Even if Tang Yuan had this heart, he didn't have the strength to refine.

Refining thirty-five innate treasure prohibitions is already good, in exchange for someone else's words.

It has not been able to be refined to this extent.

After familiarizing yourself with the innate treasure.

Tang Yuan thought of the big world in his body.

What would happen if the innate treasure was fused into one's body.

This made Tang Yuan look forward to it, and what he had integrated before was the ultimate innate spirit treasure, not the innate treasure.

Thinking about it, Tang Yuan's mind moved.

The gourd came to his body.

The resurgence of everything appeared before his eyes.

The fairy mist is hazy and full of spiritual energy.

From time to time, spirit beasts are infested, birds are flying across the sky, and goldfish swimming on the surface of the sea.

Looking at Tang Yuan in this world.

I am still very pleased that I have not wasted my improvement for so long.

However, it looks like it is perfect, but it is actually missing a lot of things.

For a world to be completely perfected, it takes thousands of origins, or even more.

After Tang Yuan returned to his senses.

With a wave of his big hand, he urged the creation gourd.

A spirit of creation continues to evolve on the gourd and is scattered in this world.

The Qi of Creation passes through the air.

It seems to be alive, leaving the void with abundant aura.

There is an indescribable form.

The white clouds tremble slightly, ever-changing, and extremely soft.

A gentle breeze blows the clouds, and the light falls from the nine heavens.

The Qi of Creation passes through the land.

It is as if it has been baptized, and it becomes full of life.

The creatures began to communicate with each other, in groups, so it was not lively.


One hundred years have passed.

The qi of creation is completely integrated into this heaven and earth.

Tang Yuan obviously felt it.

This world has an extremely mysterious aura of creation.

Before it was integrated into the creation gourd, there was no such breath.

Just breathing made Tang Yuan feel refreshed and without trouble.

He was overjoyed.

That's what I want.

The innate treasure really did not let himself down.

After a while, Tang Yuan returned to the main hall.

The creation gourd is successfully integrated into the body.

The desired result has already been achieved, there is no need to stay in it for long.

After coming out, Tang Yuan calculated the time of retreat over the years.

One count, found that it has been almost three thousand years, it is time for the second lecture of the Zixiao Palace.

"Three thousand years has arrived, the second sermon of the Zixiao Palace has begun, and everyone who is destined for it can come and listen to it!"

At the time when Tang Yuan thought.

Hongjun's loud voice containing the power of a saint entered the flood from the chaotic world.


As soon as Tang Yuan came out, he met Hongjun's second sermon, and he muttered a sentence in his heart.

At the same time, Tang Yuan was also looking forward to it.

Because he believed that as long as he listened to Hongjun's second sermon, he could break through the quasi-saint.

At the end of the retreat, the innate treasure was also refined, and the body was also improved.

At this moment, it is the best time to listen to the lecture yourself.


Tang Yuan didn't think much about it.

Turned into a golden light, straight above the nine heavens, piercing through the clouds and mist, and sweeping through the clouds!

Have the experience of going to Zixiao Palace for the first time.

Tang Yuan quickly came to the Zixiao Palace and took his place.

After Tang Yuan came.

One after another, people came, and in less than a moment, the Zixiao Palace was full of people.

The people who came were the ones who listened to the first sermon, and there were no new faces.

But there were also people who did not come, that is, the twelve ancestral witches.

Because the Wu tribe does not cultivate the Yuan God, they cannot understand Hongjun's preaching.

The first time I listened to the lecture, I was confused.

It will come because I feel that the power when I am sanctified is too strong.

Think about whether it would help you if you listened to it.

But after listening to it, I found that I couldn't understand it at all.

Not to mention help yourself.

So after listening to it once, the twelve ancestral witches stopped coming.

Tang Yuan sat in his place and chatted with the Queen Mother of the West.

While observing the breath of everyone.

It was found that everyone's strength was much stronger than the last time.

Whoever it is, how much changes a little.

Hongjun still appeared quietly on the top cloud bed, and everyone was also very conscious this time.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately quieted down.

Hongjun appeared.

Tang Yuan felt his breath.

It's even more inscrutable than the last time.

But Tang Yuan was not surprised, he knew that Hongjun's sermon was helpful to all living beings.

For Hongjun itself, the effect is even greater!

"The second sermon begins, it is about the way of the quasi-holy three corpses, wait for a good understanding!"

After Hongjun appeared, he didn't say much, and began to preach:

"The three corpses are things, and the real souls and ghosts and gods are also the genus.

If you want to cause an early death, this corpse should be a ghost and parade in self-indulgence.

Feast on people and worship, every poor day in Liujia, go to heaven and white command.

Taoists are guilty, those who are too big take discipline, and those who are too small take people's calculations.

"Therefore, those who seek immortals, go to the three corpses first, and they are indifferent and have no desire."

The spirit is quiet, the goodness is accumulated, the medicine is effective, and the immortal is the immortal. "


As soon as Hong Jun preached, the purple qi came east, the sky was falling, and various visions continued to appear.

Tang Yuan ran the Chaos Immortal Technique.

The power in the Yuan God in his body is slowly rising.

In the genshin, the three flowers manifested.

Every time Hongjun spoke, Tang Yuan seemed to have gained a lot.

A little rhyme appears, from less to more, mysterious!

The three flowers of heaven and earth in the Yuan God swallowed immeasurable brilliance.

Absorbing the purple qi generated in the void.

Various Dao methods manifested in the Zixiao Palace.

Everyone felt Hongjun's sermon with all their hearts.

At the first sermon.

Hongjun has not yet preached the way of quasi-sainthood, so everyone is stuck in the strength of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Now Hongjun talks about the quasi-holy way.

Everyone went to listen to this sermon with twelve points of spirit.

In the process of preaching, time is like a river.

Before I knew it, it had come to the last minute.

Tang Yuan heard from the beginning.

The breath on the body is constantly growing.

In the Zixiao Palace, no one's aura was stronger than Tang Yuan.


Tang Yuan's body was square and bloody, and the green tendons moved.

An momentum to break through bloomed from the body.

The Xuanhuang Qi around the body is extremely rich, fusing with the purple qi to produce a strong sense of Dao charm.

"Is this going to break through!"

The aura in Tang Yuan's body was high, and it hit the entire Zixiao Palace without concealment.

After waking up the crowd, some of them were jealous in their hearts.

Knowing that this was a sign that Tang Yuan was about to break through.

"Is Tang Yuan Daoyou about to break through?"

The Queen Mother of the West, who was behind Tang Yuan, opened her eyes and looked at the breath on his body.

He knew that Tang Yuan was about to break through.

It wasn't just Queen Mother of the West looking at Tang Yuan.

Even Lao Tzu and the others glanced at it unconsciously.

They couldn't have imagined it.

It was Tang Yuan who broke through first, not themselves.

Only Tang Yuan himself knew.

Among the three thousand Zixia Palaces, he was the one with the best roots.

Transformed by the merit of the three-layer Dao, the first breakthrough is very normal.

If he couldn't catch up with Sanqing and the others in this way, Tang Yuan felt that his hard cultivation for so long was in vain.


In Tang Yuan's Yuan God, a rich Dao rhyme manifested.

On top of the three flowers.

A strength that surpassed the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal bloomed from it.

Later, I saw a man who was very similar to Tang Yuan.

Jump out of Sanhua and present yourself in front of yourself.

"Poor Dao Xuanhuang, I have seen the Buddha-figure!"

After saying hello, the Xuanhuang Daoist went back to Tang Yuan's three flowers.

The crowd was shocked.

Feeling this power, they all showed surprised expressions.

Not long after, Sanqing, Dijun, Donghuang and others also beheaded a corpse.

Break through the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

The three of Sanqing did not break through before Tang Yuan.

So their faces are not very good-looking.

"The power of the quasi-saint is indeed extraordinary!"

Tang Yuan slightly exercised the power on his body at this time.

Compared with before, it was found that it was simply 108,000 miles worse.

Thought to himself.

Sure enough, the gap in the realm in the flood waste.

Even a little, it's a world of difference.

With the breakthrough of everyone.

Little by little, three thousand years passed.

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