…….Personal Dashboard……..

Name: Ye Chen

Follower: High-level Chaos Devil!

Soul Cultivation: Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian

Physical Cultivation: Xuan Gong Sixth Rank (Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian)

Law Progress: Fusion of the Law of Force (1%), the Law of Time (80%), the Law of Space (21%), the Law of Destiny (21%), the Law of Cause and Effect…..

Spiritual treasures: Hongmeng Pearl (Second Seal), Seed of Chaos World, Hongmeng Ruler, Taiji Diagram, Dinghai Pearl, Pure White Lotus, Qinglian Treasure Flag, Lidi Flame Flag, Precious Lotus Lantern…….

Hongmeng Origin: 0…….

“Is this the feeling of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?”

In Pangu Hall, Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there were billions of worlds evolving and surging. In an instant, trillions of worlds were born and destroyed!

At the same time, the hazy green light around him, after he was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, had become so dense that it turned into substance, turning into a green Taoist robe with three thousand avenue patterns and a green lotus pattern on it, and appeared on Ye Chen!

This green Taoist robe is the materialization of the law of power. It is not stained by supernatural powers, and is not invaded by Taoism. The defense is no worse than an innate treasure!

After seeing the changes in the personal interface, a faint smile appeared on Ye Chen’s face.

First of all, it is the change of the foot!

He had refined Pangu Jade Marrow before, but some of the power still remained, which subtly changed his foot qualifications!

However, at this time when he was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, After Yuan Daluo Jinxian.

The remaining power in Pangu Jade Marrow was finally completely refined by him, and his foot was promoted from the previous intermediate Chaos Demon God to the advanced Chaos Demon God!

To put it simply.

Ye Chen’s previous foot ranking was the 101st Chaos Demon God!

However, at this time, his foot has been successfully promoted to the 100th Chaos Demon God, officially promoted to the top 100 Chaos Demon God!

The top 100 Chaos Demon Gods are the advanced Chaos Demon Gods! The top ten Chaos Demon Gods are the top Chaos Demon Gods!

Although Ye Chen’s ranking seems to have only been promoted by one, the transformation it brings is absolutely reborn!

First of all, his qualifications have been greatly improved, and the speed of comprehending the fusion law is obviously hundreds of times faster than before!

Secondly, his potential has also been greatly improved!

If it is said that he was completely… If Ye Chen could be promoted to Hunyuan Wushang Daluo Jinxian by sleeping for a long time!

Then, after being promoted to the high-level Chaos Demon God, he would not have any bottleneck before being promoted to Hunyuan Taishang Wushang Daluo Jinxian!

This is very comfortable!

After all, even Hongjun Daozu, who is now recognized as the strongest person in the prehistoric world, is only Hunyuan Taishang Wushang Daluo Jinxian with the blessing of the power of heaven! Moreover

, if the origin of Hongmeng is enough, Ye Chen can be promoted again!

Theoretically, as long as there is enough Hongmeng origin, he will be promoted to the top Chaos Demon God, or even the Supreme Chaos Demon God comparable to Pangu God, without any problem!

It’s very comfortable!!

In addition to the foot, there is no need to talk about the cultivation.

At this time, Ye Chen has been successfully promoted from the quasi-sage perfection to the first level of Hunyuan , ushered in a transformation!

Before, when facing Nuwa, although Ye Chen had the advantage, he could not do anything to Nuwa!

It’s very simple.

The saint’s soul is entrusted to the way of heaven, immortal and indestructible, even if it falls, it can be resurrected again!

Therefore, even if his physical body is enough to blow up the saint, it can’t hurt the saint’s origin fundamentally, and it doesn’t make much sense!

However, at this time, after integrating the perfect law of power into himself, Ye Chen has understood the essence of the law of power, and his attacks carry the true meaning of power like Pangu God creating the world!

Power contains everything, the power of time, the power of space, and the power of destiny!

Even, to exaggerate, the power of heaven and the power of the avenue are actually included in the law of power!

Therefore, Ye Chen’s attack at this time is absolutely aimed at the origin, even if the saint’s soul is entrusted to the way of heaven!

However, under the true meaning of Ye Chen’s power, it is possible to hurt the origin!

This is already very against the sky!

Being able to hurt the origin of the saint is equivalent to having a very terrifying lethality and deterrence!

After all, although the saints are immortal, if their origin is damaged, at the very least, their cultivation will not be able to improve, and at the worst, they will fall into a lower realm, which is still very uncomfortable! As for actually killing the saints.

Ye Chen estimated that before he was promoted to the Hunyuan Taishang Wuji Daluo Jinxian, he didn’t even need to think about it!

“By the way, now that I have been promoted to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the Hongmeng Pearl has also successfully opened the second seal. I wonder, after the second seal of this Hongmeng Pearl is opened, what kind of heaven-defying function will it have?”

Ye Chen looked at the Hongmeng Pearl in front of him, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

This Hongmeng Pearl is a Hongmeng Lingbao that surpasses the Chaos Supreme Treasure, and it has nine seals inside.

When the first seal was unlocked, it was already at the level of an innate treasure!

And now, after Ye Chen was promoted to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and opened the second seal.

The grade of the Hongmeng Pearl has also been successfully promoted from the previous innate treasure level to the level of a Chaos Spiritual Treasure!

And just by unlocking the first seal, the Hongmeng Pearl already has the heaven-defying function of automatically generating the Hongmeng Purple Qi!

It is really hard to imagine how heaven-defying the function of the second seal is!

No wonder Ye Chen is looking forward to it!

Thinking of this.

Ye Chen directly injected mana into the Hongmeng Pearl.

The next moment, Endless information poured into his mind, making him understand the function of the second level of Hongmeng Pearl in an instant!

First of all, after the second seal of Hongmeng Pearl is unlocked, it can condense a Hongmeng purple gas every hundred years!

Before, it was ten thousand years!

In other words, compared with the first seal, the speed at which Hongmeng Pearl produces Hongmeng purple gas is a hundred times faster!

This is very comfortable!

After all, Hongmeng purple gas can not only be used to comprehend the great way, but also has great benefits for the growth of spiritual roots!

If a congenital top-grade spiritual root can absorb enough Hongmeng purple gas, it can be upgraded to a higher grade and become a chaotic spiritual root!

Moreover, every ray of Hongmeng purple gas born in Hongmeng Pearl is”a strand of escaping”, the quality is much higher than that bestowed by Hongjun, and each strand can prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

And now, one strand can be born every hundred years, plus the time flow rate is ten thousand times!

It can be said that the Hongmeng purple qi, the foundation of the great way, which is scrambled by countless quasi-saints in the outside world and even the saints are tempted.

Now in Ye Chen’s eyes, it is just like cabbage, not worth anything at all!

In addition to this, the Hongmeng Pearl has added a powerful function!

This function is called storage.

It sounds strange, but it can actually store Ye Chen’s full-strength attack!

However, this storage is not without limit.

It can only be stored once a day, and it is not affected by the time flow barrier!

To put it simply, which I am afraid that even if Ye Chen arranges a space with a time flow rate of ten thousand times, it is useless.

This time is calculated according to the time in the prehistoric times.

However, even so, this function of the Hongmeng Pearl is still very powerful!

In one year, it can store an attack that is 365 times as powerful as Ye Chen’s full-strength attack!

A hundred years, that is 36,500 times!

Ten thousand years, that is 3.65 million times!

By analogy, the stronger the storage time, the more terrifying the power that the Hongmeng Pearl can burst out.

If it is stored for more than one billion years, Ye Chen estimates that one strike can make Hongjun Daozu change color!

Of course, this can only be used as a trump card!

After all, once it is used, all the previously stored will be consumed, and it has to be stored again!

“At present, my magic power and physical body have all been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, plus the law of power I have cultivated and many treasures, even if I face a strong man in the third level of Hunyuan, I am not afraid!”

Ye Chen’s expression was calm, with countless confidence in his eyes.

Twelve levels of Hunyuan, one realm and one level!

The strongest person in the prehistoric world is just Nuwa Saint of the first level of Hunyuan!

With his current strength, he can walk sideways!

“First, completely refine the two treasures, the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler and the Taiji Diagram, and then go to the Blood Sea and the Styx to explore. What is the so-called reincarnation?”

Only the realm of the Hunyuan Saint can completely refine the treasure and fully exert its power!

As for the Quasi-Saint level, it can only exert one billionth of the power of the treasure!

Now that Ye Chen has been promoted to Hunyuan, he naturally has to completely refine the innate treasure Taiji Diagram and the acquired merit treasure Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, and transform all the resources in his hands into strength!

Afterwards, go to the depths of the Blood Sea and the Styx, and explore the place where the future Hou Tu Zu Wu will turn into reincarnation, and make some plans in advance to prevent tragedies from happening!

At this time, just after Ye Chen was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he was refining the treasure in Pangu Hall.

In the prehistoric Kunlun Mountains, Taiqing Laozi, who was comprehending the Hongmeng purple air, suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of excitement appeared on his quiet and inaction face.

As the head of the Three Pure Ones and the first disciple of Hongjun, Taiqing Laozi’s arrogance is definitely no less than that of Yuanshi!

However, Nuwa actually achieved enlightenment before him, which was simply a slap in his face, making Taiqing Laozi feel angry!

Especially hundreds of years ago, the amazing vision above the long river of destiny, the shadow of the thirty-sixth-grade chaos blue lotus, showed that someone else had achieved Hunyuan!

This made Taiqing Laozi feel even more pressured, and he concentrated on comprehending the Hongmeng purple air!

But, this Hongmeng purple air, how can it be easily comprehended!

Since Hongjun merged with the Tao, Taiqing Laozi has been comprehending for tens of thousands of years, but he is always confused and has gained nothing at all!

However, just now, the primordial purple energy that had been dormant in his mind suddenly jumped, as if it meant that his chance to attain the Dao of Hunyuan had come!

How could this not make Taiqing Laozi excited?

Even if he was deep in thought, at this moment, before the opportunity to attain the Dao of Hunyuan and obtain the Sainthood, he could not restrain his excitement!

“Second brother, third brother, I have realized in my heart that my chance to become a saint is not in Kunlun. I bid farewell today and travel around the prehistoric world!”

Laozi was also decisive. After realizing his chance to become a saint, he said goodbye to Yuanshi Tongtian without any hesitation and began to travel around the prehistoric world.

Unconsciously, under the guidance of the primordial purple air,

Taiqing Laozi left Kunlun Mountain and traveled along the east of the prehistoric world.

Hundreds of years later, he came to the coast of the East China Sea, Shouyang Mountain.

At this time, some human races had migrated to Shouyang Mountain and formed a human tribe.

At this time, when Taiqing Laozi just came to Shouyang Mountain, he felt a move in his heart, as if there was an opportunity waiting for him.

He was delighted and flew directly in the direction of the induction.

Soon, Taiqing Laozi came to the depths of Shouyang Mountain, in front of an innate restriction!

“The innate restriction is formed innately! Shouyang Mountain was transformed by the great god Pangu, and the innate restriction inside it contains great opportunities!”

Tao Qing Laozi looked at the innate restriction in front of him, his eyes lit up, and immediately, he began to crack the innate restriction!

Ten years!

A hundred years!

Three hundred years!

After hundreds of years of cracking, Tai Qing Laozi finally broke the innate restriction, and then, with full of expectations and joy, he looked into the innate restriction.

However, the next moment, he was stunned!

Because, in front of him, at this moment, the innate restriction that he thought was full of spiritual roots and opportunities was in a mess. All the spiritual roots and spiritual medicines were all looted, and there was not even a single one left!!


Seeing this scene, Taiqing Laozi almost peed on the spot!

This was his chance!

But someone got there first!

That’s not to mention? ?

They scraped the ground three feet, leaving him no grass? ?

This is too wicked!!

Especially when Taiqing Laozi came to the depths of the innate restriction and saw the empty high platform, the sense of loss in his heart suddenly burst!

He could feel it.

The spiritual treasure on the high platform was absolutely important to him!

The special feeling he had in Kunlun Mountain was related to the spiritual treasure that was robbed in front of him!!

But now, everyone got there first!

Not a hair was left for him!!

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