“The witches and demons fought, Hou Tu became a saint, the twelve witch ancestors and the witch clan have retreated to the netherworld, the demon clan went against the will of heaven, and the ten suns appeared in the sky, creating boundless karma. What qualifications do they have to rule the heaven again?”

Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly, holding the Pangu Banner.

Now that the catastrophe is over, the world is clear and the secrets of heaven are no longer obscure.

He has sensed that the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect and many disciples have returned to the prehistoric world!

Naturally, he has to plan the position of the emperor of heaven with his first disciple Guangchengzi!

The Three Pure Ones.

Seeing Yuan Shi speaking at this time, Tai Qing Laozi also joined in:”The demon clan ruled the prehistoric world and created boundless karma.

During the catastrophe of the human race, hundreds of millions of human beings were slaughtered to refine the witch-killing sword.

Now that the human race is the protagonist destined by heaven, it will surely prosper!

Humans and demons cannot coexist.

With the blood feud between the human race and the demon race, Sister Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race.

If the human race goes against the will of heaven and bloodbaths the demon race’s heaven, where should it be?”

As the leader of the human race, it is understandable that Taiqing Laozi said this!

Moreover, he also pointed out Nuwa’s identity as the Holy Mother of the human race, and there was a teasing meaning in his words! She is obviously the Holy Mother of the human race, but she always considers the demon race!

If it is really the human race that goes against the sky and bloodbaths the demon race, he is really curious, which side should Nuwa stand on?

Hearing Taiqing Laozi’s words, Nuwa’s expression also changed slightly!

She just wanted Fuxi to inherit the orthodoxy of the Demon King.

But, after Laozi said that, she just remembered the time when humans and demons were deadly enemies!

With the demon race Although the current strength is stronger than that of the human race, it is destined that the human race will have eight quasi-saints in the future, that is, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, who are powerful enough to sweep across the prehistoric races!

If the demon race still controls the heaven, with the blood feud between the human race and the demon race!

At that time, I am afraid that the human race will immediately raise troops to attack the heaven and destroy the demon race. Her brother Fuxi is afraid that he will not have a good end!

Thinking of this, she fell silent and kept silent!

Seeing that Nuwa had nothing to say, Taiqing Laozi continued:”My disciple has the great master Xuandu, who is the orthodox identity of the human race! In the future, the human race will be the protagonist destined by heaven. If Xuandu controls the heaven, sorts out the prehistoric world, and the Zhoutian stars move, it will also be orthodox and follow the trend of heaven!”

This is boasting and actively recommending disciples to the Taoist Patriarch!

However, among all the saints’ disciples on the field, Master Xuandu does have an advantage!

Although he doesn’t think highly of the human race, and only knows how to steal the luck of the human race and wish that the human race would be exterminated, he is indeed an orthodox human!

As the destined protagonist of the human race in the future, he is in charge of the Heavenly Court and is the Emperor of Heaven, which is well deserved!

And the remaining saints, seeing that Laozi recommended his own disciples, couldn’t sit still.

Yuanshi Tianzun, holding the Pangu Banner, immediately said:”My first disciple Guangchengzi, is a golden immortal who has attained the Tao. He has a deep foundation and good fortune. He can be the seat of heaven and earth!” Tongtian Jiaozhu was not to be outdone, and also said:”My eldest disciple, Duobao Taoist, has a high level of cultivation and can be in charge of the Heavenly Court!”

When Yuanshi heard this, he felt unhappy.

Most of the disciples of Jiejiao were those who were covered with scales and armor, and were born from eggs. He looked down on them.

That Duobao Taoist was just a Duobao Rat. What qualifications did he have to compare with Guangchengzi, his disciple!

Not to mention Yuanshi’s thoughts.

At this time, seeing the Three Pure Ones speaking,

Zhunti also hurriedly said:”My first disciple, Medicine Master, must have a destiny with the position of Heavenly Emperor!”

Zhunti said seriously, but the saints were secretly complaining in their hearts!

What things are destined to be with your Western religion!

It’s okay for spiritual roots and spiritual treasures to be destined!

Now, even the position of Heavenly Emperor is destined!

Why don’t you say that the position of the Taoist Ancestor is destined to be with your Western religion!!

However, as soon as Zhunti’s words came out, Yuanshi said coldly:”The Heavenly Court is located on the Kunlun Mountain in the east. The affairs of the Heavenly Emperor are our Eastern affairs. What has it got to do with you in the West? If you keep making trouble, be careful that I will not be polite to you!”

Among the Three Pure Ones, there is a gap between him and Tongtian!

However, the affairs of the East cannot be interfered with by the West!

It’s a pity that Yuanshi now remembers the difference between the East and the West. When it comes to interests, he joins forces with outsiders to deal with his brother Tongtian.

If not, the Conferred God Tribulation would not have been so angry and destroyed the prehistoric world!

It’s a pity that he now remembers the difference between the East and the West. If he remembered it during the Conferred God Tribulation, he and Tongtian would not have gotten into such a mess.

“We are all from Xuanmen, so how can we distinguish between the East and the West? The matter of the Emperor of Heaven is not for you three pure ones to decide, it must be decided by the teacher!”

Hearing Yuanshi’s words, Zhunti’s tone was obviously stagnant, but he was clear-headed, but he pulled Hongjun’s tiger skin and spoke coldly. After hearing Zhunti’s words, the saints stopped arguing and all turned their eyes to Hongjun!

In their opinion.

In the prehistoric world, the four divisions of Xuanmen only belonged to the disciples of their four sects.

The position of the Emperor of Heaven will always belong to the disciples of their four sects anyway, and there will be no one else.

Facing the eyes of the saints, Hongjun finally spoke lightly:

“The primordial universe is divided into upper, lower, east, south, west and north.

It controls the six directions, so the ten thousand heavens are divided into six, collectively known as the Six Emperors.

The Jade Emperor is the head of the Six Emperors.

He controls the ten thousand heavens and the earth, the primordial universe, and enforces the law on behalf of the heaven.

The other five emperors assist him!

Among my disciples, there is the boy Haotian, who is transformed from the chaotic stone.

He should be the Jade Emperor of the primordial heaven and sort out the primordial heaven.

The girl Yaochi should be the Golden Mother of Yaochi, assisting Haotian in managing the heaven!






Hearing what Hongjun Daozu said, all the saints were full of questions!

It seems that the position of Heavenly Emperor has already been decided for your own boy Haotian!

Then why are you asking us for our opinions? You made us argue for a long time and almost got into a fight!

Are you playing?

Of course, even though the six saints were in turmoil, even Tongtian Jiaozhu couldn’t help but complain wildly!!

But facing Daozu Hongjun’s decision, they dared not object.

Being strong means you can do whatever you want!

“The Six Heavenly Emperors, in addition to the head of the Six Heavenly Emperors, the Jade Emperor, there are five other Heavenly Emperors!

In the east, the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole is set up to rule over the three realms and assist the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in controlling the growth of all things.

In the west, the Great Emperor Gou Chen of the West Pole is set up to rule over the thunders, assist the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in controlling the three talents of heaven, earth, and man, and dominate the affairs of war in the three realms!

In the south, the Great Emperor Changsheng of the South Pole is set up to rule over all spirits, assist the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in controlling the longevity, disasters, and blessings of the three realms.

In the north, the Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole is set up to rule over all the stars, assist the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in controlling the heavenly meridians, earthly latitudes, sun, moon, stars, zodiac, and the four seasons of climate!

Under him, the Emperor Chengtianxiaofa of the Earth is set up to rule over all the lands, rule over the netherworld, and control the six reincarnations!

These six Heavenly Emperors are the skeleton of the Heavenly Court, and they are indispensable for combing the prehistoric and suppressing the demon world outside the domain!

If you have any candidates for the other five Heavenly Emperors, you can recommend them!”

After confirming that Haotian was the Lord of Heaven, Hongjun Daozu continued to speak.

However, this time, the saints did not fall silent like before!

The best position among the six emperors is the Emperor of Heaven!

There are also those who follow the example of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, which is a nominal position!

After all, the netherworld is the territory of the Wu clan, and with the Houtu saint in charge, they don’t play with the prehistoric world at all!

Therefore, the only ones left are Dongji Qinghua, Gou Chen Emperor, Nanji Changsheng Emperor, and Ziwei Emperor!

These four emperors are half a level lower than Haotian!

If their disciples take the position. Wouldn’t it be equivalent to, but Haotian, a Daluo Jinxian, has a status comparable to their saints?

This is naturally unacceptable to the arrogant saints!

“You can discuss it!”

Seeing the long silence of the saints, Hongjun said without sadness or joy. At the same time, a pressure was released, causing the saints’ faces to change slightly!

This power was so terrifying and unfathomable that even the saints could not raise the slightest resistance in their hearts.

“My disciple, the great master Xuandu, can serve as the Great Emperor of Qinghua in the East!!”

Under this pressure, Taiqing Laozi, the first disciple of Hongjun, spoke first to show his loyalty!

He thought he was the first disciple of Hongjun, so at this time, he naturally had to show his loyalty first!

But in his heart, he hated Haotian!

A mere boy, with the cultivation of a Daluo Jinxian, what virtue and ability did he have to govern his disciples and be on an equal footing with him!

“My disciple, Nan Ji Xian Weng, should be the Nan Ji Chang Sheng Great Emperor!”

Yuan Shi Tian Zun had many disciples, unlike Tai Qing Lao Zi, who had no choice but to bite the bullet and use Xuan Du Da Fa Shi to take over.

He directly recommended Nan Ji Xian Weng, the eldest disciple of the outer sect, to the top!

“My disciple Duobao should be the Great Emperor of the North Pole Ziwei!”

Tongtian teaches everyone, but he doesn’t care about so many things.

“My disciple’s medicine master should be the Great Emperor Gou Chen of the Western Extreme!”

Zunti is not like the Three Pure Ones. He is quite happy.

It is better to have a fruit position than nothing!

Moreover, with this fruit position, it will be more convenient for him to plot against the Heavenly Court in the future!

Poverty makes a man bolder!

Unlike the Three Pure Ones who were born in the prehistoric world, he was born in the barren West. When he became a saint, he still owed a lot of debts to the Heavenly Dao!

When he repaired the sky, he only paid some interest!

Now he is so poor that except for Hongjun, there is nothing he dare not plot against in the whole prehistoric world!

So far, the Six Imperials, except for the empty title of Chengtian Xiefa Huangdizhi, have all been canonized!

Hongjun stretched out his hand and pointed, and the figures in the Haotian Yaochi beside him were all blurred for a while. When they became clear again, they were already adults!

At the same time, their cultivation bases also skyrocketed in an instant, from the perfection of the Daluo Jinxian to directly beheading the good corpse and proving the initial stage of the quasi-saint!

“Thank you for your help, Master!”

Haotian and Yaochi were extremely happy to have their cultivation level improved and to have won the title of Lord of Heaven. They knelt down to thank Hongjun.

“This is the Haotian Realm. You can see the thirty-three heavens above and the nine underworlds below. I will give you the power to suppress the destiny of the heavenly court!”

Hongjun waved his hand, and a small mirror appeared in front of Haotian. This is the famous Haotian Mirror, which made Zhunti crazy.

“This is the Peach Tree, one of the ten great spiritual roots in the prehistoric world. I will give you this golden hairpin!”

Another Peach Tree and a golden hairpin were given to Yao Chi. Zhunti continued to eat lemons.��

“Now everything is settled! The catastrophe is over, and the new year begins. You should sort out the floods in the ancient times and restore the movement of the stars. Under the heavenly way, the big trend will not change, and the small trend will not come out!”

While speaking, Hongjun’s figure has disappeared from the spot!

“Farewell, Teacher!”

Seeing Hongjun leave, all the saints bowed, not daring to neglect him!

“Now the Heavenly Court is in a state of disrepair, and there are many matters to be handled. I hope you can help me with them!”

After Hongjun left, Haotian greeted the saints in a familiar manner.

In his opinion, he was the Jade Emperor of Heaven, commanding the prehistoric world, and also in charge of the disciples of the saints. He should be on an equal footing with the six saints of the prehistoric world and rule the prehistoric world together!

However, after hearing Haotian’s words, the saints all looked indifferent, but ignored him and disappeared directly on the spot!

Under the saints, they are all ants!

Haotian is only in the early stage of quasi-saints, even if he is the emperor of heaven, how can he be taken seriously by them!


Seeing that he was ignored by the saints, the arrogant Haotian couldn’t help but look a little ugly.

However, when he saw the Heavenly Court, his previous unhappy mood was swept away!

No matter what!

He is no longer the little boy before, but the Lord of the Heavenly Court who controls the prehistoric world and has supreme power!

The most important thing at the moment is to sort out the prehistoric stars, repair the damaged Heavenly Court, gather the prehistoric forces, and strengthen his own forces!

Thinking of this, he and Yao Chi disappeared on the spot.

So far, the witch and demon calamity has completely ended!

The sky is clear and the earth is bright, and the human race will prosper!

A new year begins, and the Heavenly Court is newly established!

A new era is about to begin

In the underworld.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged.

There were thousands of acres of Qingyun, emerging from his head, blooming with infinite Dao rhyme divine light, completely illuminating the entire netherworld!

In the Qingyun, there were many spiritual treasures such as the Hongmeng Measuring Heaven Ruler, the Innate Supreme Treasure Tai Chi Diagram, the Innate Supreme Treasure Chaos Bell, the God-killing Spear, the Twelve-Grade Pure World White Lotus, the Twelve-Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus, the Ninth-Grade Merit Golden Lotus, etc., floating and flashing infinite treasure light!

Above the Qingyun, there was a green Dao lotus the size of a sea bowl, lingering with infinite Dao talismans, and dropping endless Dao rhyme divine light, which was extremely mysterious!

At this time, Ye Chen had escorted the black tortoise to the six reincarnations, which was also considered to have fulfilled his promise and ended the cause and effect with the black tortoise!

As for the dragon clan, when he moved the three sacred mountains, he passed by the East China Sea and took the opportunity to move all the dragon clans to the netherworld, responsible for sitting in the evil ghost road in the six reincarnations to guide the dragon clan!

In the prehistoric times, the dragon clan has completely disappeared in the prehistoric times, just like the unicorn clan that disappeared at the beginning, and has withdrawn from the historical stage of the prehistoric times.

With the continuous merits and blessings of the netherworld, the dragon clan no longer has to worry about the terrible karma, and the masters of the clan have been preserved.

It is conceivable that after recuperation, it will not be like the Journey to the West, where even the powerful Daluo Jinxian cannot be found in the entire clan, and the four seas dragon kings, the face of the dragon clan, have fallen into the miserable situation of being held by the Jinxian!

Now that the witch and demon calamity has come, the world is clear, and Ye Chen’s many plans have been completed! At present, he is in the underworld, waiting for the earth marriage, and by the way, in the space of ten thousand times the time flow speed, he comprehends the law of fusion force and is promoted to the Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible!

There are too many great secrets in the prehistoric times!

Moreover, the era of the saints is about to come. Although it seems that the human race is flourishing, it is essentially the prosperity of the Xuanmen!

The six saints of the prehistoric world will also see a surge in their cultivation during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period!

Although Ye Chen has a system, he will not rely entirely on it. Since he came to the prehistoric world, he has been practicing hard and has never slacked off!

“Wait! Since the Xuanmen flourished during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period! If I move all human beings directly to the Netherworld, how will the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors be interpreted? Wouldn’t Taiqing Laozi become a commander without troops?”

At this moment, Ye Chen’s mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

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