Six Saints in one day?

What a scene!

For a moment, the entire prehistoric world, trillions of creatures, and powerful beings were all boiling with excitement. Even the hermit monks in the depths of the prehistoric starry sky were all alarmed!

Especially the terrifying aura that erupted from the Pangu Palace at the end, which simply attracted the curiosity of all the powerful beings!

“When did such a being appear in the Witch Clan?”

“Could it be that there is an ancestor witch who has achieved sainthood in the flesh and attained the state of Hun Yuan? ?”

“Just by relying on his aura, he is able to overwhelm the other five saints. What kind of person is the owner of this aura?”

“Didn’t Hongjun say that there were only six saints appointed by heaven in the ancient times? Who exactly is this person in Pangu Temple?”


For a time, countless powerful people speculated, and countless divine consciousnesses communicated in the prehistoric world, all of them were extremely curious!

However, just as they were curious, the terrifying pressure that erupted from the Ancestral Witch Hall disappeared in an instant!

It disappeared without a trace!

This made the powerful people even more curious!

However, Pangu Hall was formed from the heart of the great god Pangu, and even the way of heaven could be isolated. How could they spy on it? They could only speculate that it should be the ancestor witch of the witch clan who became a saint in the flesh!

“Hmm? This smell?”

At this time, in Shouyang Mountain, Taiqing Laozi, who had just become a saint, had a changed expression after sensing the terrifying pressure that erupted from Pangu Hall!

This kind of aura can only be erupted by the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

When did a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appear in the prehistoric world?

Moreover, there was an extra Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian before he attained the sainthood!

The saint’s mind is clear, and Taiqing Laozi vaguely sensed that the guy who robbed his Tai Chi diagram and the guy who robbed the treasure of his race!

There is definitely a relationship with the existence that erupted with terrifying aura in Pangu Hall!

Thinking of this, Taiqing Laozi wanted to rush into Pangu Hall right now!

However, Pangu Hall has twelve ancestor witches sitting in it, plus Pangu’s pressure, even if a saint breaks in, he will definitely not end up well!

In addition, there is the mysterious Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

He has just attained the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If he rashly breaks in, losing face is a small matter, but being suppressed in Pangu Hall is a tragedy!

“Oh? There is a new Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Wu Clan? Is it him?”

In the Wahuang Heaven, the Nuwa Saint, dressed in palace clothes and with a beautiful expression, has a divine wheel of creation appearing behind her head, illuminating the heavens and the universe!

Her eyes penetrated the infinite distance and fell on the Pangu Palace, but were blocked by a force and could not see through it at all.

However, in Nuwa’s mind, the figure shrouded in a hazy green light has already appeared on its own!

Apart from that figure, there is probably no one else in the whole prehistoric world that she can’t see through!



And………Nuwa looked at the red hydrangea in her hand, which was emitting a buzzing red light. It was shaking violently and seemed to be about to slip out of her hand. She looked indifferent and ruthless!


With a cold snort, the infinite power of the saint fell, and the originally buzzing red hydrangea was directly suppressed.

The entire Nuwa Palace returned to silence again!

“I didn’t expect that there would be someone in the prehistoric world who had achieved the state of Primordial Chaos earlier than us?”

In Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian, the leader who had just established Jiejiao and achieved the supreme sainthood, carried the Qingping Sword on his back and looked in the direction of Pangu Palace. There was an infinite sword intent in his eyes, and he wanted to cut the entire prehistoric world into pieces!

“Humph, the Heavenly Dao controls the prehistoric world! We Heavenly Dao Saints are the orthodox ones! Even when we raised our eyebrows, we were suppressed! If that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian knows what’s good for him, it’s fine. If he doesn’t, he will be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao and will never be able to escape. It’s his own fault!”

Yuanshi Tianzun was arrogant and proud. Seeing that someone had achieved enlightenment before him, and that he had achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he was naturally unhappy.

He held the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi and the Pangu Banner in his hands and spoke coldly.

Tongtian Jiaozhu, upon hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, did not agree with him.

Blindly following the way of heaven, what’s the difference between him and a straw dog! Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun, he admired the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who had great perseverance and great luck!

To be able to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world where the Great Dao has retired, such great qualifications and perseverance, even he felt ashamed of himself!

However, now that the Three Pure Ones are one, their relationship is extremely good, and coupled with the great joy of becoming a saint, he did not refute Yuanshi Tianzun. He just looked at the Pangu Palace, his body After that, the four swords of Zhu Xian hummed, emitting endless sword intent and killing intent!

If you can fight with that kind of existence, it will be really refreshing!

Not to mention the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa’s reaction.

At this time, in the Western Realm, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti Jieyin, who was about to become a saint, encountered a very embarrassing situation!

The two of them previously suppressed their luck with the twelve-grade merit golden lotus and established the Western Supreme Sect. The Heavenly Dao was moved and sent down infinite merits!

However, these merits are only enough for one person to become a saint!

At this time, they were divided equally on Zhunti Jieyin, allowing the two to be promoted to the perfection of quasi-saints, only one step away from saints, equivalent to half-step saints!

However, this step is like a natural moat. If there is no accident, I am afraid that they will never be able to cross it!


Seeing this scene, Zhunti almost cried! He was about to become a saint, but he was stuck!

This feeling was so uncomfortable! Jie

Yin, who was already full of bitterness, as if others owed him eight million, almost squeezed his facial features together when he saw this scene!

“”How miserable! How miserable! If you don’t become a saint, how can you revive the West!”

Jie Yin was extremely distressed.

In the battle between Taoism and demons, before the demon ancestor Luo Hou blew himself up, he detonated the spiritual veins of the entire prehistoric western land, turning the entire west into a wasteland. For billions of years, the west has been extremely barren!

But, he and Zhunti were born in the west, and this place is their home! If it is barren, they will repair the veins!

If there are no disciples, they will go to the border between the east and the west and grab some back!

Zixiao preached only to seek a glimmer of hope for the west!

From the beginning, they never thought of leaving the prehistoric west and going to the prehistoric east!

Even the purpose of their becoming saints is to revive the Western religion and the West, without any selfish desires!

“Forget it, forget it! Brother, we are all Western beings. Even if we want to become saints and revitalize Western religions, we should make some sacrifices!”

What should I do if I don’t have enough merit?

I can only borrow it!

However, how can the merit of heaven be borrowed so easily?

Zhunti looked at the barren and desolate West behind him, and he and Zhunti exchanged a glance. They understood each other’s decision, and felt even more bitter in their hearts, but they could only say aloud:

“If I attain the supreme Bodhi and become a perfect Buddha, the Buddha land I live in will be adorned with immeasurable and inconceivable merits. There will be no hells, hungry ghosts, beasts, flying creatures, etc. All living beings, as well as those in the Yama Realm and the three evil paths, will be reborn in my land, receive my teachings, and all attain Anuttara Samyaksambodhi. They will no longer fall into the evil paths. If I achieve this wish, I will become a Buddha.”

“If I cannot obtain this wish, I will not attain the supreme enlightenment.

If I become a Buddha, sentient beings in the ten directions sincerely believe in and wish to be reborn in my country, even if they recite my name ten times.

If they are not reborn, I will not attain enlightenment.

Except for the five heinous crimes and slandering the Dharma.

If I become a Buddha, sentient beings in the ten directions will develop bodhi minds, cultivate various merits, and sincerely wish to be reborn in my country.

If I do not appear before them with a large crowd at the end of their lives, I will not attain enlightenment.


Soon, the Sanskrit sound disappeared, and petals were seen flying in the air, golden lotuses emerged from the ground, a golden light filled the world, a relic flew into the air, and waves of sandalwood fragrance were refreshing.

Jie Yin and Zhunti made forty-eight great wishes in one fell swoop, creating the Western religion and the paradise, wanting to save all the lost sentient beings. With the response of the heavenly way, they finally became saints and achieved the supreme fruit of the way!

However, even now that they have achieved the sainthood, Zhunti Jie

Yin is still frowning! The merits of the heavenly way are not so easy to borrow!

If you borrow, you have to pay it back, right?

But it is too difficult to obtain the prehistoric heavenly way!

Thinking of this, Zhunti Jie Yin became a little sad again, and even ignored the terrifying pressure that flashed in the Pangu Hall!

This is indeed the case.

In the future, Zhunti jumped up and down, constantly planning, calculating the ten little golden crows of the demon race, calculating Haotian’s sister Yao Ji, Haotian’s daughter Princess Longji, Haotian’s reincarnation Zhang Bairen’s daughter Seven Fairies, etc., in fact, one is to revitalize the Western religion, and the other is to repay the merits owed to the Heavenly Dao!

Of course, this is a later story, let’s not talk about it for now!

At this time, there were five more saints in the prehistoric world in one day, and the sky was auspicious, and the whole world celebrated. Counting the previous Nuwa saint, the six saints were complete.

For a time, the spiritual energy of the entire prehistoric world began to recover, and the famous mountains and rivers, the great lakes and rivers even had infinite spiritual rain gushing out. Even the rules between heaven and earth seemed much clearer. The originally obscure rules of heaven became much simpler to comprehend at this time!

This phenomenon has lasted for hundreds of years.

During these hundreds of years, it was simply the golden age of the prehistoric world. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth soared by 30%!

Countless cultivators were promoted to Golden Immortals, Taiyi Golden Immortals, and even many powerful Daluo Golden Immortals were born!

“This is….Is the Way of Heaven stronger? Or is it more perfect?”

In the Pangu Palace, in a space with a time flow rate of ten thousand times, Ye Chen, who had completely refined the treasures such as the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler and the Tai Chi Diagram, looked at the changes in the outside world with a calm expression and muttered to himself.

In fact, when the five saints of the prehistoric world were born in one day, he had already noticed the abnormality of the outside world.

However, the six saints of the prehistoric world were the trend of the heavenly way, and there was no benefit to plan, so Ye Chen was too lazy to plan anything.

As for the terrifying pressure that erupted from the Pangu Palace, it was just a wisp of aura that Ye Chen inadvertently revealed when he was refining the treasure!

At this time, he was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who proved the way with force, although it was only the first level of Hunyuan!

However, just a wisp of aura was enough to suppress the five saints who became saints with merit and shook the entire prehistoric world!

And now, after the six saints of the prehistoric world are perfect!

Ye Chen realized that the entire heavenly way seemed to have become stronger and more perfect, and the control over the prehistoric world was far stronger than before!

This is also normal.

The prehistoric world is equivalent to a supercomputer.

Then the prehistoric heavenly way is equivalent to the running program of the supercomputer, and the prehistoric heavenly way saint is equivalent to the program administrator, with some permissions!

It is a program, so there must be loopholes or bugs!

At present, the prehistoric heavenly way has five more administrators, and the loopholes will naturally be filled soon, and it will be more perfect and stronger!

This may be good news for the prehistoric creatures!

But, for the witch clan and Ye Chen, it is definitely bad news!

The perfection of the heavenly way will increase the combat power of the saints!

After all, they can borrow the power of the heavenly way!

Moreover, the perfection of the heavenly way will naturally suppress the earthly way and the human way more!

There are six saints, which are equivalent to the thugs or incarnations of the heavenly way. If the earthly way and the human way want to rise, I am afraid there is no hope!

If you want to change the tragedy of Hou Tu Zu Wu’s reincarnation, the resistance you encounter will also become greater, and the variables will increase!

“It seems that the plan has to be advanced!”

Ye Chen’s expression was calm, and he was ready to leave Pangu Palace and go to the depths of the Netherworld Blood Sea.

However, at this moment, the system’s crisp prompt sound suddenly rang in his mind:

“Ding, the arrival of the Saint Era is detected, the Heavenly Dao becomes stronger, and the God-level options are unlocked:

Option 1: Go to the depths of the Netherworld Blood Sea to explore the secrets of reincarnation! Reward 500 million points of Hongmeng Origin!

Option 2: Stay in Pangu Palace and wait for Hou Tu Zu Wu to reincarnate, and reward 500 million points of Hongmeng Origin!

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