"Thank you very much.

The poor road is just a fluke to survive the Purple Sky Divine Thunder!

Tang Yuan smiled slightly and said modestly.

Although the Purple Sky Divine Thunder is extremely powerful.

But for oneself, the ontology is the merit of the three-layer avenue.

Surviving this calamity is just a process of experience in the form of birth.

The power of the Purple Sky Thunder Tribulation was enough to shake the heavens and the earth.

But it didn't hurt him in the slightest.

So what the Queen Mother of the West said.

But it's a bit of an exaggeration.

After understanding that the Queen Mother of the West meant congratulations.

Tang Yuan felt a lot calmer in his heart.

The favorability of her has also risen a lot.

After all, the two of them are both West Kunlun Shanghua Form.

It's fate.

There is also a sense of kinship in the underworld.

"Taoist friends are too modest.

The dojo of the main shrine is nearby.

How about a cup of tea at my place?

Queen Mother of the West invited.

If Tang Yuan can agree.

Then this good cause can be regarded as forged.

"Then the poor road is disturbed!"

Tang Yuan did not refuse.

He transformed himself into a creature on West Kunlun.

First, you can get acquainted with West Kunlun.

It's good to know the geography of West Kunlun.

After all, this is the place where Tang Yuan takes shape.

Have a deeper feeling.

Second, he was befriended by the Queen Mother of the West.

There are countless strong people in the flood world.

Tang Yuan in the late Da Luo period.

When walking in the midst of floods and devastation, you also need help.

Then the two chatted a little.

The Queen Mother of the West flew towards her dojo with Tang Yuan.

"What a gorgeous palace!"

Tang Yuan praised.

He and the Queen Mother of the West came to the sky above a palace.

The aura here is very strong.

Immortal mist surrounds the main hall.

The palace emits a golden light.

Looming in the haze.

It adds a bit of mystery to the whole palace!

On land in front of the main hall.

Overgrown with spirit root herbs.

Jade paved the road and emitted a five-color brilliance.

The temple is densely written.

It's like a chain of light.

Attached to the entire perimeter of the hall.

Exudes wisps of divine light.

Like a waterfall falling from the very top.

There are also two statues of lion's heads in front of the main hall.

Delicate and clear, looking down into the distance, full of majesty.

The Queen Mother of the West was amazed when she saw Tang Yuan looking at the palace in front of her.

I felt a little more proud in my heart.

All the time.

Queen Mother of the West is very satisfied with her dojo.

Now he heard Tang Yuan praise.

Jean Ben is a bit of a tsundere Queen Mother of the West.

A little more proud.

But it's normal.

The Queen Mother of the West is the first pure yin qi in the world.

Belonging to the top innate power, they will have their own pride.

"Daoist please!"

Queen Mother West had a smile on her face.

Made a gesture of invitation.

It is regarded as the greatest respect for guests.


Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Passion for the Queen Mother of the West.

He felt comfortable in his heart.

Even the restraints at the beginning are almost gone.

Queen Mother of the West waved her hand.

A hole appeared in the streamers that covered the main hall.

The size is just enough for two people

, and this streamer is the large array guarding here.

The palace serves as the dojo of the Queen Mother of the West.

In order not to let all living beings break into their own dojo at will.

The Guardian Array was specially arranged by her.

Tang Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West entered the hall at the same time.

After entering, the inside flashed with golden light.

The aura is very rich and gorgeous.

A noble, quaint qi machine manifested inside.

Lingen teng strips hang from the top.

Seemingly simple decoration.

But there is a special delicacy in it.

The center of the temple.

There is a tall cloud bed, floating in the air.

Then the Queen Mother of the West manifested a cloud.

Let Tang Yuan sit down.


She asked Gong'e to put some spirit fruits, and qiong jelly and so on.

As food for entertaining guests.

"When Daoist friends come here, there is nothing to entertain in the poor road.

These spirit fruits and jelly were cultivated by me in my early years.

"I also invite Taoist friends to taste it!"

Queen Mother of the West sat on the cloud bed and spoke.

The spirit fruit was specially cultivated by her.

Although not a congenital thing.

But eating can improve people's spirit.

Agar jelly is formed from all-natural dewdrops.

It can make people get rid of their worries.

Daoist He said this.

For the poor road, fruits and jelly are good spiritual objects.

Tang Yuan looked at the spirit fruit and qiong jelly in front of him.

As if in this moment.

All the troubles in my heart disappeared, and I was in a dream.



Tang Yuan was also not polite.

Directly picked up the spirit fruit and ate it.

"Daoist friends just came out.

I think the realm still needs to be stable.

How about you and I talk about it? Seeing

that Tang Yuan was eating almost the same, Queen Mother of the West spoke.

"Great goodness!"

Tang Yuan did not refuse the Queen Mother of the West.

Regarding the Tao, it is good for both people.

Now Tang Yuan.

As Queen Mother of the West said.

The rigid form comes out of the realm, just need to be stabilized.

On the Tao.

It is just right to achieve the effect of stabilizing the realm.

The so-called discourse.

It is the understanding of the two people on the Dao on their bodies that is displayed.

A way of communication that learns from each other.

"It's so good.

The visitor is the guest.

Then let the poor road speak first, and pay respects to this.

Queen Mother of the West said to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan nodded in agreement.

As for whoever comes first, it's the same.

"The way of pure yin, the highest yin to the soft..."

the Queen Mother of the West sat cross-kneeled.

A resounding voice came from her mouth.

Above the head, the golden light is abundant, and the three flowers are manifested.

A cloud of pure yin qi appeared in the three flowers.

Absorbing the aura around him.

Exudes a mysterious aura.

Filled the entire hall, it is extremely mysterious.

In the surrounding time and space of the Queen Mother of the West.

It was as if time and space would be absorbed by this pure yin qi.


"Heaven and earth have just opened, and the world is ethereal..."

Tang Yuan spoke.

The sound of the avenue sounded.

Above the clouds.

The yellow aura bloomed, and it was gray.

Derived a heaven-opening force.

A terrifying gas machine.

Emanating from him.

The three flowers of heaven, earth and man are like a huge lotus platform.

Manifest on the clouds overhead.

In the middle of the three flowers of heaven and earth.

A phantom shadow of a pagoda condensed by Xuanhuang Qi can be faintly seen, floating and falling.

Devouring the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.

The pagoda is the essence of Tang Yuan.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Although not a substantial item.

But it's solid.

It is difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction.

The pagoda can be said to represent Tang Yuan's body

and is composed of thirty-three layers of pagodas.

A big world formed.

However, at this moment, the world is extremely empty.

It's like a chaotic world.

Ethereal, quiet and terrifying.

There is not a trace of life.

There is a barren scene everywhere.

But the qi machine that gives people is majestic.

I want this to change the world.

Tang Yuan must have innate spirit roots and spirit treasures.

Even all spiritual things can be put into it and used to suppress,

so that the desolate state of the great world can be gradually perfected.

Achieve a resilient and vibrant look.

The Queen Mother of the West is showing the Tao.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he opened his eyes and looked at Tang Yuan.

She was horrified.

It felt like Tang Yuan was in front of him at this moment.

Powerful and mysterious.

Let yourself feel a sense of oppression that has never been seen before.

It's like an ethereal world in front of you.

It's as if you're in the next moment.

It's all going to be integrated.

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