“Nuwa collected the corpses of the innate human race, used their origin to re-grow the human race, stole power, obtained all the heritage of the innate human race, and stole the position of the Holy Mother!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, Ye Chen’s heart moved slightly!

These words are about to overturn the entire prehistoric world!

He suddenly remembered that when he was promoted to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and transcended the long river of fate, he accidentally saw several pictures!

It was on Mount Buzhou, next to a huge corpse, there was Nuwa with an indifferent expression!


The picture turned, the human race had been created by Nuwa, and what happened in the middle contained a shocking secret!

Let Ye Chen, always puzzled!

But now, after listening to Hongjun’s words, Ye Chen just felt suddenly enlightened!

If he guessed correctly, the huge corpse should be the real master of the prehistoric world, the Pangu clan born in the third calamity period!


Hongjun lightly tapped, and a message flooded into Ye Chen’s mind.

This was a message hidden by the prehistoric heavenly way, a great secret that disappeared in the depths of the long river of time, equivalent to a”formatted” message!

Ye Chen did not block the influx of this message, and soon, one picture after another appeared in his mind.

He instantly understood what kind of race this Pangu clan was!

It turned out that the Pangu clan was the race left by the great god Pangu to rule the prehistoric world!

They were the most perfect race in the prehistoric world, with a physique no less than that of the witch clan. At the same time, they also possessed the primordial spirit, mastering the authority of the rules of the prehistoric world, quite The first batch of true ancient gods!

To put it simply!

The Pangu clan is equivalent to a smaller version of the great Pangu, or equivalent to countless small prehistoric heavenly ways, responsible for sorting out the prehistoric heavenly ways!

They are the real protagonists of heaven and earth!

Unfortunately, due to unknown reasons, the Pangu clan fell, and their bodies were buried on Mount Buzhou, completely disappearing in the history of prehistoric times!

Only after the Pangu clan unexpectedly fell and became extinct, did the many chaotic demons who reincarnated into prehistoric times choose to be born before the beast calamity!

What happened later, we naturally know!

During the beast calamity, the Longhan catastrophe, and the witch and demon calamity.

The bodies of the Pangu clan were not… Zhoushan was found by Nuwa, who collected the corpses of Pangu clan, used their origin to breed the human race again, stole the power, and obtained all the heritage of Pangu clan. Only then did she prove the status of Hunyuan Sage and became the first of the six saints in the prehistoric world to become a saint, with a special status!

If so, then all the doubts can be explained!

Why did Nuwa create humans without using gourd vines and innate soil!

Because it was not considered as creating humans at all, but stealing the power, using the origin of the corpses of Pangu clan to breed 129,600 innate humans!

In this way, there is naturally no need for gourd vines and other tools for creating humans!

Why did Nuwa not care about the human race ? Without asking, it is as if the human race is its tool. Only when the human race is extinct and affects its own luck, she will think of taking action!


The human race was not created by it at all, but just a tool for it to prove its sainthood!

Since it is a tool, how can it have feelings!

Similarly, the human race is obviously weak!

But when it was just born, it was identified as the protagonist of heaven and earth by the prehistoric heavenly way, which can also explain it!

Because the origin of the human race is too terrifying, it is inextricably linked to the real protagonist of heaven and earth, the Pangu clan!

Naturally, when it was just born, it was identified as the protagonist of heaven and earth by the prehistoric heavenly way!

“If this is the case, then everything can be explained! Honghuang itself has its master, that is, the Pangu clan! Honghuang Heavenly Dao was not created by the great god Pangu at all, or in other words, Honghuang Heavenly Dao is just an intruder? ?”

Thinking of this, Ye Chen suddenly became enlightened, and he knew why Honghuang was different from other worlds.

Anyway, it was not his own world!

Honghuang Heavenly Dao is equivalent to an outsider, a sparrow occupying a cuckoo’s nest, only thinking about transforming, and naturally does not care about the direction of Honghuang!

Moreover, the more Honghuang is broken, the easier it is to transform!

This is easy to explain.

Honghuang is equivalent to the body of Honghuang Heavenly Dao!

The stronger the body, the more difficult it is for the soul to break free. It can be compared with the witch clan, where the soul is pulled into every cell by the flesh!

Only when Honghuang is constantly broken and weaker, will the difficulty of Honghuang Heavenly Dao transforming be smaller.

“But, you are the good corpse killed by the Honghuang Heavenly Dao, why do you tell me these secrets?”

While thinking, Ye Chen looked at Hongjun and asked calmly. At his level, he didn’t have to worry about any conspiracy or conspiracy!

Even if there was, he could break all the laws with one force! So

, if he had any doubts in his heart, he would ask directly.

“Although I am the good corpse of the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao, if the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao takes on a human form and the three corpses merge into one, I will completely lose my self-consciousness……”

Hongjun said with a bitter smile.

It is true that he is the good corpse of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao, but he also wants to have independent thoughts and does not want to be assimilated by the Honghuang Heavenly Dao!!

Otherwise, once the three corpses merge into one, he will be no different from falling!!

This is why he has always been kind to Ye Chen and even took the initiative to show up and give him the treasure Qiankun Ding!

Because, relying on his own strength, it is simply a foolish dream to want to break free from the control of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao!

Ye Chen’s potential gave him great hope!

In other words, Ye Chen is his last straw!

“So that’s it!!”

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and finally understood the reasons for Hongjun’s many abnormal behaviors before.

It’s very simple, he just wants to survive!

Have self-awareness and get rid of the control of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao!

“Daoist friend!

On the day of the immeasurable catastrophe, the primordial world was shattered, and that was when the Heavenly Dao took shape.

There is not much time left!

This Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune is given to Daoist friend!

Daoist friend, please give me a helping hand to get rid of the primordial Heavenly Dao for the sake of our past friendship!

“As soon as Hongjun finished speaking, countless fragments of the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune flew out of his body, forming a large half of a complete Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune, and fell in front of Ye Chen, dropping an infinite divine light of Dao rhyme, which made Ye Chen’s eyes slightly bright!

A complete Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune is of the grade of Chaos Supreme Treasure!

Why is Pangu the Great God so high in realm, looking down on the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and also comprehending all the three thousand great ways? A large part of the reason is because he has the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune, the treasure of enlightenment!

“Thank you, fellow Taoist!”

If you don’t take advantage of an opportunity, you’re a bastard!

Ye Chen took the many pieces of the Fortune Jade Butterfly in front of him with a calm expression!

At this time, he already had two pieces of the Fortune Jade Butterfly in his hand, and one of them was the main piece!

If he could get the fragment in the hands of Hongjun Daozu, he would be able to complete the Fortune Jade Butterfly and obtain a complete Chaos Treasure!

With this kind of enlightenment treasure, plus the blessing of the time flow rate and space at a hundred million times, Ye Chen is confident that before the immeasurable calamity, even if he practices hard, he can be promoted to the Chaos Realm!

After all!

The improvement brought by a complete Chaos Enlightenment Treasure is absolutely unimaginable!

“”When the infinite calamity comes, I will show up and repay today’s karma!”

Thinking of this, Ye Chen no longer stopped, and his figure moved and disappeared directly from the spot!

Naturally, he would not believe all of Hongjun’s words!

Hongjun’s plan could never be as simple as just breaking free from the primordial heavenly way!

Of course, these have little to do with him!

As long as he is promoted to the Chaos Realm, he can even refine the primordial heavenly way directly, and naturally he will not worry about any moths!


In the infinite calamity, the primordial heavenly way will take shape, and the three thousand chaos demons will be resurrected!

Just thinking about it, it feels very exciting!!

At present.

The most important thing is to break through the Hunyuan Realm as soon as possible and have a certain self-protection power!


When Ye Chen reached this level, he appeared directly in the netherworld with a thought.

He will He pieced together his two pieces of the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune with the countless pieces of the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune given by Hongjun. Soon, a complete Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune emitting infinite Dao light slowly appeared in front of him. This was the real Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune. Just by being in this light, Ye Chen could clearly feel that his cultivation had improved by more than ten million times compared to before!

This was still passive cultivation!

If he cultivated actively, his cultivation speed would definitely be able to reach a terrifying level compared to before!


With a thought, Ye Chen sat cross-legged, with a complete Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune on his head, and endless Dao rhyme divine light fell down!

In a space with a hundred million times the speed of time, it assisted him in the law of fusion force!

Ninety-one percent!

Ninety-two percent!

Ninety-three percent!….

Ninety-nine percent!

One hundred percent!


After integrating the law of force to one hundred percent, a bit of the origin of chaos suddenly appeared in Ye Chen’s body!

At the same time, a more mysterious and obscure aura began to emerge from Ye Chen’s body!

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