
Dark clouds roll in the sky.

The movement of the Eastern Prince triggered the peeping eyes of the mighty Flood Barrens.

But they just watched, not to participate.

In the flood, most of them are like this, as long as you don't come to offend me.

If you don't threaten your own interests, something big happens.

The power in the flood will not care.

It will only look like it is not too big to look lively.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing and the others woke up from their enlightenment.

They are in East Kunlun, relatively close to West Kunlun.

Such a big movement of the Eastern Maharajah.

Sanqing naturally discovered it for the first time.

"Prince Dong, what are you doing!"

Looking at the vision in the sky, Tong Tian spoke.

Put on a look that as long as the Prince of the East dares to come, he wants him to look good.

"That Eastern Prince seems to be heading towards the place of West Kunlun!"

"It's the place of the Queen Mother of the West, what is he doing there!"

Lao Tzu said lightly.

But in his heart he didn't think so, for him.

As long as you don't attack yourself, it's good to say.

"Hmph, Prince Dong will only bully people who are weaker than him!"

Yuan Shi snorted coldly, looking down on the Eastern Prince for such an action.

"Big brother, second brother, do you want to make a move!"

Seeing that Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were both enlightened.

So I thought about whether to help Queen Mother of the West.

"No, the Eastern Prince is targeting West Kunlun!"

"It's not East Kunlun, you don't have to make a move!"

Lao Tzu said indifferently, looking indifferent.

Yuan Shi did not speak, and obviously did not want to make a move.

Although he was not used to the movements of the Eastern Prince, he did not want to get into trouble.

Tong Tian sighed and stopped talking.

"It's better to lose both!"

In the flood.

Dijun and Donghuang are subduing the demon clan.

After seeing the vision in the void was that the Eastern Prince had conquered Western Kunlun, he was very happy.

In the opinion of both of them.

It's best for both sides to lose both.

The power of the Eastern Maharaja is strong.

Emperor Jun and Donghuang intend to fight all the demon races.

The first one to solve it was the Prince of the East, and now he was seen to make a move.

Expect damage on both sides.

Not only them, but also Fuxi Nuwa.

Zhen Yuanzi and the others also sensed the movements of the Prince of the East.

There are those who are worried about the Queen Mother of the West, and there are those who watch the excitement.

But there was no one to help the Queen Mother of the West.

This is the flood famine, and no one is willing to make a move when there is no benefit.


Tang Yuan was comprehending the mystery of the creation gourd.

But he sensed the note he had sent to the Queen Mother of the West.

"I didn't expect that the Prince of the East would be so anxious and go to West Kunlun!

He originally thought that at least he would have to go to West Kunlun after the three lectures of the Zixiao Palace.

Unexpectedly, not long after the Queen Mother of the West left, she urged the transmission note.

"It's time to go and settle with the Prince of the East!"

Tang Yuan muttered, and then turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the heavenly dome.

Rushed away to West Kunlun.

West Kunlun.

"Hmph, the Prince of the East is really daring."

"Dare to make a move against the main palace!"

After noticing the movement of the Eastern Prince, the Western Queen Mother was furious.

She is the head of the fairies.

Although the Prince of the East also said before, he will come sooner or later.

But I didn't expect to come so early.

The Queen Mother of the West did not hesitate and immediately activated the mountain protection array.

Shrouded all the creatures of West Kunlun in it.

After all, the Prince of the East came this time.

But most of his forces were mobilized.

If there is no guardian array, the defeat of the Queen Mother of the West will not be said.

With the character of the prince of the east, the creatures on West Kunlun will definitely be killed and injured.

"Queen Mother of the West, Benjun will ask you again at the end, join!"

"Still don't join!"

The Prince of the East stood outside West Kunlun and said in a deep voice.

In the opinion of the Eastern Maharajah.

Now I have such a powerful force here.

I feel that the Queen Mother of the West may be impressed by the power and successfully join her strength.

After all, the Prince of the East has admired the Queen Mother of the West for a long time, if it is really not impossible.

He will not want to go to war.

But if it's someone else.

The Prince of the East is not so good to talk to.

It must have been full of fire as soon as it came up.

Fights have long begun.

"Hmph, Prince Dong!"

"You are arrogant and want this palace to join you, it is impossible!"

As soon as the words fell, the Queen Mother of the West appeared in front of the Prince of the East.

Behind the Queen Mother of the West, a force also appeared.

They are all some female monks in the flood.

Although they were afraid, they knew that since they had joined the Queen Mother of the West.

It is necessary to do one's due duty, and it is inevitable to protect the Lord.

At first, Queen Mother of the West refused to let them out.

Because of their low strength.

The most powerful is only the early stage of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Not an opponent of the Eastern Maharajah.

But they were firm and insisted that the Queen Mother of the West fight together.

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but take them out.

However, the Queen Mother of the West still felt very relieved by this.

"Well, since you choose not to join yourself!"

"Then don't blame Benjun for being unkind!"

The Prince of the East snorted coldly, and the fighting spirit on his body was high.

Heaven and earth trembled, bursting out their own strength.

The pure yang qi manifested, and the heavens and the earth changed greatly.

Behind the Eastern Maharajah, there were endless flames.

The sight of a sea of fire burning the earth manifested behind the Eastern Maharajah.

It's terrifying.

Compared to before, it is obviously more powerful.

The Queen Mother of the West can see this.


Queen Mother of the West snorted coldly, and the strength in her body rose high.

A pure yin qi evaporated.

One yin and one yang manifested, constantly colliding in the void.

Before the battle began, the yin and yang qi tore the void apart.

Endless chaotic qi overflowed from the void and swept in all directions.

"It is worthy of pure yin and pure yang qi!"

"Before fighting, it has such power when it collides!"

The battle between the Queen Mother of the West and the Prince of the East gathered most of the monks.

They saw this sight and kept marveling.


Yin and Yang are constantly repelled in the void and are furious.

It's like fire and water are incompatible!

The strength on the two of them was high, and there were invisible qi waves.

With the East Maharaja and the West Queen Mother as the center, it flattened the land for tens of thousands of miles.

"Pure Yang True Fire, burn me!"

The Eastern Prince shouted angrily, and the pure Yang True Fire behind him.

It swept through the heavens and spread most of West Kunlun.

Countless forests disappeared and the land was desolate.

A sea of fire unfolded between heaven and earth, and the flames burst into the sky.

The blood red that illuminates the void.

After the fires raged, the fire rose.

Form a fire dragon and rush out of the fire.

Run straight to the Queen Mother of the West.

Seeing this, Queen Mother Xi did not dare to be careless in her heart.

She knew how terrifying the Pure Yang True Fire was.

Everything can be burned, and it is overbearing.

If careless.

Once it is on the body, it will be traumatized and extremely difficult to erase.

"Pure Yin Qi, melt all things!"

Queen Mother of the West gestured.

The pure yin qi of the heavens evolved from the void.

The Pure Yin Qi suddenly changed drastically, constantly gathering in front of her.

In less than a moment, an unbreakable solidified shield was formed.

Protected in front of the Queen Mother of the West, it is full of light and mysterious.

Between pure yin and yang, there is mutual survival, and the two are opposites.

It is as if water and fire are naturally opposite and restrained from each other.


A shield condensed by pure Yin Qi.

Collided with Pure Yang True Fire.

Endless pure yang true fire poured on the earth, spreading to more than ten million miles.

Wherever the flames passed, the land was cracked.

After the void let out a roar, it was as unbearable as dirt.

Directly smashed!

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