
Looking at Hongjun leaving with a weird smile on his face that was uglier than crying, Ye Chen’s heart moved slightly!

Everything just now was a bit too coincidental! Although

Zhen Yuanzi’s attainment of Hunyuan was a bit unexpected, it was also reasonable!

After all, Zhen Yuanzi’s background is the ginseng fruit tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots, and he also has the earth book earth fetal membrane as a companion spiritual treasure!

In terms of background and fate, he is even stronger than Zhunti Jieyin in the West!

Zhunti Jieyin has already become a saint one after another. Zhen Yuanzi, who has a”disappeared one” of the primordial purple qi, is pregnant with… The thought of saving his old friend, comprehending the Earth Book thoroughly, and attaining Hunyuan Daluo, is simply the most normal thing!

What really puzzled Ye Chen was!


At the most critical moment of the evolution of the Netherworld!

Hongjun’s self-consciousness and the consciousness of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao had a struggle, which made the Netherworld evolve successfully!

Could it be that Hongjun was helping the Wu clan?

Ye Chen is now a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his soul is extremely clear, and in an instant, he thought of a seemingly impossible possibility!

Hongjun, in the prehistoric world, has always been an old shady guy, Stealing the prehistoric heavenly way!

The beast calamity, the battle between the Dao and the demon, the witch calamity, the great calamity of the Conferred God, the Journey to the West calamity, the infinite calamity, etc., are all conspiracy theories related to Hongjun!

But Ye Chen has always been skeptical about this!

There is no other reason, this prehistoric world seems to be different from the unchanging prehistoric world!

Even Nuwa did not use the gourd vine to create humans and became a saint in advance. What else is impossible!

At the moment, what Hongjun did is more like showing goodwill to the witch clan, or to Ye Chen!

So, why did Hongjun do this?

Even if Ye Chen’s soul is clear To the extreme, for a moment, it was a bit confusing!

But then I thought about it.

No matter what reason Hongjun showed goodwill to the Wu clan, the current result is always good!

Moreover, Hongjun and Tiandao are all existences above the realm of Hunyuan Taishang Wuji Daluo Jinxian, and it is not something that Ye Chen, who is only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian now, can guess!

If you want to solve the mystery, you will naturally be able to solve many great secrets when you are stronger in the future!

Thinking like this.

Ye Chen directly put aside his distracting thoughts and looked at the top world of the Netherworld, which encompasses the entire reincarnation underworld and the Netherworld!

“Huh! The netherworld is complete, the witch clan has finally escaped from the control of the prehistoric heavenly way, and the twelve witch ancestors have also avoided the fate of falling into the prehistoric world!”

While muttering, looking at the netherworld world, which is one-tenth the size of the prehistoric world, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile!

He started planning since the beginning of the catastrophe, and all the things he did were for everything in front of him!

The prehistoric heavenly way is formed by the pan-consciousness of the infinite life and non-living things in the prehistoric world!

In the words of Ye Chen’s previous life, it is equivalent to the Gaia consciousness of the earth in his previous life!

Any living creature living in the prehistoric world, they all have the mark of the primordial spirit, in the prehistoric heavenly way!

So, if it were other prehistoric creatures!

For example, the demon clan, which I am afraid that even if they open up a netherworld world similar to the one in front of them that is independent of the prehistoric world, and want to migrate all the monsters there, it is useless, because the marks of the monsters’ souls still exist in the prehistoric world. As long as the prehistoric world wants, it can still erase the marks of the monsters’ souls and let hundreds of millions of monsters perish!

But the witches are different! The witches themselves have no souls!

In other words, their bodies are too strong, attracting all the souls and dispersing them in every cell in their bodies!

In the prehistoric world, there is no mark of the witches’ souls at all!

This This is the special feature of the Wu Clan, and it is also the most important reason why Ye Chen’s plan can be completed!

At present, the Netherworld is evolved from Ye Chen’s announcement of the Great Dao, which is equivalent to an”institution” under the Great Dao and parallel to the Heavenly Dao!

To put it simply, if the Great Dao is likened to a parent company!

Then, the Great Heavenly Dao of the Great World and the Underworld Dao are two subsidiaries under the parent company!

The status of the two is completely equal, independent of each other, and influences each other!

The Heavenly Dao cannot control the Netherworld!

The power of the Netherworld cannot affect the Great World either!

Now, what Ye Chen has to do is to migrate all the witches from the prehistoric world to the netherworld!

As for the witch-lich calamity?

What witch-lich final battle?

No way, sir, I have already come to the netherworld, can you still control me?

The evolution of your witch-lich calamity? Let the heaven play by itself, what does it have to do with my witch clan!

Bye bye!

When everyone is still thinking about the prehistoric internal strife, how to solve the witch-lich calamity problem within the framework of the prehistoric heavenly way!

Ye Chen’s thinking has long jumped out of the chessboard!

What is the trend of heaven and earth that cannot be changed!

The sword of your previous dynasty can still kill the current dynasty…..Oh no, your prehistoric Heavenly Dao, can it still control the Wu Clan of my Netherworld?

Moreover, the Wu Clan itself is the direct bloodline of the great god Pangu, and everyone is good at fighting. If it is in the prehistoric world, it is like being put in shackles. If you just fight, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao will say that you have destroyed the prehistoric world and created karma, which is extremely unpleasant!

But the Netherworld was evolved by Ye Chen using the three chaos-related top-grade spiritual treasures related to reincarnation, which is more perfect than the previous reincarnation of the underworld!

The previous reincarnation underworld was attached to the prehistoric world and was constrained by the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

The only place it was connected to was the prehistoric world, as well as the prehistoric three thousand worlds, 129,600 middle worlds, 6.

5 billion small worlds, and the big worlds, middle worlds, small worlds, and dust worlds like the sands of the Ganges!

The current netherworld is the result of the evolution of the Great Dao. The place that can be reincarnated and guided is not just the prehistoric world, but the whole world in the chaos, including the prehistoric world, the heavens and the elements, the multiverse, and the endless planes.

In this way, the extremely vigorous witch clan does not have to worry about not having a fight!

No place to vent your energy? It’s simple. Through the channel that runs through the heavens and the elements in the netherworld, I will conquer the ten thousand worlds for me, plunder the origins of other worlds, and feed back to the netherworld to help the netherworld evolve! The weakest witch soldiers in the witch clan have a combat power comparable to that of Xuanxian. It is not a problem for a witch soldier to conquer a big world!

Advanced witch soldiers will conquer the small world!

The little witch is responsible for the middle world!

The big witch is responsible for the big world!

As for the ancestor witch, he is specifically responsible for those intermediate worlds in the chaos, or even the advanced worlds!

In this way, the warlike witches have fights every day. Not only do they live a very happy life, but the origin of the world they bring back can also be fed back to the Netherworld! The

Netherworld itself is controlled by Ye Chen and Hou Tu, which is equivalent to the witches’ own home!

The better the Netherworld develops, the more comfortable the witches living in it will naturally live!

This is a virtuous circle. Just thinking about it can make you see a bright future!

However, if this happened in the prehistoric times, the witches would have to fight in all the worlds, which would be very miserable!

After working hard to the end, they still have to work for the Heavenly Dao, and in the end, they will be cut by the Heavenly Dao, which is even more miserable than Ye Chen’s miserable worker in his previous life!

It’s different now. Working for your own family is so delicious!

“However, at present, the Netherworld is evolving, the fruit position is still there, and there are still countless great merits that have not been achieved. There is no rush to migrate the witch clan!”

Ye Chen thought in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to go to the foot of Buzhou Mountain to migrate the witch clan!

He announced the Great Dao and evolved the Netherworld. The Great Dao was moved and sent down infinite great merits, condensing into a cloud of merit celebration that stretched for hundreds of millions of miles. At this time, it was still above the boundless sea of blood, and it had not fallen yet, waiting for him to confer the fruit position of the reincarnation underworld!

As for migrating the witch clan, Ye Chen’s closest twelve ancestor witches are now in this Netherworld! As for the remaining great witches, high-level witch soldiers, hundreds of millions of witch clans, etc., there is still some time before the end of the witch and demon calamity, so there is no rush!

It will not be too late to migrate the witch clan after the fruit position is divided and all the benefits are obtained!

“Mother, the matter of dividing the fruit position in the netherworld…..”

Ye Chen looked at Hou Tu Saint and said.

After all, Hou Tu Saint is the Lord of Reincarnation and the Lord of the Underworld. Naturally, he should first seek Hou Tu’s opinion on these matters.

“It’s all up to you!”

Hou Tu looked at Ye Chen, her eyes full of pride and doting. She knew in her heart that if it weren’t for Ye Chen, today would be the day she died!

The other witch ancestors, even the hundreds of millions of witch clans, would all perish in the witch-demon calamity. How could they be free and at ease like they are now?

For her own children, the heart of the saint Hou Tu was full of���They were all proud!

To have such a child made her happier than attaining the state of Hunyuan Wudala!


Ye Chen nodded, and then his eyes fell on Xihe beside him.

The ancestor witch has no soul, and takes the path of becoming a saint with the flesh. Even if there is a fruit position, it is a waste. The same is true for other witch tribes!

Just like Ye Chen’s online game in his previous life, you have to add a mana bar to a warrior who does not consume mana, isn’t that nonsense!

And Ye Chen’s close people are not many!

After thinking about it, only the goddess of the moon, Xihe, is the most suitable!

The two have already expressed their feelings and regarded each other as their Taoist companions!

If Xihe can serve as the emperor of Fengdu, maybe he can also prove the authentic Hunyuan saint. At that time, the two can be truly free and easy forever and become partners on the road to becoming a great road!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked calm, holding the life and death book of the human scholar, and shouted loudly:

“Today, the goddess of the moon, Xihe, is the Lord of the Underworld, the Emperor of Fengdu!”


As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking,

40% of the merits that were originally suspended in the cloud of merit celebration fell, and all fell on Xihe!

The Lord of the Underworld, the Emperor of Fengdu, is the real controller of the Underworld, and the benefits and merits he gets are also the biggest!

Such a huge amount of merits is comparable to the merits of the Heavenly Dao when Nuwa became a saint, and the quality is better than when Nuwa became a saint!

At this time, all fell on Xihe, and Xihe’s momentum immediately rose!

Mid-stage Quasi-Saint!

Late-stage Quasi-Saint! Quasi-Saint Perfection!

After being promoted to Quasi-Saint Perfection, the aura around Xihe suddenly became extremely mysterious, but there was always a little bit short of it to truly break through Hunyuan!


Seeing this, Ye Chen’s expression was calm. He took out a”disappeared” primordial purple qi from the primordial pearl and put it into Xihe’s soul!


Under the infusion of infinite merits of the Great Dao, this primordial purple qi was soon thoroughly comprehended by Xihe.

Immediately, a terrifying aura belonging to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian suddenly burst out from Xihe’s body.

For a time, the entire Netherworld was filled with infinite auspiciousness.

Billions of golden lotuses fell into the Netherworld, making the residual souls that had been led to the Netherworld and were ready to reincarnate all kneel on the ground, and they all got a lot of benefits!

Xihe became a saint and was a genuine saint.

Even if there were strange phenomena, they appeared in the Netherworld!

This is also normal!

After Xihe achieved Hunyuan, the origin of the entire Netherworld was promoted a little, which was obviously much stronger than before!

Of course, this is also the limit of the Netherworld in front of us.

“Did Xihe become a saint?”

“Another Hunyuan earthly saint?”



The six saints of the prehistoric world who had been in the blood sea and had not left, felt that the sainthood in their hands was not so attractive after seeing Xihe become a saint of the earthly origin!

These are already four saints of the prehistoric world, right?

The saints of the prehistoric world are saints of the great way, and they are much higher than us in terms of potential and freedom!


Moreover, except for Zhen Yuanzi who has been suppressed by the prehistoric heavenly way, the other four saints of the prehistoric world seem to have a relationship with the witch clan!


With the suppression of the prehistoric heavenly way, the saints of the earthly way can only stay in the netherworld and are not allowed to appear in the prehistoric world!

Otherwise, the six saints would just stop playing!

After the canonization of the Emperor of Fengdu, the next is the Five Directions Ghost Emperor!

“The Five Ghost Emperors:

The Central Ghost Emperor is the Moon Goddess Chang Xi!……”

In addition to Changxi as the Central Ghost Emperor, Ye Chen did not have a suitable candidate for the remaining four Ghost Emperors, so he did not confirm it again!

Leave the vacancy and fill it later!


As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the huge cloud of merit and celebration in the sky fell by another 50%!

One tenth fell into Changxi’s body, allowing him to directly cut off his obsession and be promoted to Quasi-Saint Perfection!

The remaining 40% was sunk into the underworld. When the three Ghost Emperors return to their positions in the future, they will be divided and fall into the bodies of the three Ghost Emperors!

There is also the last ten percent, which also fell into the underworld of the netherworld, and was left for the Ten Palaces of Hell, the Judge, the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced, and other small fruit positions to share in the future!

At this point, all the merits were divided!

Seeing this, the saints saw that they could not get any benefits, and they were also ready to leave.

Nuwa Saint was the first to leave. She had no disciples and was not interested in any fruit position!

And Zhunti Jieyin of the Western Church and Tongtian among the Three Pure Ones left soon after.

Zhunti Jieyin is very calculating. Seeing that he can’t get any benefits now, he naturally slips away the fastest!

Moreover, if it is not necessary, they don’t want to stay with Ye Chen, the evil star. As long as they meet, nothing good will happen!

Although Tongtian has disciples now, he has not yet had the kind of battle of thousands of immortals coming to pay homage to him in the future. In his opinion, his own strength is the most important. As for the fruit position, he also doesn’t care much!

The only ones who have not left are Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi!

There are already twelve golden immortals under Yuanshi’s seat, and he is particularly protective and partial!

If he can get the fruit position of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor for Guangchengzi, the first disciple of the Chanjiao, then it will be worthwhile!

Laozi’s idea is also very simple!

He has suffered too much from Ye Chen. Now he is here to see if there is a chance to trick Ye Chen so that he can get his Tai Chi diagram back!

But now, seeing that the other four saints have left and the Netherworld has also evolved, Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other and prepared to leave.

However, at this time!


Suddenly, a terrifying pressure descended upon Laozi and Yuanshi!

At the same time, the law of infinite power emitted a hazy green light, directly blocking the space within a radius of billions of miles!

“Want to leave?”

In a faint voice, Ye Chen’s face was calm, and he appeared in front of Laozi and Yuanshi.

These two guys came here with no good intentions!

Before, it was because of the evolution of the Netherworld, and the canonization of the Lord of Fengdu and the Five Ghost Emperors, so he had no time to take care of these two guys!

But now, Ye Chen will naturally not let Laozi and Yuanshi, who have no good intentions, leave so easily!

“Each of you must leave behind an innate top-grade spiritual treasure, otherwise, you will stay here today!”

Looking at the extremely ugly expressions of Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi, Ye Chen said indifferently.

As the authentic Pangu, the Three Pure Ones are simply rich, equivalent to the”rich second generation” of the prehistoric world. Compared with the”poor loser” Zhunti Jieyin, they are simply so comfortable!

Like the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in Laozi’s hand, and the Pangu Banner in Yuanshi’s hand, they are all treasures!

Of course, Ye Chen understands that Laozi and Yuanshi, even if they self-destruct, will not give up the treasure!

An innate top-grade spiritual treasure is less than the loss of self-destruction, which is almost their psychological limit!


Hearing Ye Chen’s lion-like mouth, Yuanshi Laozi was so angry!

When have they ever been so angry?

But, after seeing the Houtu Saint, Xihe Saint, and the eleven ancestor witches behind Ye Chen!

Yuanshi Laozi took a deep breath and soon calmed down! The first thing they thought of was self-destruction. Anyway, they could be resurrected. There was a mark on the spiritual treasure. Even if they self-destructed, they could return to their hands again!


Ye Chen’s estimate was very accurate!

The loss of a saint self-destructing once was still very large. Although he was resurrected again, he would be eroded by the power of the Heavenly Dao and lose part of himself!

If he self-destructed more times, maybe he would completely lose his self-consciousness and become a puppet incarnation of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao!

Thinking of this, Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun’s faces were so gloomy that they were about to drip water.

This feeling was simply too uncomfortable!

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