Is Penglai Island really nice outside?

Not necessarily.

Although it is free outside, it is extremely dangerous!

When you come outside, whether you can survive or not is a question.

However, every living being has its own choice, and Ao Yin will not interfere.

He has made it very clear that once he leaves Penglai Island, he cannot come back.

Once they make a choice, they are responsible for their choice!

The main hall of Kirigakure Palace.

After the ten named disciples left, Ao Yin let Qingzhu and Xiaoliu walk in.

Five thousand years ago, Ao Yin also passed on the "Misty Hidden Scripture" to two boys.

Now five thousand years have passed, and their cultivation has also broken through from the late stage of heavenly immortal to the middle stage of true immortal!

Among ordinary creatures, it can be said that progress is rapid!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they gained a lot from Ao Yin’s previous sermon!

Ao Yin looked at his two children with satisfaction in his eyes.

They have followed themselves for more than eight thousand years.

Although I have basically been in seclusion over the years.

But they have hard work without merit.

Ao Yin is never stingy with his own people!

After thinking about it, he said to Qingzhu and Xiaoliu: "I am about to leave Penglai Island and travel across the wild land. You two will assist your ten brothers in maintaining order on Penglai Island, especially protecting the dojo!

Later you can take three fruits from those acquired spiritual roots.

In addition, don’t fall behind in your practice! "

Hearing this, although Qingzhu and Xiaoliu felt a little reluctant, they still bowed and responded: "Yes, thank you sir!"

Because they already had the protective jade talisman that Ao Yin had previously rewarded, Ao Yin did not reward them with other spiritual treasures this time.

Too much is too little!

Afterwards, Ao Yin asked them to retreat.

A month later, tens of thousands of creatures had gathered outside the dojo.

Those who were planning to leave have already gathered here.

Ao Yin felt that it was almost done, and without further delay, his figure appeared outside the dojo.

"I've seen Master Kirigakure!"

"I've met the teacher!"

After seeing Ao Yin appear, all the creatures here bowed to pay homage.

Although they planned to leave this place, their gratitude to Ao Yin did not fade.

They dare not forget Ao Yin's kindness to them in teaching Taoism to this day!

Ao Yin nodded and said: "You don't need to be polite, now that you are ready, I will open the passage immediately.

Once you leave Penglai Island, you cannot return.

After leaving, for a short period of time, it is best for you to act together and take care of each other.

The outside world is no better than Penglai Island, and there may be a crisis. "

After finishing speaking, Ao Yin slashed out with his sword.

The next moment, a huge hole appeared in the sky.

"lets go!"

As Ao Yin's voice fell, a large number of creatures suddenly rushed towards the cave entrance.

They seemed to be worried that if they moved too slowly, the hole would disappear.

Seeing this, Ao Yin shook his head and said nothing.

In a matter of seconds, there were no souls left who needed to leave.

The entire Penglai Island seemed to be much quieter.

Ao Yin didn't pay attention to this. In a flash, his figure also flew out of the hole.

After he left, the hole above the formation quickly disappeared.

Before setting off, Ao Yin already had a plan in mind.

He planned to search the East China Sea first and try his luck to see if he could find Fangzhang Island and Yingzhou Island.

He gained a lot from just one Penglai Island. If he could find two other islands, he would probably have a few more spiritual treasures on his body!

So, Ao Yin flew aimlessly over the East China Sea.

His flying speed was not very fast, and his consciousness covered all directions, leaving no blind spots!

But unfortunately, in ancient times, everything depends on fate.

Before fate arrives, even if you come to the fairy island, you will pass it by.

Two hundred years passed in a flash.

Two hundred years later, Ao Yin flew towards the coast of the East China Sea with a disappointed look on his face.

After searching for so many years, he still found nothing. He didn't plan to waste time here anymore.

With this time, he might as well go to Buzhou Mountain to try his luck!

Buzhou Mountain is the first fairy mountain in the world!

It is covered with treasures of heaven and earth!

Ao Yin felt that when he got there, no matter how unlucky he was, he would still be able to get a few treasures from heaven and earth!

So, Ao Yin immediately accelerated his flying speed!

However, as he was flying, Ao Yin suddenly noticed a flash of light at the bottom of the sea somewhere from the corner of his eyes.

He was stunned at first, and then he was surprised.


He didn't hesitate and immediately flew towards the source of the light that just appeared.

"Strange? How could it not be?"

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, Ao Yin looked around at his surroundings, but found nothing.

After two breaths of silence, he immediately used the Law of Water and the Law of Hiddenness.

In the water, the power of the law of water will be enhanced.

The hidden law mainly plays a role in exploration here.

It is a pity that Ao Yin does not have high control over the Law of Hidden at this time. Otherwise, he could use the Law of Hidden to search for Fangzhang Island and Yingzhou Island.

With the cooperation of the two laws and Ao Yin's careful search, he finally found the source of the light after a while!

They were twelve crystal clear, fist-sized beads.

It contains a mysterious aura!

Ao Yin was curious and probed his consciousness into it.

Suddenly, he knew the origin of these twelve beads!

The innate spiritual treasure Dinghai Shenzhu!

It contains some space laws!

It can be used to suppress the void and block the void!

Of course, it can also be evolved into a small world like the Taoist Master Ran Deng!

Ao Yin was very happy to get this treasure.

However, besides being happy, he was a little confused.

Aren’t there twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu?

Why are there only twelve here? !

"Could it be..."

A possibility came to Ao Yin's mind.

There should be thirty-six Dinghai Shenzhu!

The number of Zhoutian!

However, for some unknown reason, the thirty-six Dinghai Shenzhu were scattered!

Daozu Hongjun got twenty-four.

Later, he placed it on the Fenbao Cliff and was taken away by Tongtian.

Tongtian gave it to Zhao Gongming!

During the Conferred God Calamity, the Taoist Master Ran Deng snatched the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls from Zhao Gongming's hands!

"So, the 12 I got should have never been born!

My luck is really good!"

Just when Ao Yin was thinking about it, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind -

[It is detected that the host has obtained 12 Dinghai Divine Pearls, please make a choice. ]

[Choice 1: Give the 12 Dinghai Divine Pearls to Tongtian and establish a good relationship with him. Reward the top-grade innate spiritual treasure 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus! ]

[Choice 2: Collect 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls! Reward the method of evolving the universe in the body! ]

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