Honghuang: I was expelled from the Dragon Clan when I advised Zulong to go into seclusion.

Chapter 35 The powerful gather together! Hou Tu's worries!

The vast chaos is boundless.

There is no top or bottom, no left or right.

There is a huge palace standing in it.

It seems to be the center of the chaos...

Vast, ancient, mysterious...

There are three Taoist characters engraved on it - "Zixiao Palace"!

After traveling in the chaos for hundreds of years, Ao Yin and Sanqing finally arrived at their destination!

After arriving in front of the palace, they suddenly found that they were the first to arrive.

"Three Taoist friends, Zixiao Palace is not open yet, why don't we discuss the Tao here?"

Seeing that the door of Zixiao Palace was closed, Ao Yin was helpless in his heart. In order to kill time, he proposed the idea of ​​discussing the Tao.

Tongtian naturally agreed with his proposal.

Taishang and Yuanshi did not object, because it was also beneficial to their practice.

Then, the four of them worked together to create a barrier around them.

They sat cross-legged in the center of the barrier and took turns to explain their understanding of the Tao.

As time passed, more and more Daluo Jinxian came here.

They were either local giants, clan leaders, or secluded cultivators...

At this moment, they all gathered here because of Hongjun's preaching.

After seeing that the gate of Zixiao Palace had not yet opened, their choices were either the same as Ao Yin and Sanqing, looking for a few friends to sit and discuss; or sitting alone somewhere and waiting silently.

"Hey, is that Sanqing? They came so early?"

"Who is the Taoist friend who discussed Taoism with Sanqing?

I have never seen him before."

"Being able to discuss Taoism with Sanqing, his strength may not be inferior to Sanqing!"


During the years when Ao Yin was in seclusion, Sanqing was the opposite of him. They were active in the prehistoric world and set foot on various immortal mountains and blessed places to look for opportunities...

Therefore, many powerful people knew them!

Everyone knew that Sanqing's strength was the top existence among the Daluo Jinxian!

At this time, as more and more powerful people gathered here, naturally some creatures recognized Sanqing.

Some creatures even fought with Sanqing, but were defeated miserably!

Therefore, when they saw that Ao Yin could actually sit and discuss with the Three Pure Ones, they were extremely shocked!

Who among the creatures who knew the Three Pure Ones didn't know how proud they were?

If he wasn't at the same level as them, how could he get their approval?

Therefore, at this moment, many powerful people became curious about Ao Yin's identity.

While curious, they had different emotions in their hearts.

Some were calm and didn't care.

Some planned to make friends with him.

Some were afraid and regarded Ao Yin as a potential threat.


Chaos didn't know the years.

After an unknown amount of time, the gate of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened.

A man and a woman, two boys about fourteen or fifteen years old, walked out of the gate.

They said loudly to the more than two thousand creatures outside the gate: "The lecture is about to begin, and all Taoist friends can enter the palace and take a seat."

After that, they did not leave, but stood on both sides of the gate and waited quietly.

At the same time as the gate of Zixiao Palace opened, Ao Yin and the Three Pure Ones ended their discussion and put away the barrier.

Looking at the two boys, Ao Yin guessed in his heart: "These two should be Haotian and Yaochi, that is, the future Emperor of Heaven and Queen Mother of Heaven..."

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded as Ao Yin expected-

[The gate of Zixiao Palace has been detected to be open, please make a choice. ]

[Choice 1: Fight for one of the six cushions in the first row. Reward Hongjun's recognition! ]

[Choice 2: Choose a seat at will. Reward the law of proof! ]

Hearing the choice given by the system this time, Ao Yin fell into deep thought.

The two choices this time seem a bit difficult to choose.

What does choice 1 mean?

Hongjun's recognition, plus the meaning of the six cushions...

This means that as long as he occupies one of the six cushions, he can become Hongjun's disciple and get Hongmeng purple qi at the same time!

This result seems good, and it seems to be a road to heaven, but Ao Yin's heart is slightly repulsive.

He subconsciously doesn't want to choose this.

In the end, Ao Yin decided to choose 2.

The value of the law of proof is not inferior to choice 1!

Although the ancient great powers in the prehistoric world all took the path of proving the Tao with the law.

But throughout the ages, in the prehistoric world, only Yang Mei has successfully proved the Tao with the law!

There must be some trick in this!

The law-proving Tao method given by the system must be comprehensive!

If he gets it, Ao Yin wants to try and see if he can practice the two methods of proving the Tao at the same time!

His goal is big!

He wants to become the top Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

All the heavens respect him!

This is difficult.

But he wants to try his best!

"I choose the second one."

Ao Yin no longer hesitated and made a choice immediately.

At the same time, a lot of information flowed into Ao Yin's mind.

He didn't have time to check it, and walked towards the Zixiao Palace under Tongtian's urging.

"Daoyou, don't worry about me. I met an old friend and went to say hello."

Ao Yin didn't want Tongtian to miss the opportunity to prove the Tao because he was waiting for him, so he found an excuse to go to the other side.

Tongtian didn't care about it, nodded, and followed Taishang and Yuanshi into Zixiao Palace.


On the other side.

"Daoyou Ao Yin, I didn't expect that we would meet here. What a coincidence."

A beautiful woman in yellow clothes looked at Ao Yin and smiled.

Ao Yin also smiled at him, cupped his hands and said, "I have met fellow Taoist Houtu."

He also didn't expect to meet Hou Tu in the chaos.

He had some doubts in his heart. Houtu had no soul and did not practice the divine passage method. Hongjun's sermons did not help her much. Why did she come here?

However, the two parties were not familiar with each other, so Ao Yin naturally could not ask this question directly.

"I haven't seen you for nearly 20,000 years. My fellow Taoist has improved so much. I'm so happy and congratulated!"

Hou Tu looked at Ao Yin and said to Ao Yin with a surprised expression.

Although she didn't have a soul and couldn't see Ao Yin's cultivation in detail, they had their own way of distinguishing the strength of living beings.

When they met this time, Ao Yin gave him a better feeling than the last time they met!

Therefore, Hou Tu was very surprised.

Hearing this, Ao Yin quickly said modestly: "It's just a fluke, not worth mentioning. Compared with fellow Taoists, I am like a firefly facing the bright sun. This little strength is nothing..."

He felt a little emotional in his heart. Unknowingly, he had already reached the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian for nearly 20,000 years...

Time flies so fast!

Hou Tu shook his head and said in an incomprehensible tone: "You are different from me. I was born as an ancestral witch. I am equivalent to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal of your Yuan Shen practitioners. It is incomparable..."

When he said this, there was no show off or pride in Hou Tu's tone, but only silence...


Ao Yin suspected that his perception was wrong.

He was born to be a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the most powerful person who is above all living beings in the ancient world and only under the saints!

Why do you feel lonely?

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