Today is the wedding day of the demon race, outside the South Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Court.

Only a few goblins are guarding.

It was solved by Zhurong in two strokes.


!" "That's right, you Grandpa Zhurong, I just came to congratulate you!"

There was a surge of anger behind him.

The powerful fluctuation shook the surroundings violently.

"Find death!"

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, seeing that the other party came to make trouble.

Without saying a word, he directly sacrificed the Chaos Bell.

A battle began with Zhurong.

For a while, all eyes were on Zhurong and Donghuangtaiyi or two.

Seeing this, Di Jun was extremely angry in his heart.

Today is the wedding day, and there are still people who come to make trouble.


Zhurong's fist collided with Donghuang Taiyi's chaos.

There was chaos around, but fortunately Dijun activated emergency measures.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Court will be disrupted.

"Zhu Rong Zuwu is really a good skill!"

Kong Xuan sat in his seat, watching the battle between the two.

It's not just Kong Xuan.

Even the other disciples of the three sects.

The disciples of the Western Sect were all watching the battle between the Eastern Emperor and Zhurong.

In their opinion, Zhurong fought with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

It's even more fun than coming to this wedding.

"Miscellaneous bird, your broken turtle shell is a bit hard.

Zhu Rong roared, and endless combat power appeared behind him.

He and Donghuang Taiyi fought for so long.

I never touched Donghuangtai in the slightest.

"Find death, let you die here today!!" Donghuang

Taiyi snorted coldly, and his heart was very angry.

He would have been very happy to attend his eldest brother's wedding today.

There is no intention of doing anything.

But Zhurong came to make trouble, how could Donghuang Taiyi endure.

In just the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two were against each other countless times.

In the face of the Chaos Bell's attack, Zhurong was full of firepower.

Although he is a strong man in the quasi-holy flesh.

However, the Chaos Bell is transformed by the Heaven-Opening God Axe, and attacks and defense are integrated.

Even Zhurong, who is physically powerful and has a fierce attack speed.

It can't shake the Chaos Bell's attack.

Overall, Zhurong can't beat Donghuang Taiyi.

But if you want to kill Zhurong in seconds, it is very difficult.

"Who do you say will win!"

Hiroseko discussed with the crowd.

I am in a mood to watch the excitement and not be too big.

When Di Jun heard this, he just glared at him.

But there was not much reaction.

If Guang Chengzi was not a saint disciple, Dijun would not be married today.

That's fine.

But the truth is the opposite, saint disciple.

The demon clan made a move, and the saint was likely to interfere.

It's not good for the saint to shoot.

When Nuwa saw this scene, she was also very angry in her heart.

She was here today, and Zhurong came to make trouble.

Obviously, he does not put Nuwa in his eyes.

As far as the Wu race is concerned, there is no saint who is not a saint.

In Zhurong's opinion, as long as he wants to make trouble.

Then no one can stop it, even if it can't be beaten.

You also have to make trouble, this is the character of the Wu clan.

However, Nuwa is angry and angry, and she will not make a move.

She's a saint, and she's going to make a move.

That's bullying.

No matter how he said it, he was not a saint after all.

So Nuwa can only watch.

From the moment Zhurong appeared until this moment, her expression had always been in a state of anger.

At the same time, Xihe is also very angry, today she is a bride.

Her strength is even in the middle of the quasi-saint.

If it weren't for Di Jun stopping at this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have started a long time ago.

"Haha, that's the end of today

!" "Your Grandpa Zhurong won't play with you guys!" Zhurong

laughed, and then flashed.

Directly left in front of everyone's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky.

"Second brother, don't

chase!" Di Jun saw that Donghuang Taiyi wanted to chase, and spoke.

At this time, Zhurong left and left.

Although the face is gone.

But the wedding still has to take place as usual.

Thinking that the wedding is over, this account must be calculated with the Wu clan.

As for the sons under the saint's disciple, except for Kong Xuan.

Most of them look like they are unfinished.

After hearing Di Jun's words, Donghuang Taiyi suppressed the anger in his heart.

Back to where I was just now.

Prepare to go ahead with the wedding.

However, after this time, the demon clan sent many people to the South Heavenly Gate.

Heavily guarded.

Although the Wu Clan will not come again, the Demon Clan will not think so.

I think there is nothing wrong with sending someone over.

After all, in the eyes of the demon clan, it is not necessary for the witch clan to return.

"Zhurong really went!" Although

Tang Yuan did not go, he paid attention to every move of the Heavenly Court.

When he saw Zhu Rong go to the Heavenly Court.

Tang Yuan knew that something good must have happened in the Heavenly Court.

After Zhurong left for a while, the bustle in the Heavenly Court resumed.

Although they knew that the demon clan had lost face this time.

But they will not say it, they will only bury it in their hearts.

After all, in someone else's wedding, face always has to be given.

After Dijun and Xihe saluted, Nuwa held the red hydrangea high.

A light shout: "I hold a red hydrangea today, heavenly marriage, stand!" Boom


Nuwa's voice just fell, and many merits landed in the sky.

After the merit landed, it was scattered in different places.

The most are Xi He and Dijun.

The two of them are today's wedding protagonists.

The most merit is of course they are.

Under the infusion of merit, Xihe's cultivation directly soared.

But it made her happy.

Xi He did not expect that after completing the heavenly marriage.

Not only to make up for their own shortcomings, but also to gain merit.

This brings her strength one step closer.

With the infusion of merit, Di Jun cultivated to step into the peak of quasi-sainthood.

The strength can be said to have increased a lot.

Then there is Nuwa, and this wedding was decided by her.

Therefore, the merit that Nuwa gets will not be less.

Although she is now a saint, her strength is already very strong.

But merit is such a thing, it is a panacea.

Whoever meets will love it.

Because merit can not only improve strength, but also have many uses.

For example, karmic cause and effect can be eliminated.

Therefore, even if the saint sees merit, he will not have any disgust.

But the merit did not fall on Nuwa.

Instead, it fell on the red hydrangeas.

And the last part of the merit fell on Fuxi.

Heavenly marriage can be done, but Fuxi has helped a lot.

After Fuxi received merit, his strength also improved a lot.

Saves a lot of time in practice.

After feeling the merit of playing, everyone returned to their fixed positions and ate.

Di Jun held the wine glass and drank it with everyone.

So it was where it was.

As the world goes by, the wedding comes to an end.

At the end of the day, the one who should have gone has already left.

There are only the demon clans of the Heavenly Court left.

"Big brother, I've already messed up that miscellaneous bird's wedding!" "It's

not too exciting!"

After Zhurong returned, the twelve ancestral witches gathered again.

Hearing this result, the major ancestors were still very happy.

Previously, they were also worried about whether something would happen to Zhurong.

After all, the Lich races are mortal rivals.

And Zhurong even went when Dijun got married.

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