In the Purple Sky Palace.

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone was discussing.

It turns out that Honghuang still has the realm of Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian.

At first they just want to be holy, with the goal of sanctification.

Now there is another mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, it can be said that there are their own advantages and disadvantages between the two.

Now Hongjun can’t wait to eat Yuan Shi.

This guy was sent by heaven to torture himself.

Yuan Shi was also dumbfounded, he was originally preparing to attack Xuantian Daozun.

Unexpectedly, there was an additional realm like a saint.

Look at Hongjun’s expression as he looks at himself.

Yuan Shi knew that he would steal chickens and rice again.

Suddenly a bitter melon expression appeared on his face.

He said he would never ask casual questions again.

Yuan Shi’s heart is so tired.

He found that as long as it was linked to Xuantian, he would always suffer losses.

Hongjun saw the expressions of the people below and knew that the matter was already like this, so he simply broke the jar and broke it, no matter.

Then Hongjun began to preach.

“Today we will mainly explain the three-corpse sermon method that I created myself.” Hongjun said proudly.

The Honghuang powerhouse below immediately stopped discussing.

There are only three ways to preach, and the other is Xuantian Daozun’s Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian.

But these people didn’t listen to Xuantian preaching, and they didn’t understand the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian Method.

It is also very good to learn Hongjun’s Three Corpses Sanctification Dafa.

After all, it is only a little worse than Pangu’s preaching with strength.

But Pangu is dead, but Hongjun is alive and well.

It proved that Hongjun’s Dao Law was no worse than that of Pangu God.

Where did they know that Pangu’s sermon was not a saint but a great road?

It can only be said that the current flood and desolation of sentient beings are ignorant.

Hongjun looked at the longing eyes below, and his heart was also very satisfied.

He thought to himself that it was too difficult to preach the law.

In the future, my method of three corpses will definitely be the mainstream of the flood waste.

When the time comes, see how you compete with me for luck.

But Hongjun did not say the shortcomings of the three corpses.

That is, three treasures with the same attributes must be required for the decapitated corpse to be successfully united.

It is impossible to unite the decapitation of different attributes.

There are few sets of treasures with the same attributes in the flood wilderness.

Hongjun still succeeded in unifying by creating jade disc fragments and beheading corpses.

It was impossible for Hongjun to say this shortcoming, and he didn’t want more saints in Hongjun.

As long as you get luck in silence.

Everyone was kept in the dark by Hongjun and did not know yet.

Three Immortal Islands in the East China Sea.

Xuantian constantly used these three thousand avenue maps and humane purple lotus to assist the strong people who heard here.

Everyone is immersed in the ocean of laws and cannot extricate themselves.

At this time, Fuxi took the lead in using the law of deduction to become a mixed yuan golden immortal.

Fuxi was originally only one step away from the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

The reason why he failed to break through at the beginning was because of the suppression of the Heavenly Dao.

Later, he constantly suppressed himself to enhance his heritage.

Therefore, Fuxi’s breakthrough is the middle stage of the mixed yuan golden immortal, and the law of deduction directly reaches 40%.

Looking at Fuxi, Xuantian was still very satisfied.

Next, Tongtian also successfully broke through the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal through the laws of kendo.

Since his background is not as deep as Fuxi, he just became the early stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

But the laws of kendo are extremely ferocious.

Relying on the posture of having me without a sword, having a sword without myself, and combining man and sword, it can be said that the Vietnam War is getting stronger and stronger.

The current Tongtian also dares to challenge the people in the middle stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

Next, Styx also successfully broke through to the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal through the law of killing.

The Styx, which was already full of murderous aura, has now broken through to the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

The murderous aura on his body is even stronger.

People can’t help but be afraid to approach the River Styx.

Next is Nuwa, Nuwa is still the law of creation of cultivation.

However, it is impossible for Nuwa to create a race in this life, because the human race has been successfully cut off by Xuantian.

Now the Terrans have nothing to do with Nuwa.

The luck of the Terran is almost in the hands of Xuantian and the three ancestors of the Terran race.

Now the Terrans are not very strong, so there is not much luck.

But once the Terrans become the protagonists of the flood wilderness, the luck is massive.

After Nuwa became a mixed yuan golden immortal through the law of creation, the whole person became more temperamental.

It’s not like Hongjun’s method of beheading three corpses.

If a person’s “good”, “evil” and “self” are all cut off, is it still called himself?

Xuantian has always had serious doubts about Hongjun’s self-decapitation of three corpses.

Originally, although these saints in Honghuang were not very good at first, they were not so bad.

After cultivating Hongjun’s method of slashing three corpses, it was like a changed person.

Indifferent to everything, looking at sentient beings like ants.

Treat sentient beings only as leeks that they harvest.

It has long been out of the category of a normal “person”.

The culprit of all this is Hongjun’s method of beheading three corpses.

I don’t know where Hongjun’s method of beheading three corpses came from, but Xuantian is sure that it is definitely not Hongjun’s own creation.

Maybe Hongjun himself is kept in the dark.

Next is Hou Tu, the Yuan God of Hou Tu has only just become a Daluo Jinxian, but Hou Tu’s physical body is strong.

The latter earth is born with the law of earth and the law of reincarnation.

This time, Houtu successfully used the law of earth and the law of reincarnation to step into the ranks of the Golden Immortals of the Flesh Mixed Yuan.

Cultivating the double law at once, the talent of the back soil is still very strong.

Although it certainly can’t be compared with an open-hanging player like Xuantian.

Next, the Queen Mother of the West became a mixed yuan golden immortal through the law of time.

The reason why the Queen Mother of the West cultivates the law of time is also because of her magic weapon, the Kunlun Mirror.

Although the Kunlun Mirror is only a superb innate spiritual treasure, he has a complete law of time.

It can make the Queen Mother of the West achieve twice as much with half the effort when cultivating the law of time.

The law of time is known as the second law of chaos, and it is the most powerful except for the law of power.

It’s really hard to imagine how powerful the Queen Mother of the West is when she grows up.

Next is Zhen Yuanzi, Xuantian has always thought that Zhen Yuanzi is transformed as a ginseng fruit tree, and he must be cultivating the law of the earth.

But I didn’t expect Zhen Yuanzi to enter the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal through the law of space.

The law of space is the third law of chaos after the law of time

The more famous one who cultivates the laws of space is the Chaos Demon God Yang Mei.

Later generations recorded that when Hongjun and Yang Mei competed, they were bloodily abused by Yang Mei using the law of space.

The treasure was directly taken away, but Yang Mei also returned it to Hongjun, mainly because Yang Mei was afraid that the Heavenly Dao would find him trouble.

And in the end, Kunpeng became a mixed yuan golden immortal through the law of devouring.

Although the law of devouring is not the law of the top 10 of chaos, it is also very domineering.

Swallow everything, and improve your cultivation by devouring everything.

Xuantian felt that there was no strongest law, only what suited him was the best.

With the same cultivation, must a person who cultivates the law of time be stronger than a person who cultivates the law of space?

The answer is obviously not certain.

And the others are a little worse, and have not yet broken through to the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

The main thing is that Xuantian opened a small stove for the eight people in front, and these people will be his own representatives in the future.

I definitely have to help them properly.

This can also be regarded as a little selfish heart of Xuantian.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s disciples also began to break through.

PS: Today’s fifth change, thank you for the flower evaluation vote, thank you for your support!

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