Chapter 103: Tongtian Li Sword Pavilion Mixed Yuan (Ten More Starts)

Tongtian was very happy in his heart.

In fact, he was also very anxious at first, after all, his two junior brothers have become mixed yuan, and even his junior sister Nuwa has become mixed yuan.

As a third disciple, I can’t become a mixed yuan in the middle, isn’t it humiliating and humiliating, and I am still Pangu Yuan deified.

The entire flood wilderness was opened up by Pangu, and their luck was definitely not as strong as their own.

He was not deprived of the title of Pangu descendant by Honghuang like the eldest brother and second brother, and now he is still Pangu Authentic and at the same time plus Sanxian Island is now prosperous.

I can’t find my own Dao Achievement Mixed Yuan yet, and I feel that I am a waste all the time.

Tongtian is the path of the sword, and the whole person is very resolute and does not want to be worse than others.

At this time, I saw Tongtian step out to the top of Jinao Island.

The disciples on the island all seemed to have sensed as if they all came out to greet the master.

They found that their master was a little different now.

But what exactly has changed is unknown.

Tongtian looked at his disciples and said, “Next, I’m going to establish a sect and prepare to advance to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian.”

The disciples of Tongtian were very happy when they heard that their master was about to advance to the mixed yuan, after all, their master was a mixed yuan in the Honghuang and who dared to provoke.

Although no one dares to provoke it now, after all, Tongtian is the disciple of the first 233 human venerable in the Honghuang wilderness.

The Tongtian disciples who were disciples naturally also had an advantage.

After Tongtian finished speaking, the whole person became serious, and said to the Honghuang land: “I am Tongtian, Pangu Authentic Sect, the three disciples under the Daozun Sect, now set up the “Sword Pavilion” on Jinao Island, the swordsman is invincible, all the creatures of the Honghuang Waste, regardless of qualifications and great perseverance, can worship the Sword Pavilion, suppress the luck of the Sword Pavilion with the Pure World White Lotus Immortal Sword Array, learn from the Heavenly Dao humanely, and the Sword Pavilion is established.”

These words from the heavens spread to the entire flood wilderness, and in an instant, the entire flood wilderness boiled.

Tongtian is about to establish a religion, Tongtian is a disciple of Daozun, you must quickly worship the Sword Pavilion so that you have a backer, and you can accelerate your cultivation, after all, the Sword Pavilion is backed by the Three Immortal Islands, with the blessing of the luck of the Three Immortal Islands, it is difficult to cultivate quickly.

And Tongtian is not limited to qualifications, which is simply the gospel of the flood and desolation.

But some of the great powers of the flood wilderness thought why Tongtian wanted to establish a religion at this time? Could it be that Tongtian is also about to advance?

After all, when the Styx River was attacked by Hongjun, it had to establish a religion, attracted the avenue, and finally miraculously advanced, and the power of Honghuang turned its attention to the Tongtian of Jinao Island.

Just when Tongtian finished this sentence, the flooded wasteland, the earth surged golden lotus, and purple qi filled the sky.

A large amount of meritorious luck converged and poured into the sky.

Tongtian’s whole person was bathed in the golden light of merit, and at this time, Pangu’s heaven-opening merit was also stimulated, making Tongtian even more supernatural.

Hongmeng Purple Qi continued to tremble, but Tongtian ignored it, still sitting cross-legged and constantly comprehending the law.

Once again, the Honghuang sentient beings saw that the Xuanmen disciples really didn’t care about the position of the saints, and they all went with the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian in their arms.

From the very beginning of Nuwa to the current Tongtian, it is the same, sneering at the saint.

But the disciples of the Daomen have no way to become holy, why is the gap so large?

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi jealously looked at Tongtian, who was bathed in merit, and saw that the third brother did not accept the saint, and suddenly felt as if he had overturned the altar of five flavors, and various feelings welled up in their hearts.

And the introduction of the Western Spirit Mountain recited a Buddha chant: “Amitabha Buddha”

“Senior brother, Xuanmen will have another mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, when will we be able to become holy.”

Junti asked sadly.

“Junior brother, don’t be in a hurry, it’s soon, the time is almost up.”

Ling Yi also said with a wry smile.

In fact, now there is no bottom in my heart, and what I just said is just comforting Zhunti.

After all, he is now refining Hongmeng Purple Qi, and there is always a last layer that no matter how hard he tries, the progress is slow, as if he can never refine.

The lead is wondering if this thing is fake!

The eyes of the two brothers of the Heavenly Court’s Di Juntai also looked at Tongtian and clenched their fists.

Then he sighed: “Xuanmen is getting stronger and stronger, where is the way out of the Daomen?”

However, no one responded to him, and Hongjun was in retreat and ascetic practice.

At this time, Hongjun also opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Tongtian, without any expression on his face.

“Soon, I’m about to succeed, Xuantian and the entire Xuanmen are waiting for me.”

Hongjun hideous Dao.

And Xuantian in Sanxian Island is now in a state of confusion, why didn’t Tongtian play his cards according to common sense and set up a “sword pavilion”, shouldn’t it be a sect?

Is the sect about to disappear? It seems that this little butterfly of my own has really changed the flood a lot.

But it doesn’t matter, isn’t it a name! His disciples can set up whatever they want, and the Sword Pavilion sounds a little domineering.

Then continued to observe the sky.

In this way, a hundred years passed, and Tongtian suddenly opened his eyes and turned his gaze into a sword.

It’s as if you can pierce people with just your eyes.

I only heard Tongtian suddenly shouting, “Break it for me.”

Then only a “touch” was heard.

Tongtian’s body has changed, and the entire person’s life level has been sublimated.

This means that Tongtian is the realm of mixed yuan, which is equivalent to a saint in the flood waste, and the corner of Tongtian’s mouth shows a joyful smile.

“I finally have a realm of mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, fortunately not the last.”

Tongtian sighed.

Several disciples of Xuantian were secretly competing to see who broke through the mixed yuan first, and when the sky broke through, suddenly the flooded land was full of fragrance and purple qi rushed into the sky.

Honghuang Will is celebrating Tongtian, and since Tongtian is the authentic Pangu Sect, this time Honghuang Will is working harder to publicize Tongtian.

In an instant, everyone got the information that the disciples under the Daozun Sect had successfully advanced to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian through the sky.

The corners of the Daomen’s disciples showed sad expressions at the corners of their mouths.

Fuxi Nuwa looked in the direction of Jinao Island, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, Xuanmen is getting stronger and stronger, and Xuanmen’s luck is becoming more and more prosperous, which is very helpful for their future cultivation.

What will the saints fight for in the future? Isn’t it just luck?

Luck can help cultivation, and the cultivation speed of a person with prosperous luck and a person with extremely poor luck is more than ten thousand times different.

And several other people in Xuanmen all looked in the direction of Tongtian with joyful expressions, but they were a little unwilling, and then continued to step on the journey through the floods and wilderness to find their own way.

The disciples of Jinao Island also advanced in their cultivation at the moment of becoming holy!

Tongtian Cheng Mixed Yuan can be regarded as opening a new chapter in the flood waste.

Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu both feel that their opportunity for sanctification is coming!

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