Knowing that the Lich War was about to begin, he wanted to seek refuge.

Then worship the saints as teachers.

is the best result.

Burning the lamp said this, but it made Yuan Shi a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, he spoke

, "If you accept disciples, I can't accept you as a personal disciple!"

"But you can serve as the deputy sect leader of the Interpretation Sect, which can be regarded as a half-master-apprentice relationship."

"I don't know if you would like to!" Burning

Lantern was not disappointed when he heard this.

He was seeking asylum.

Now that Yuan Shi has made himself a deputy sect leader, it can also be said that he has been sheltered.

The lantern immediately handed over his hand: "Thank you for the completion of the saint!" After

receiving the lantern, Yuan Shi accepted Guangchengzi and the others.

Among them, Guangchengzi is the master brother, and Huanglong Zhenren is the lowest.

Looking at the heavens again, he accepted disciples.

It's not as picky as Yuanshi is.

This total was harvested, there were thousands, I don't know how many times the harvest was at the beginning of the yuan.

Such as Duobao Daoren, Wudang Madonna, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, etc.

There are more demon races received by the heavens, and the body is basically a demon race.

There are fewer Terrans.

After the acceptance of disciples was completed, Yuan Shi and Tongtian began to preach.

Since I accepted disciples.

Carry forward your own ways.

In the process of preaching by the two, there was still a lot of friction between the disciples of the two sects.

Usually some small friction is okay, but once.

The people of the Sect killed the immortal crane raised by Yuanshi.

It stands to reason that eating a crane is not a big deal.

However, on weekdays, it is not pleasant to watch the teachings.

So he caught it.

Told Yuan Shi Tianzun.

And it was exaggerated.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was furious after hearing this, and directly looked for the theory of Tongtian.

"Third brother, look at the good deeds your

disciples have done!" "It's really disrespectful, just eat the immortal crane

!" "You also beat and scold my disciple!"

Yuan Shi came to the place of Tongtian and said in front of many disciples.

After Hiroshiko and others saw it.

I was shocked in my heart, and I didn't expect things to develop to this point.

A little regret, I knew I shouldn't have said so big.

But they did not dare to say it at this time, and they were not allowed to say it.

Even if they want to say it, Yuan Shi will stop it.

"Second brother, you can't talk a little!"

"My disciple ate your fairy crane.

"But I didn't hurt your disciple!" Tong

Tian didn't hold back, and said directly.

It's okay not to say that, this one said.

Yuan Shi erupted, he felt.

If only the sky did not speak.

Just say a sentence or two, after all, no matter how to say it.

It's not a big deal either.

But as soon as Tong Tian said it, Yuan Shike was angry.

I feel that as a brother, Tongtian dares to talk back.

Immediately the dispute ensued.

"Tongtian, you have collected so many disciples, they are all birds and beasts

!" "This situation is caused by them!"

Yuan Shi shouted angrily, extremely dissatisfied with Tongtian's disciples.

After listening to the heavens, where can I endure it.

Dare to call yourself by your first name.

He said, "Yuanshi, I respect you as my brother."

"I have tolerated you three and four times, but you bully people like

this!" "What's wrong with the birds and beasts, all living beings are equal

!" "Everyone has the opportunity to prove the Dao!"

After hearing this, Yuan Shi was directly angry.

Blame Tongtian for daring to say his name.

That's just a brother.

The anger in my heart was much higher.

Actually, since they took in apprentices.

There are often things that happen, but they are all small things.

As saints, Tongtian and Yuan Shi naturally didn't say much.

But Yuan Shi felt that if he didn't talk about Tongtian today.

After that, the Kunlun Mountains were repaid.


The anger of the two skyrocketed, and they almost started fighting.

The disciples of the two sects paid attention, not knowing what to do.

The two of them are masters.

It is equivalent to adults talking and children not interrupting.

Just watch.

"You two don't quarrel, it's just different

!" "Why should you hurt the feelings between brothers for one thing!" Lao

Tzu came out of the retreat, took Xuandu, and came to Tongtian and Yuanshi.

To say this time.

If anyone can persuade the two of them.

That's Lao Tzu.

"It's all to blame for the disciples that the third brother received, both good and bad

!" "Now it's okay, make Kunlun Mountain chaotic!"

"Good, good

!" "Since you scolded my disciple badly, I'll leave here!" "Isn't

it just a Kunlun Mountain, how can I care about Tongtian!" Tongtian's

tone was very hard and angry.

I didn't expect that Yuan Shi would dare to say his disciple in front of so many people.

He has a bold temperament, to say before.

Tsuten, perhaps, can endure.

But now, Tongtian is a saint.

The status is noble, and how can he tolerate others saying this about their disciples.

Not even the Yuan Shi, who is a senior brother.

When Yuan Shi heard Tong Tian say this, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

He just wanted to teach Tongtian a lesson.

So that the disciples of Tongtian can converge.

But he didn't expect Tongtian to leave

, but Yuan Shi didn't admit his mistake, he was in the way of face.

It is impossible to admit mistakes.

After all, in the Sanqing, Yuan Shi is the most faceless.

In less than a moment, Tongtian left Kunlun Mountain with all the disciples of the Sect.

For a time, the huge Kunlun Mountain did not have the figure of half a sect disciple.

There are only disciples of Xuanjiao and Lao Tzu.

"Well, then I will

leave Kunlun Mountain too!" "This Kunlun Mountain has a second brother, you are enough!"

Lao Tzu watched Tong Tian leave and sighed.

He vaguely felt that Kunlun Mountain was good.

But he couldn't withstand the luck of the three saints.

Even if Tongtian does not leave today, sooner or later there will be a day to leave.

"Big brother!"

Yuan Shi spoke, he didn't expect his big brother to leave too.

It was beyond his surprise.

"Needless to say, since my mind is gone

!" "I won't stay!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Yuan Shi to have any reaction, and took the only disciple Xuandu with him.

Left Kunlun.

Watching his eldest brother and third brother leave, Yuan Shi had mixed tastes in his heart.

There is an indescribable taste.

Even though the saint has no desire or desire, but faces the brotherly side.

It's a little uncomfortable.

After Tsuten's departure, in the East China Sea.

I found my own dojo.

It was called Jinao Island, and a palace was built on it.

Biyou Palace.

After establishing the dojo, Tong Tian preached to the souls of the flood and desolation many times.

Whoever comes to listen to it.

For a while, most of the creatures around.

We all know that there is such a saint.

After Lao Tzu left, he returned to Shouyang Mountain again.

As a dojo.

The separation of the three families is a big thing.

For a while, all the living beings of the flood wilderness knew.

But everyone wants to see this result, if the three clear families are not separated.

Three saints, one family.

Moreover, there is also the Immortal Sword Array in the sky, this one is down.

The four saints are unbreakable.

Whoever wants to develop it is difficult.

The happiest thing is the Western introduction and quasi-mention.

The two of them kept thinking.

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