of the day after tomorrow is the most treasure.

All things in heaven and earth are indestructible.

Protects against all external attacks.

In a past life.

Taiqing erected the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth above his head.

You can be invincible.

Even if it's a treasure.

In the absence of complete refining.

Want to shake the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

Almost impossible.

In the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

Whether it is the most evil thing.

It is still the most yin thing.

and even everything in heaven and earth.

As long as it melts into the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

All are purified!

If you look closely, you will find out.

Although the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is only nine feet in size.

But the breath of space that emanates.

But it's vast!

The tower has a total of 33 floors.

Each layer is filled with Xuanhuang qi, which is extremely mysterious!

In the thirty-third floor.

The breath emanating is very different.

The meritorious aura emanating from each layer is very different.

The topmost meritorious aura is the weakest.

Calculate down from this.

In the last layer.

It can be seen that the Qi of Xuanhuang Merit has gathered into substance.

"Didn't think of it.

The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda took shape!

Tang Yuan was excited.

Know what this pagoda formation portends.

It's one step closer to the avatar!

But, Tang Yuan knows it well!

There are such results.

It is nothing more than that he has cultivated the exercises himself: Chaos Immortal Technique, Dao Merit Body!

Two exercises.

Pagodas can take shape quickly!

Tang Yuan put away his excitement.

He concentrated on cultivation.

Waiting for the day when the incarnation will be born.

To know.

Compared to the top power transformation time in the flood waste.

He's not a star late.

Because of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda that took away heaven and earth.

The whole person fell into a deep sleep.

This period is already after the million-dollar meeting.

Wait for him to wake up.

It was already the early stage of the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation.

Such as Pangu Sanqing and other great powers.

I'm afraid that spiritual wisdom has long been born!

West, on Mount Meru.

A wave of demonic energy exploded.

But it was Luo Xiao who was defeated by Hongjun.

After he was unwilling, he blew himself up.

The power of Luo Xiao's self-explosion swept across the heavens and the earth.

The whole Western world is a mess.

Billions of living beings were destroyed here, and rivers of blood flowed.

The terrifying and formidable force spread unabated to the West.

Shaking up most of the flood world.

Even Tang Yuan, who was concentrating on cultivation in West Kunlun.

All were awakened by this force.

After feeling the power of Luo Xiao's self-explosion.

Tang Yuan knew that his current cultivation was insignificant.

He secretly made up his mind.

If you don't become a Da Luo Golden Immortal, you will never let up.

After adjusting the mentality.

Fell into cultivation again.

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